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Unreal conditional sentence 非真实条件句,Mixed Conditionals (复合条件句),Sometimes unreal conditional sentences are mixed. This means that the time in the if-clause is not the same as the time in the result clause.,PAST + PRESENT If I had won the lottery, I would be rich. PAST + Future If she had signed up for the ski trip last week, she would join us tomorrow. PRESENT + PAST If Sam spoke Russian, he would have translated the letter for you.,Practice I,B:,I wish I could fly a spaceship.,A:,What do you wish you could do?,A:,What would you do if you could fly a spaceship?,B:,If I could fly a spaceship, I would visit the moon.,Practice I,Practice 2,A:,Why is Tom doing poorly at school?,B:,Because he has been inattentive in class.,B:,No, he wouldnt.,A:,If he had been attentive in class, he would not be doing so poorly at school, would he?,Practice II,1.,Practice 2,B:,Shes been speaking French since she was five, you know.,B:,No, she wouldnt.,A:,If she hadnt, she wouldnt be able to speak it fluently, would she?,2.,A:,Can Joan speak French?,Yes, she can, and quite fluently, too.,Practice 3,A:,He made a lot of mistakes in his last dictation, I hear.,A:,If he had been careful, he wouldnt have made so many mistakes, Im sure.,B:,No, he wouldnt.,B:,Yes, he did. He wasnt careful.,1.,Practice III,Practice 3,A:,The road was closed to traffic last Wednesday. Why?,A:,I see. So if there hadnt been such a heavy fall of snow, the road wouldnt have been closed.,B:,No. Thats right.,B:,Because there was a heavy fall of snow the day before.,2.,Dialogue,Questions,Browse through the text, try to answer following questions.,Changes to Family Life,1. Whats one of the main causes of the rise in juvenile crime? 2. In what way or ways is family life now different from that of thirty or forty years ago? 3. What does a child need most in the process of growing up? 4. Is TV an ideal substitute parent? Why or why not?,Language Points,break up 破碎;分手;(婚姻关系)破裂 e.g.: There was a danger of the ship breaking up completely. My girlfriend had broken up with me. breakup n.: the end to a relationship, esp. marriage *Revision: other phrases with “break” break off, break into, break down, break out, break through, break away,Language Points,go to the dogs (infml) (of an organization, institution, etc.) change so that it is no longer as efficient, productive, etc. as before 堕落,潦倒; 每况愈下 e.g.: According to some pessimists, the country is going to the dogs. This firms gone to the dogs since you took over.,Language Points,dual: adj. with two parts 双重的 这个房间有两个用途,既作房间又当餐厅。 This room has a dual purpose, serving as a study and a dining room. dual career families families in which both spouses work 双职工家庭,Language Points,disapprove of : dislike 不赞成;反对;不喜欢 approve of: like or support 赞成;支持;喜欢 approve / disapprove of sb/ sbs doing 支持/反对某人做某事 她母亲不赞成她在酒吧工作。 Her mother disapproved of / didnt approve of her working in a pub.,Language Points,highlight: emphasize or make sth. more visible 强调;使突出 e.g.: The report highlights the need for improved safety. 那份报告强调了加大安全力度的重要性。 文中的拼写错误已用绿色标出。 The spelling mistakes have been highlighted in green.,Language Points,substitute n. / v. 代替;替换 n. something that replaces sth. else 替代物 e.g. a substitute player, machine, horse Water is not a proper substitute for wine. v. substitute A for B 用A取代B A substitutes for B A取代B e.g.: substitute water for wine 用水代替酒 Can you substitute for the singer who is ill?,Language Points,commitment: duty; responsibility; promise 义务;责任; 承诺 make a commitment to do : promise to do 承诺做某事 varying: different 不同的 to varying degrees 不同程度的 various: of many different kinds 各种各样的;多种多样的 There are various methods to deal with the problem. object to sth.反对某事 object to (sb./ sbs) doing : 反对(某人)做某事 e.g.: I object to being treated like a child. I dont object to the children / the childrens going with us.,Vocabulary_2,A 1. solemn 2. abandon 3. scandalous 4. enforce 5. dissolve 6. opt to 7. poignant 8. spouse,B a. disgraceful; shocking b. causing or having a particularly sharp feeling of sadness令人痛苦的;辛酸的; c. come to an end; disappear d. serious, without any amusement e. (legal) husband or wife f. leave (a place, thing or person) forever g. make a choice, esp. for one thing h. compel obedience to,A 1. vow 2. foundations 3. external 4. dissipate,Vocabulary_3,B. Look up the following words in an English-English dictionary and write down the definition of each word that fits the context.,B,a determined decision or promise 誓言,the structures below the surface of the ground which support the buildings,coming from the outside,disappear or waste 消散;浪费,A 5. corrosive 6. custody 7. integral 8. perspective,Vocabulary_4,B,destroying slowly by chemical action; causing bitter feelings 腐蚀性的;有损害性的,the right or duty to care for a child after its parents have separated or died 监护权,necessary to complete something 必须的;必不可少的,a particular w
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