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Unit1 Section A,If You Dont Make Mistakes, You Wont Learn,Background Information,Possible language learning strategies include: using practice opportunities, self-evaluation, selective attention, time management, reviewing notes taken in class and checking ones understanding, constantly seeking answers to questions instead of passively receiving information, etc.,Pre-reading Activities,Pair Work: To talk about the following questions: Whats your purpose of learning English? How do you feel when you are aware that youve made mistakes in English learning?,Fast Reading,Read this text quickly and then finish the exercises on Page 24.,If You Dont Make Mistakes, You Wont Learn,Paras. 1-2,Paras. 3-4,Paras. 5-7,Kim has made a great progress in learning English within only four years.,Kim reveals her intention in writing a book called Looking for Trouble for the sake of the new arrivals to the U.S.,Kims experiences tell us that we ought to be brave and never be afraid of making mistakes when learning a foreign language.,New Words and Phrases,1. within prep. venture e.g. He saved my life at the risk of his own. In this business, the risks and the rewards are high. v. cause to be in a dangerous situation; do something although there is a chance of a bad result e.g. He risked( +ing form of verb) losing his house when his company went bankrupt. She was prepared to risk everything on a last throw of the dice. Class Work: Choose the best item to complete the following sentence: He reads _ stories as an escape. A. risk B. adventure C. danger D. hazard,New Words and Phrases,5. situation n. state of affairs; position e.g. The company is in a poor financial situation. He doesnt seem to understand the gravity of the situation. situation comedy a chicken and egg situation,New Words and Phrases,6. turn into change into e.g. Caterpillars turn into butterflies. A flicker of interest soon turn into the burning flames of desire. turn in: go to bed e.g. I usually turn in at about midnight. turn sth. in : return; produce e.g. Please turn your old parking permits in at the end of the week. His company turns in pre-tax profits of over 6 million annually. turn sb. in : go to police e.g. The hit-and-run driver turned himself in to the police the day after the accident.,New Words and Phrases,7. be afraid of: fear e.g. Theres nothing to be afraid of. Practice: Translating From Chinese to English 这只狗如此温驯,因此我不感到害怕。 (The dog is so gentle that I am not afraid of it.) 他害怕夜晚独自出去. (Hes afraid of going out alone at night.),Text Learning,1. If You Dont Make Mistakes, You Wont Learn Paraphrase: Its impossible that you wont make any mistake when learning English, and to some extent, making mistakes is a way to help you learn well. 2. Within four years, though, she has managed to become so fluent in English that she doesnt even have a foreign accent. Paraphrase: However, after four years of practice, she turned to be able to speak English fluently to such an extent that people considered her a native English speaker.,Text Learning,3. She knew they were having the same troubles that she had experienced. Paraphrase: She was quite clear that these students were having the same difficulties that she had had before. experience: v. undergo e.g. He experienced great difficulty in getting a visa to leave the country. 4. You think you are the only person feeling embarrassed when making mistakes Paraphrase: You think you are the only one who feels awkward when you are making mistakes. “feeling embarrassed” in this sentence is used attributively, modifying “the only person”,Text Learning,5. she gave the wrong pronunciation of the word “sheet” in asking for a piece of paper, and her teacher thought that she had said a rude word Paraphrase: When she asked the teacher for a sheet of paper, she pronounced “sheet” in such a wrong way that the teacher believed she had spoken an impolite word “shit”. 6. Take a leaf out of Kims book. : follow Kims example. take a leaf out of someones book: follow someones example. take ones name off the books: discharge somebody from employment,Text Learning,7. You have to dare to learn the language Paraphrase: You have to encourage yourself to make efforts in learning English. 8. These experience taught Kim an important lesson about learning English well. Paraphrase: Kim learnt many useful things from difficulties she had been through. teach someone a lesson: A person or experience that teaches someone a lesson improves his future behavior by making him experience the bad effects of his actions: e.g. Having my car stolen really taught me a lesson - Ill never leave it unlocked again.,Main Idea,Kim has made a great progress in learning English within only four years. At first, she knew nothing about English. But now, she can speak to the 385 members of her class fluently without a foreign accent. She intended to share her experiences with others by writing a book called Looking for Trouble. She lists some examples of t
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