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初一上册 Starter M14StarterM1 My teacher and my friends1. -Good morning/afternoon! -Good morning/afternoon!(Good morning:早晨6:00中午12:00; Good afternoon:午后太阳落山前;Good night:晚上睡觉前的问候语)2. my names=my name is/ I am 我的名字是/ 我是 本句是常用于回答whats your name? Eg:-What is your name? -My name is Mike. / I am Mike.3. MissMr.Mrs的区别: Miss: 一般用于未婚女子的姓氏之前 Mr.: 一般用于男性姓氏之前 Mrs: 一般用于已婚女性姓氏之前4. 26个英文字母大小写及发音:Aa ei Bb bi: Cc si: Dd di: Ee i: Ff ef Gg d3i: Hh eit Ii ai Jj dei Kk kei Ll el Mm em Nn en Oo u Pp pi: Qq kju: Rr : Ss es Tt ti: Uu ju: Vv vi: Ww dblju: Xx eks Yy wai Zz zi:zed5. sorry? 请再说一遍,好吗? sorry 后用问号,表示因为自己没有听清楚对方的话,希望对方再说一遍。后用句号,表示对自己所做的不恰当的事表歉意,请求对方原谅。6. can you spell it, please ? 你能拼写下吗? 此句为由can引导的一个一般疑问句,其回答用yes/no来回答 【拓展】陈述句一般疑问句(1) 若在陈述句中有be(is/am/are)、情态动词(can),则将be(is/am/are) 、情态动词(can)提前,句号变问号;(2) 若陈述句中无be(is/am/are)、情态动词(can),则需要借助do/does,将do/does提前,句号变问号。Eg:(1) He is a student. Is he a student?(2)I like apples. Do you like apples? 注意点1.在陈述句中如果有第一人称时,变为一般疑问句后需要把第一人称改为第二人称; 2. 若陈述句中无be(is/am/are)、情态动词(can)且主语是第三人称时,需要借助does,将does提前后要把动词变为原形(do/does+动词原形)7. -How are you? -Well. / Fine, thank you. / thanks. How are you用于询问对方的身体状况,在回答后除了表示感谢,还要反问对方身体如何,可以用”And you” Eg:-How are you? -I am fine, thank you. And you? -Im fine, too. Thanks. 注意点若询问的人称不一样,其中be的选择也不一样Eg:-How is your mother? -She is fine, thank you.8. This is 这是。 (1) This is常用于介绍他人(2) This is可以用于电话用语,表示“我是”9. Nice to see/meet you. / Glad to see/meet you. 此句用于两人初次见面,其回答也用该句,但是句末加上“,too.” Eg:-Nice to meet you! -Nice to meet you, too.10. Its time to+动词原形 到了做的时候for+名词 Eg:Its time to get up. Its time for dinner.11. see you tomorrow. 明天见。 see you的变体形式:see you next week./ see you later. / see you on Monday.M2 My English lesson1. Stand up, please! 起立。其反义词为Sit down, please! 当回答Sit down时,用thank you 表示感谢。2. put up your hand 举手 open your book 打开书本 close your book 【拓展】put up 还有“粘贴”之意 Eg:Can you put up the picture on the wall?3. listen 听(可单独使用,以提醒对方注意,如果需要对方听时,须加上介词to,即listen to+名词) Eg:Listen to the music! Listen to me!总结以上三句都是祈使句,祈使句的特点: (1) 以动词原形为开头; (2) 通常省略主语(此处的主语通常是you); (3) 若需表示否定,可在前面加dont ; 表示请求时,可加上please.4. -Are you a new student here? -Yes, I am.复习陈述句转化为一般疑问句的要点5. what class are you in? 此句为疑问词what与名词连用构成的特殊疑问句,what还可以与time/color/grade等名词连用,常用句型:what+n.+be/do/does+主语+其他? Eg:What time is it now? What color do you like? What grade are you in?6. Mr. Chens class名词所有格构成形式:当表示人或事物的所属关系时,即表示“的”,在英语中用s表示 Eg:This is Jims father. My friends name is Tom.7. 数字120(基数词): one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty8. whats your telephone number? 此句是what引导的特殊疑问句,语序为what+be+主语+其他? Eg:What are you doing now? -Whats your ID number? -It is9. -How old are you?-I am+数词 How old +be+人称代词/名词? 【注意】若询问的人称不一样,其中be的选择也不一样。Eg:-How old is he? -He is ten years old. -How old is your sister? -She is fourteen.10. -How many +可数名词复数 are there? -There are/is+数词 【拓展】 how much+不可数名词 is there? 表示提问数量how much+be+名词/代词? 表示提问价格 Eg:-How much is it? -It is +价格. -How much are they? -They are +价格. How much bread do you want?11. -Whats ten and five? -Its fifteen.M3 My English book1. -Whats this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?(in+语言) -It is What +be+主语?是用来询问sth的一个特殊疑问句(注意回答时要把thisit)2. a/an的用法 a:用于以辅音因素开头的单词前:a book/desk/map an:用于以元音因素开头的单词前:an apple/orange/English book3. write it on the blackboard on:在上。常指与物体表面有接触 the:此处指说话双方都知道的人或事物 【拓展】定冠词the的常见用法:(1) 表示特指的人或事物;please give me the book on the desk.(2) 指双方都知道的人或事物;(3) 前面已提到,第二次再次提到的人或事物;He has a bag. The bag is blue.(4) 指世界上独一无二的事物;the moon/the sun(5) 用于江、河、湖、海等某些专有名词前;the Yellow River;the Great Wall(6) 用于弹奏的乐器之前;play the piano(但是球类前不用任何冠词:play football/basketball)(7) 用于习惯用语或固定搭配之前:in the morning4. How do you spell “pencil”? (= Can you spell “pencil”?) (1) 此句是由how引导的特殊疑问句(2) do作为助动词,放在特殊疑问词之后复习一般疑问句的构成: (1) Be/Can+主语+其他? Are you a new student here? / Can you sing?(2) 助动词(Do/Does)+主语+其他? Do you like swimming? 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句? Eg:What is this? What can I do for you? 注意一般疑问句的回答要用Yes/No;而特殊疑问句不能。5. of course 当然可以 =Sure / All right.6. I dont know.此句常用于你不知道回答别人的问题时。可在最前面加上Sorry / Im sorry.7. this:这;这个。指离说话人较近的人或事物。 that:那;那个。指离说话人较远的人或事物。8. -Thank you! -You are welcome. 不用谢(不客气)。 此外youre welcome=Thats al
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