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1Weber in the eyes of classical capitalism and modern capitalismMax Weber described as the cultural determinist, now seems the most superficial of the academic and ideological bias of the judge, if a little system to look at Webers theoretical framework and empirical comparison of structural analysis, probably Parsons will come to the conclusion as, say, Webers idea of ?classic is not that how he sees the concept of individual factors and the relative importance of economic factors, but because of his systematic approach to the analysis of social behavior, because in this system, the impact on behavior is not only played an economic power, but also the ideals and values ?from this perspective can be said that Weber first value in determining the role of human social behavior issues to the level of theory. First, the concept of modern capitalism, the source of that is the first sign of this theoretical level, it marks an innovation of the Weber thesis - there is a Protestant ethic and capitalism there is a spirit, it is this Protestant ethic of capitalism produced the spirit, 2while the capitalist civilization of unprecedented success with this spirit of the great driving force are inextricably linked. should immediately add that Webers focus here is the problem of modernity, this is the core of modern capitalism, modern phenomenon, but the phenomenon of modern Western capitalism, the post-Reformation Protestant ethic is a phenomenon unique to the West, so the modern capitalist can only be unique to modern Western phenomenon, it can not be spontaneously born in any other place, property, and other times. Today, we seem to effortlessly that the Weber thesis imperfection, Japan, India, Latin America and even Chinas modern development process or as evidence, but this proposition is almost non-destructive to the vitality of the methodology, because a hundred years to the academic debates and studies have shown that this landmark proposition is highly potential for expansion and enlightenment values, but this is another topic of discourse, this is not superfluous. There are modern, logically speaking, there are pre-3modernity. In this regard, Weber made a famous distinction between the traditional capitalism and modern type the distinction between capitalism, the significance of this distinction can be extraordinary unusual, it overturn of capitalism all the basic interpretation, and for the first time a comprehensive understanding of modernity for the foreseeable future and made a careful structural analysis methods. more fascinating is that this method is still full of explanatory power. According to our knowledge and ideas in the closed state to form a general understanding of the means of production, production tools and producers synthesis of various elements of the economic fundamental driving in the history of development, the development reached a certain degree, this history will requirements and eventually break through the existing system, the actual shape and the concept of system constraints, which leapt to a new level, the British industrial revolution and the subsequent proof of the entire Western Europe is the culmination of various phases of this development model on which, in addition to the economic environment , pieces of capital accumulation, the 4material forces of science and technology and other conditions beyond the bourgeois representative of this new productive impulses and greedy desire to profit is considered a driving force of extraordinary. However, in Max Webers view, this is the truth of history is still quite far away from Webers history of empirical observation is not difficult to see that the same or superior physical strength, and in other places, other times are also many examples (such as Chinese history, a number of Golden Age), but has not developed the same or even superior to modern capitalism, this is enough material strength can not be absolutely dominant driving force. As to the pursuit of profit instinct to make a fortune as a historical explanation, the more irrelevant the in this issue, I am afraid no one no guarantee to find the modern and pre modern major difference between what I believe it is impossible to find scientific basis launched to prove the profitability of the British industrial revolution has evolved instinct than all previous times people everywhere are strong and powerful. In this regard, Weber has a very vivid description is simple: Capitalisms profit activities, as a speculation, has access 5to all types of economic and social kind of laugh at speculators in the . . the mentality of all moral restraint has been natural fits-all , Chinas officials, the Roman aristocracy, modern farmers, their greed and are no less than anyone . If exposure to the same situation, a driver or Naples boatman, as well as their counterparts in Asian count
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