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Is this your pencil?,Unit Two,Revision:,Whats your name?,My name is/Im ,Whats her name?,Her name is/She is,Whats his name?,His name is/He is,Pay attention,I am=Im she is=shes 她是 he is=hes 他是 its=it is 它是 his 和 hes同音,但是his他的”,而 hes=he is他是”. its和its同音,但its“它的,而”its”=it is“它是”.,a pencil-sharpener,a dictionary,a pen,an eraser,a ruler,-Whats this in English? -Its a/an,a book,a pencil case,a pencil,a backpack,a baseball,a watch,an ID card,a computer game,a notebook,a ring,-Whats this in English? -Its a/an,A: Whats this ?,B: Its a watch.,A: How do you spell it ?,B: W-A-T-C-H.,-Whats this in English? -Its a/an -How do you spell it? -,Ask and answer,Guessing game,Guess: whats this?,?,Is this a / an ?,Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Its a/an.,Is this a / an ?,Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Its a/an,Is this a / an ?,Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Its a/an,No, it isnt. Its her backpack.,Is this your backpack?,Is that your ruler?,No,it isnt. Its his ruler.,A:Is this your pencil? B:Yes,it is.Its my pencil.,A:Is that your backpack? B:No,it isnt. Its his backpack.,A:Is this your ruler? B:No,it isnt. Its her ruler.,3,2,1,Listen and number the conversations 1-3.,1b,A: Excuse me, is this /that your ? B: Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. Its his/ her (A: Here you are.(给你) B: Thank you.),Group work(四或六人一小组,寻问物品的主人),2a: Listen and check the things you hear.,2b Listen and complete the conversations with words in the box.,eraser pencil ruler pencil case book,Tim: Excuse me, Sonia. Is this your _? ( 1) Sonia:Yes,thank you.And that is my _? (2) Tim:And Jane ,is this your _? ( 3) Jane:No,it isnt.Its her ruler. Tim:OK,and this is my _. And (4) this is your_, Jane. ( 5),pencil,eraser,ruler,book,pencil case,Grammar Focus,Lets see these sentences: This is an /my eraser (陈述句) Is this an /your eraser? (一般疑问句) That is a his ruler. (陈述句) Is that a /his ruler? (一般疑问句) Yes, it is. (肯定回答) No, it is not(=isnt). (否定回答) 把be(is,am,are)提到句首,注意大小写,一般把I变成you, my变成your,Have a try,Im Mark. Are you Mark? Yes, I am. / No,Im not. Tom is my friend . Is Tom your friend? Yes, he is./No, he isnt They are friends. Are they friends? Yes, they are./No, they arent.,isnt=is not arent=are not,Please have a try!,1.这是你的卷笔刀吗?是的,它是. _ _ your _? Yes ,_ is. 2.那是他的尺子吗?不,不是.那是我的尺子. Is _ _ruler? _, it_. _ _ ruler. 3.这个东西用英语怎么说?这是字典. _ this _ _? Its _ _.,Lost,Found,and,“失物招领”,Lost and Found,Lost(遗失/寻物) My school ID card. My name is Tony. Please call 685-6034.,Found: (找回/拾到/捡到)Notebook. Is this your notebook? Please call Mary. Phone# 235-0285.,Is this your watch? Call Alan at 495-3539.,Alan, Is that your computer game in the lost and found case? Nick,* call + 某人 + at +电话号码(用这个号码打电话给某人),Thank you!,Good-bye!,
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