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Law and order,Fight against cybercrime,Brainstorming,There are many kinds of crimes throughout the history of China. list as many phrases related to crimes as possible.,Brainstorming,【温故知新】 rob sb of sth charge sb with sth cheat sb of sth accuse sb of sth steal sth from sb sue sb for sth murder sb sb get arrested kidnap sb take sb to court abuse ones power sentence sb to death injure sb sentence sb to imprisonment,Useful phrases,讨论网络犯罪问题 就问题向某人发表演讲,address sb. on the subject (of ) 下面我们邀请Miss Lu来给我们讲话。 Now lets invite Miss Lu to address us. 他将就战争与和平问题给我们发表演讲。 He will address us on the subject of war and peace. =He will _ an _ on the subject of war and peace.,deliver,address,n. 讲话, 致辞,As the Internet has expanded in recent years, the opportunities for crime have expanded as well.,expanded,Taking part in after-class activities will expand our horizons. The bird expanded its wings and flew into the sky.,拓宽视野,Our school will expand our teaching scale by opening 2 branches.,扩大,增加,张开,展开,expand/increase Metals _ when they are heated. Word came that the foreign company hoped to _ business with us. The workers are trying to _ their productivity. Reading is an effective way to help us _ our vocabulary.,expand,expand,increase,increase,expand: 强调前后左右面或体的增加 increase: 强调数量、程度的增加,【语境展示】 Any investment involves an element of risk. 包含 The job involves my travelling all over the country.需要 There was a serious incident involving a group of youths.涉及,牵连 We want to involve as many people as possible in the celebrations.参加,加入 We need to examine all the costs involved in the project . 和相关 I was so involved in my book that I didnt hear your knock.关注,专心于,involve suspect confidential negotiate risk cooperation,involve suspect confidential negotiate risk cooperation,两只老虎 两只老虎 跑得快 跑得快 一只没有眼睛 一只没有尾巴 真奇怪 真奇怪,Theres a suspect Theres a suspect I suspect of I suspect of Robbing sb of sth Cheating sb of sth Set bells ringing Set bells ringing,【作词谱曲】,involve suspect confidential negotiate risk cooperation,【情景对话 】 A : I _you have stolen my money. B: I am not the _. You should not be _of me. A: Do you have any witness? B: I was involved in reading the novel so that I didnt notice who else was in the classroom. A: In that case, you must have leaked something confidential beyond _.,suspect,suspect,suspicious,suspicion,involve suspect confidential negotiate risk cooperation,【自学置疑 】 1) confidential adj. 机密的,保密的,秘密的 Your medical records are strictly confidential. 2) confidentially adv. 秘密地,悄悄地,私下的 She told me confidentially that she is going to retire early. 3) confident adj. 自信的,确信的 Your words made me more confident of my future. 4) confidence n. 信任,信心 She has great confidence in her success.,involve suspect confidential negotiate risk cooperation,【迁移应用 】 He is so _ that as long as he worked _ , he would win the _ of his boss. In this way, he could finally participate in the _ project by negotiating with his boss. 【用法告知】 negotiate sth 商定,达成 negotiate with sb for /about sth谈判;磋商;协商 negotiation n. 谈判,协商,confident,confidently,confidence,confidential,involve suspect confidential negotiate risk cooperation,【奇思妙想 】 When I burst into the room, they stopped negotiating about _ abruptly.,involve suspect confidential negotiate risk cooperation,【错题回顾 】,英语周练2第27题 -Has your manager returned from aboard? -Yes. He _ in France for two weeks, _ an agreement with a French company. has stayed; to negotiate has stayed; negotiating stayed; negotiating stayed; having negotiated,involve suspect confidential negotiate risk cooperation,【依葫芦画瓢 】,I _ in Japan for many days and _ about Diaoyu Island Issue risking losing my life and it is fortunate that I am staying at home safe and sound. lived; negotiate have lived; negotiating lived; negotiated have lived; negotiated,involve suspect confidential negotiate risk cooperation,【合作探究 】 risk用法知多少 【图配文】 The cat risked falling into the water to catch the ball. The cat ran the risk of falling into the water to catch the ball. The cat caught the ball at the risk of falling into the water.,involve suspect confidential negotiate risk cooperation,【一句多译 】 消防队员冒着失去生命的危险去救受害者,这就 求我们配合。 The firefighters risked losing their lives to save the victims, which involved our cooperation.,The firefighters ran the risk of losing their lives to save the victims, and it required our cooperation.,The firefighters saved the victims at the risk of losing their lives, requiring our cooperation.,involve suspect confidential negotiate risk cooperation,【拓展延伸】,involve suspect confidential negotiate risk cooperation,He is a _ partner by nature. Those who have _ with him all consider him as a sound _. In order to enlarge business, they decide to have more _with him.,【活学活用 】,cooperative,cooperated
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