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Unit 1Great scientists写得准用得活积得多1.scientific adj. 科学的2.positive adj. 积极的;肯定的;确实的3.attend vt. 照顾;护理;出席;参加4.cure vt.&n. 治愈;痊愈;治疗5.absorb vt. 吸收;吸引;使专心6.suspect vt. 认为;怀疑n. 被怀疑者;嫌疑犯7.blame vt. 责备;谴责n. 过失;责备8.handle n. 柄;把手vt. 处理;操纵9.expose vt. 暴露;揭露;使曝光10.cautious adj.小心的;谨慎的caution n小心;警告11.pollute vt.污染;弄脏pollution n污染12.instruct vt.命令;指示;教导instruction n说明;传授instructions (pl.)用法说明;操作指南13.conclude vt.&vi.结束;推断出conclusion n结论;结束14.contribute vt.&vi.捐献;贡献;捐助;投稿contribution n贡献15.reject vt.拒绝;不接受;抛弃rejection n拒绝;抛弃16.challenge n挑战 vt.向挑战challenging adj.挑战性的17.announce vt.宣布;通告announcement n通知;宣告announcer n播音员18.construct vt.建设;修建construction n建设;建筑物19.enthusiastic adj.热情的;热心的enthusiasm n热情;热心20.responsible adj.有责任的;负责的responsibility n责任;负责用所给词的适当形式填空1.They didnt draw a conclusion until carrying out lots of scientific (science) experiments.2.You must read the instructions (instruct) before taking the medicine.3.It was concluded that he didnt tell us the truth.I came to the conclusion that he lied.(conclude)4.The writer personally contributed 5,000 to the earthquake fund.All the contributions will be gratefully received.(contribute)5.The river is polluted and noise is another kind of serious pollution here.(pollute)6.Mary announced to her teammates that she was to marry a Chinese boy.The announcement of their marriage would appear in the local newspaper next week.(announce)7.The great bridge under construction is designed by Chinese engineers.It will take about a year to construct the large bridge.(construct)8.I was bored with my job and felt I needed a new challenge.Last week I got a new job in a big firm, and I found it very challenging.(challenge)1.ic后缀形容词面面观scientific科学的enthusiastic 热情的energetic 精力充沛的dramatic 戏剧(性)的sympathetic 同情的romantic 浪漫的2.“观点;态度”的高频形容词positive 积极的negative 消极的subjective 主观的objective 客观的neutral 中立的critical 批评的doubtful 怀疑的approving 满意的3.“照看/照顾某人”的多种表达attend (to/on/upon) sb.care for sb.take care of sb.look after sb.4.名词用作动词的高频词汇集锦handle n把手vt.处理nurse n护士vt.护理;照顾face n脸vt.面对head n头vi.前往address n地址;住处vt.在写上地址;对发表演说写得准用得活积得多1.put_forward 提出2.draw_a_conclusion 得出结论3.expose_.to 使显露;暴露4.link_.to_. 将和联系或连接起来5.apart_from 除之外;此外6.make_sense 讲得通;有意义7.(be)_strict_with_. 对严格的8.be_to_blame 应受谴责/责备9.look_into 调查10.lead_to 导致;通向11.be_determined_to_do_sth. 决定做某事12.slow_down 慢下来选用左栏短语填空1.Recently a number of official crimes have been looked_into by our government.2.Plans have been put_forward to pull down the old buildings and rebuild the area.3.I think that it is I rather than my sister that am_to_blame_ for what has happened.4.Dont waste time thinking about a sentence which doesnt make_sense.5.Eating too much fat can lead_to heart disease and cause high blood pressure.1.draw短语全接触draw a conclusion 得出结论draw ones eye 吸引某人的眼光draw ones attention 吸引某人的注意力draw near/closer 靠近;接近draw up 起草2.由link . to .联想到的connect .with .把和连接起来tie .to . 把拴到mix .with . 把和混合起来combine .with . 把和结合起来背原句记句式会仿用1.Neither its cause nor its cure was understood.人们既不知道它的病源,也不了解它的治疗方法。neither .nor .意为“既不也不”。连接两个并列的句子成分。老师和他的学生们都没有碰到过这么难的一个问题。Neither_the_teacher_nor_his_students have come across such a difficult problem.2.So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak.每次爆发霍乱时,都有成千上万惊恐的人病死。every time “每次”,作连词用,引导时间状语从句。每次我去看她时,她都全神贯注于研究工作。Every_time_I_went_to_see_her,_she was absorbed in her research work.3.Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.只有把太阳放在中心位置上,天空中其他行星的运动才能讲得通。“only状语(从句)”位于句首时后面的主句需用部分倒装。只有我们与他人相处得好,才能创造和谐的人际关系,这对我们的学习和生活都大有好处。(2014江西高考书面表达)Only if we get along well with others can_we_create harmonious interpersonal relationship, which is of great benefit to our study as well as life.1conclude vt.& vi.结束;推断出经典例句He concluded from their remarks that they were not in favour of the plan.(牛津P342)他从他们的话语中推断出他们不赞同此项计划。(1)conclude (从中)推断出conclude sth. 以结束to conclude 最后(2)come to/reach/draw a conclusion 得出结论in conclusion 总而言之He concluded_his_speech_with a famous saying: no pains, no gains.他以一句名言“不劳无获”结束他的演讲。Ive come to the conclusion (conclude) that hes not the right person for the job.我断定他不适合做这项工作。In conclusion, good interpersonal skills are a must for our future social life.(2014重庆高考写作)总之,良好的人际技能对我们未来的社会生活是必需的。2attend vt.出席;参加;照顾 vi.专心;留意教材原句John Snow was a famous doctor in London so expert, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician.约翰斯诺是伦敦一位著名的医生他的确医术精湛,因而成了维多利亚女王的私人医生。attend
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