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Is this your pencil?,Unit Two,Hey,hey !,Lets sing together !,(The more we get together),Whats this/that? Its a/an.,an eraser,a book,a pen,a backpack,a pencil,pencil case,ruler,a dictionary,a pencil sharpener,a,a,Is this your ruler?,No,it isnt.Its his ruler.,Its my ruler.,Is this your key?,Yes, it is. Its my key.,No, it isnt. Its his key.,No, it isnt. Its her key.,1b Listen and number the conversations(1-3),A:Is this your pencil? B:Yes,it is .Its my pencil,A:Is that your backpack? B:No,it isnt.Its his backpack.,A:Is this your ruler? B:No,it isnt.Its her ruler.,1,3,2,Lets have a contest !,HOMEWORK:,熟读新单词; 与同伴一起练习新句型,以提高口语.,GINA,TOM,我有耳力,谁怕谁 !,(用上你的超级耳力超级反应力把你听到的文具用品拿出来放在桌子上。),2a Listen and repeat.,5,2,4,1,3,2b Listen and complete the conversations with words in the box.,eraser pencil ruler pencil case book,Tim: Sorry, Sonia. Is this your _? ( 1) Sonia: Yes, thank you.And that is my _? (2) Tim: And Jane ,is this your _? ( 3) Jane: No, it isnt. Its her ruler. Tim: OK,and this is my _. And this is your ( 4) _, Jane. ( 5),pencil,eraser,ruler,book,pencil case,A: Whats this in English B: Its a pen. A: How do you spell it? B: P-E-N,Pair work,A: Whats this in English? B: Its a pen.,A: How do you spell it? 怎样 助动词 拼写,B:P-E-N.,拼一拼,A spelling game,Game,Find the owner,HOMEWORK:,与同伴练习what,how,yes-no 句子,并将其录音.,Whos the best speaker,baseball,watch,ID card,computer game,notebook,ring,(拍字游戏),Lets pat the words,a,d,c,f,h,e,1.baseball,2. watch,puter game,4.ID card,5.key,6.notebook,7.ring,8. p e n,g,b,1a. Match the words with the things in the pictures.,1.baseball,2. watch,puter game,4. ID card,5.key,6.notebook,7.ring,8. pen,2a Listen. Look at the words in activity1a. Circle the things that you hear.,circle,2.watch,4.ID card,8.pen,1.baseball,2a,Listen and fill in the chart.,watch,ID card,pen,baseball,PAIRWORK,2c,可用句型: -Is this her key ? -No, its his key .,HOMEWORK:,1).用学过的词汇及句型与同伴一起编 写对话,并练习 2).在报纸上或电视里, 收集一两则失物招领或寻物启事,LETS PLAY A GAME,A: Whats this? B: Is it a pen? A: Yes/ No,ring,key,A set of s,dictionary,LOST AND FOUND,FOUND,LOST,FOUND,Is this your watch? Call Alan at 495-3539.,FOUND,Alan, Is that your computer game in the lost and found case? Nick,Found: Notebook. Is this your notebook? Please call Mary. Phone number 235-0285.,LOST AND FOUND,Lost: My school ID card. My name is Tony. Please call 685-6034.,Put in order to make a message,My name is Jack. A backpack. Found: Phone number 63017047.,at 63752148. Please call Cindy My notebook. Lost:,Found: A backpack. My name is Jack. Phone number 63017047.,Lost: My notebook. Please call Cindy at 63752148.,A discussion,当丢失或捡到东西时,你周围的人都是怎样做的,你又是怎么做的? 我们应该怎样做?,Homework,写一则失物招领或寻物启事。 完成单元自我评价表:,Thanks for your listening !,
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