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,武夷四宝东笋南茶西鱼北米,中文名称:武夷山,英文名称:Mount Wuyi,遗产种类:文化与自然双重遗产,mount Wuyi introduction,The map of wuyi moutain,Wuyi mountain tour schedule,Day one : Lutos Peak 莲花峰,Water Curtain Cave 水帘洞,Da Hongpao 大红袍,Day two : Jade Maiden Peak 玉女峰,Thin Strip of Sky 一线天,Lutos Peak, wuyi mountain scenic area 36 name one of the peak, wuyi mountain is located in the northwest area lotus feng, and elevation 536 meters.,Water Curtain Cave,It just like the bright water cuetain.,Therefore the posterity than renams as Shui Liandong,Da Hongpao,Hanging coffins performance,Jade Maiden Peak 玉女峰,Beautiful peak just like a beautiful unique girl.,Thin Strip of Sky,Here you can see the complete development of Red beds in peak forest, tall wall lap Chi Bi Danya, continuous domestic rare piercing.,Quotation List,accommodation : ¥50/person,Traffic: ¥ 250/person,admission fee : ¥ 150/person,meal fee: ¥ 150 /person,account: ¥600/person,Thank you,
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