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Module 11综合能力测试听 力 部 分 (25分)一、听句子,选择图片。(5分)听力材料:1.Daming wants to buy a dictionary.2Dont cut your hair on the Spring Festival.3My father went to a wedding party last Friday.4Chinese people usually shake hands when they meet for the first time.5My mother bought a sandwich for me yesterday.( A )1.A. B C( C )2.A. B C( B )3.A. B C( A )4.A. B C( C )5.A. B C二、听句子,选答语。(5分)听力材料:What present does Tom get on his birthday?( A )6.A.A computer. BA birthday party. CHe is thirteen.听力材料:When is Chinese New Year?( A )7.A.January 1st. BDecember 25th. COctober 1st.听力材料:Which color is lucky in China?( B )8.A.Yellow. BRed. CGreen.听力材料:What should you eat on the Spring Festival?( A )9.A.Dumplings. BCakes. CNoodles.听力材料:Where do people in England have their wedding party?( C )10.A.In their home. BIn the hotel. CIn the church.三、听对话及问题,选答案。(5分)听力材料:W:Can I open the present immediately in China?M:No,you cant.Q:Can the woman open the present immediately in China?( B )11.A.No,he cant. BNo,she cant. CYes,he can.听力材料:W:What color do you like best?M:Red.Q:What color does the man like best?( C )12.A.White. BBlue. CRed.听力材料:W:Is your best friend married?M:Yes,she is.Q:Is the mans best friend married?( C )13.A.Yes,he is. BNo,he isnt. CYes,she is.听力材料:W:Would you like some tea?M:No,give me a cup of water,please.Q:What does the man want?( C )14.A.Tea. BCoffee. CWater.听力材料:W:Dont take off your shoes,please.M:OK,thank you.Q:What does the woman ask the man not to do?( A )15.A.Take off the shoes. BWear the shoes. CPut on the coat.四、听短文,选择正确答案。(10分)听力材料:The customs in China are different from western countries.In China,you should use both of your hands when you accept a present.And in Britain you can use only one hand.You should wait to open the present in China.But in America you must open it immediately.On Chinese New Year red is a lucky color while white is unlucky.But Americans think that white is a good color.And on the day of Chinese New Year,you shouldnt do any cleaning things.And this makes the people from western countries feel difficult to understand.( B )16.Are the customs in China the same as western countries?AYes,they are. BNo,they arent. CWe dont know.( B )17.How do you accept a present in Britain?AYou must use your both hands.BYou can use only one hand.CYou dont use your hands.( A )18.Can you open the present immediately if you are in America?AYes,you can. BYes,you cant. CNo,you cant.( C )19.What color is lucky in China?AYellow. BWhite. CRed.( C )20.What shouldnt you do on the day of Chinese New Year?AYou shouldnt accept a present with one hand.BYou shouldnt eat cakes.CYou shouldnt do any cleaning.笔 试 部 分 (95分)五、单项选择。(15分)( A )21.Be quick!The game will begin _.A.immediately BhappilyCcarefully Dluckily( D )22.My father likes playing _ chess.Ill give him _ chess set for his birthday.Aa,the B/,an Cthe,the D/,a( A )23.I felt very afraid and excited when I took a plane _ the first time.Afor Bat Cwith Don( B )24._ Rita _ her mother know my address.They often drop by my home.ANot,but BBoth,andCEither,or DNot only,but also( A )25.Im hungry.I want to eat several _.Asandwiches Bcoffee Cmeat Dfish( C )26.What kind of house would you like?Id like _ with a garden in front of _.Ait,one Bone,one Cone,it Dit,it( D )27.The pizza _ good.Id like some more.Aturns Bsounds Cfeels Dtastes( B )28.Why are you so happy?I gave Mr Wang a present and he _ it happily.Arefused Baccepted Cbrought Dsold( D )29.We cant _ the bus because it is too crowed.A.get to Bget down Cget up Dget on( D )30.Lindas school is different _ theirs.It has many trees and flowers.Ain Bby Cof Dfrom( A )31.How nice this dress is!Thanks a lot!_.AIm happy you like it BIt doesnt matterCDont say so DThats right( C )32._ wonderful Yang Lipings dance is!AWhat BWhat a CHow DHow a( B )33.Must I bring my swimming suit?No,you _.Were just going climbing.Acant BneedntCmustnt Dmust( C )34.Could you ride a bicycle at_the_age_of_four?(选择与画线部分意思相同的选项)Afour years old BfouryearoldCwhen you were four Dwhen you are four( C )35.It is polite _ seat for old people on the bus.Aoffer Boffering Cto offer Doffered六、完形填空。(10分)Table manners are different all over the world.In Japan its _36_ to make a sound when you are eating,_37_ when you are eating noodles.It shows that you like the food very much._38_ in Ameri
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