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1WeChat but there are still a lot of good business opportunitiesResearch papers Download News: micro-channel mobile Internet giant is now, this is obvious to everyone, down to the students still in school, on the retirement of aunts and uncles, as long as with a smart phone, the basic installation of micro letter, there empty space will not brush the micro-channel circle of friends, and everyone in the micro-channel group chat together. Especially micro-channel public number, banks, railway stations, airports, small canteens, shops, will choose to open their own public number to facilitate consumer concerns, but also timely to push their own offers, relatively speaking, than the development of a benefit APP more, save a lot of development and promotion expenses, as long as the store is placed in a two-dimensional code to the target population is also very accurate. In the micro-channel environment, facing such a big piece of cake, of course, will ultimately entrepreneurs who flocked Ever since, on a variety of micro-channel business news, case mushroomed as more up, everyone Comparison 2familiar had done derivative, these two aspects play public number. Old Jimmy believes derivative, the public number of bonus has expired, will find it difficult to go blind survive, unless you have some attractions, such as the recent hot microphone Mongolia, papi sauce, it is through precipitation and accumulation can be achieved overnight popular in the online world. However, the opportunity has always been reserved for those who are ready to have the mind of man, not to look carefully, how can find some potentially good chance? 1, the product Here that derivative products are not selling products, but to provide personalized products for micro-channel, for example, the development of micro-channel expression package, personalized avatar design, this requires a certain degree of technical ability, to get everyone recognized a good product, often income is also good. 2, the gray industrial chain New to this industry, the basic needs are the same, and that is the need for fans, followers, so much so that more people know, as it is to satisfy their own vanity, and micro-3channel is a relatively closed environment, micro-channel fan which is difficult to obtain, which specializes in helping people with some of the industry chain, add flour, 100 soft sister paper can ensure a thousand fans attention, and 1 yuan a fan is guaranteed to be alive and so promote its pink . very common. 3, the micro letter on behalf of the operator Last year I wrote an article, novice can get started on the operation of the micro-channel project, said on this content, which is described in detail and steps, interested friends can go to the next. This is essentially in the form of a fee, to help its operations on behalf of third parties to public numbers, including original articles written, micro-channel content layout and publishing, concrete cooperation is necessary and those who need to talk. 4, the authentication service No certification number is divided into public and non-certified number, certification number function than non-certified to be more, but need to have their own certification of a company, a lot of people tend to be operated by public personal number, can not complete the certification, it will help to find some special charges certification team to 4certification, the price of a few hundred dollars to a thousand dollars. 5, technology development For the second development in the public numbers, micro mall design, H5 web design, service number of these renovation, many operators who do not understand or get out of something pretty, do not have the propagation effects, which will be outsourced to a third party development platform, the price charged is often more expensive, one-time cost several thousand very common. 6. Training Training industry has never been very popular, regardless of which industry, there exist more or less trainer, micro-channel group, other online platforms, for entry in the micro-channel business, advanced, qualitative change in a series of training there, not He said it is not fooled, at least you dare to sell someone dares to buy, or a lot of white. Not a story is to say Well, there are countless people to gold, only some people do sell drinking water, selling jeans, mining tools provide things, the results of the Gold Rush fortune few, contrary to sell a few things that but he earned a pours. Micro-channel business opportunity may be hiding 5here. (Source: Guangzhou old wheat)
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