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刘沧龙分享:美丽新世界:人们是要结婚的Why? But for you, for you. Just to show that I .为什么?为了你,为了你呀。只是为了表示And what on earth vacuum cleaners have got to do with lions .而且除尘器还由爱扑塞隆半白痴使用,”她继续说,“老实说吧,为什么还要? ”To show how much .为什么?为了你,为了你呀。只是为了表示Or lions with being glad to see me . She was getting more and more exasperated.可是真空除尘器跟狮子能有什么关系?”她越来越气恼了。How much I love you, Lenina, he brought out almost desperately.“我多爱你呀,列宁娜。”他几乎是气急败坏地和盘托出了。美丽新世界.jpgAn emblem of the inner tide of startled elation, the blood rushed up into Leninas cheeks. Do you mean it, John?热血涌上了列宁娜的面颊,象征着欢乐的潮水在她的内心猛烈地激荡。“你真的非常爱我吗,约翰?”But I hadnt meant to say so, cried the Savage, clasping his hands in a kind of agony.“可是我还没有打算说那句话,”哪野蛮人双手手指痛苦地交叉在一起,叫了起来,Not until . Listen, Lenina; in Malpais people get married.戏要等到听着,列宁娜,在马尔佩斯,人们是要结婚的。Get what? The irritation had begun to creep back into her voice. What was he talking about now?“结什么?”怒气又悄悄潜回了她的声音。在这样的时刻他还在胡扯些什么呀?For always. They make a promise to live together for always.永远,他们发出诺言,永远生活在一起。What a horrible idea! Lenina was genuinely shocked.“多么可怕的念头!”列宁娜真叫吓坏了。Outliving beautys outward with a mind that cloth renew swifter than blood decays.用心灵来超越外表的美丑。因为心灵再生的速度超过了血液的衰老。What?什么?Its like that in Shakespeare too.在莎士比亚里是这么说的。If thou cost break her virgin knot before all sanctimonious ceremonies may with full and holy rite .若是在神圣的礼仪充分完成之前,你就解开了她童贞的结子For Fords sake, John, talk sense. I cant understand a word you say.为了福帝的缘故,不要再瞎说了。你的话我可是一句也不懂。First its vacuum cleaners; then its knots. Youre driving me crazy.开头是什么真空除尘器,然后又是什么结子,你快要把我急疯了。She jumped up and, as though afraid that he might run away from her physically, as well as with his mind, caught him by the wrist.她跳了起来,一把攥住了他的手腕,仿佛既害怕他的肉体会从她身边跑掉,又害怕他的。动也会飞走似的。
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