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汉英翻译 句子的翻译之三,Contents,汉语句子中否定的英译 汉语复句的英译,一 汉语否定句: 汉语中否定概念通过词汇手段来表达,否定句带有否定字词的标记。例如: 我不喜欢这部电影。 他这样说毫无道理。 你得赶紧走,否则会迟到。 汉语中也常用“不怎么,不总是,几乎不,几乎没有,不都是,并非所有”等词来表达部分否定。常用“不.没有”“非.不”“非.莫”“不是.不”“决不.没有”等来表达双重否定。,二英语否定句 英语表达否定概念同样采用词汇手段。如可借助否定词no, never, nor, not, neither等,或具有否定意义的词语,如hardly, rarely, seldom, barely, scarcely, narrowly, few, little等。以及由前缀no-, non-, in-, dis-, un-, im-, 和后缀-less等组成的词语。英语中含有否定意义的词汇,还包括其他各类词语和词组: 动词:lack, fail, deny, miss, exclude, run short/out of, keep/stop/refrain/prevent (from), (get) rid of/overlook/deny. 名词:absence, exclusion, lack, want, failure, ignorance, denial.,Want He wants the courage to speak the truth. After the disaster, there were many who wanted food and shelter.,形容词:absent, missing, ignorant, gone, free/far/safe from, short of, exclusive of. 介词:beyond, without, above, except, save, but, 连词:before, unless,也可采用句法手段: Rather than I think I will have a cold rather than the coffee. It is management that is at faults rather than the work force. Rather than risk breaking up his marriage, he told his wife everything.,Other than He never speaks to me other than to ask for money. She has no close friend other than him.,Morethan. I like her more than her husband. It had more the appearance of a deliberate crime than of an accident.,He is too young to take care of himself.,三 以否定形式译之 我认为他不够格。 I dont think he is qualified. 我们任何时候都没有被困难吓倒过。 Never have we been daunted by the difficulties. 我对他的情况一无所知。 I dont know anything about him.,这房子尽管富丽堂皇,但住起来一点也不舒服。 With all its magnificence, the house is not at all comfortable to live in. 动物没有水不能生存,植物没有水也不能生长。 Animals cannot live without water, neither can plants grow.,中国人口的百分之八十在农村,如果不解决这百分之八十的人的生活问题,社会就不会安定的。 Eighty percent of Chinas population live in the rural areas. There will be no social stability unless their daily needs are met. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 If one does not exert oneself in youth, one will regret it in old age.,四 将汉语双重否定译成英语双重否定 如果你的学习方法对头,那么在短时间内掌握一门外语并不是不可能。 It is not impossible to master a foreign language within a short period if you have a good study method. 开始学英语时,讲英语不可能不犯错误。 At the beginning of learning English, you cant speak it without making mistakes.,我几乎没有一天不想念他。 Hardly a day goes by when I dont miss him. 巧妇难为无米之炊。 You cant make something out of nothing.,不看秦始皇兵马俑,不算真正到过中国。 A traveler who has not seen the Qin Dynasty terra cotta figures cannot claim to have visited China. No one who has not seen the Qin Dynasty terra cotta figures can claim to have visited China.,五 以肯定形式译之:英译时借助含有否定意义的词来传译 汉语里的否定意义译成英语中的肯定词语有:free from/of, safe from, ignorant of, independent of, devoid of, foreign to, blind to, different from, less than, dead to, impatient of, deficient in, alien to等等。,汤姆在这次期末考试中未及格。 Tom failed in the final examination. 玛丽不愿意去很远的地方工作。 Mary is reluctant to work in the far place. 他无可指责。 He is above blame. 我们不能让孩子们去河里游泳。 We must keep the kids from swimming in the river.,这尊雕像在经历大地震后竟毫发未损,仍然矗立。 The statue survived the great earthquake, remained intact and was still standing there. 我的朋友都不抽烟。 None of my friends smokes. 那决不是明朝的建筑。 That is anything but a building of the Ming Dynasty.,欲速则不达。 More haste, less speed. 人民军队离不开人民,就像鱼儿离不开水一样。 The people is to the peoples army what water is to fish. 没有设备,我们就自己制造。 Short of equipment, we make it on our own. 女孩儿未出嫁,是颗无价宝珠。 A girl before marriage is a precious pearl.,这位老人还没到医院就死了。 The old man died before he reached the hospital. 我们决不辜负全国人民对我们的期望。 We will live up to the expectation of the people all over the country. 他的解释不能让人满意。 His explanation is far from satisfactory.,做母亲的有时不能觉察到自己孩子的过错。 Mothers are sometimes blind to the faults of their children. 一般的读者几乎读不到这本书。 The book can scarcely reach the common readers. 这个计算上的错误没有被会计看出。 The error in calculation escaped the accountant.,没有检测到信号。 No signal is detected. 在任何情况下,中国都不会首先使用核武器。 Under no circumstances should China be the first to use nuclear weapons. 咱们打开天窗说亮话吧,我不怕误解。 I will therefore speak to you without reserve, and without any dread of being misunderstood. 在场的所有的人一点也不了解发生了什么。 All the people present knew nothing about what had happened.,六 将汉语肯定句译成英语否定句。 他在这上面费了很多力。 He took no little pain over it. 我对你万分感激。 I couldnt thank you enough. 我完全同意。 I couldnt agree more. 智者千虑,必有一失。 Even the wise are not always free from errors.,这些细菌要在温度达到一百摄氏度才会死亡。 These bacteria will not die until the temperature reaches 100. 我认为这篇论文不是他写的。 I dont believe the paper is written by him.,你的文章未能触及问题的实质。 他穷得养不起老婆。 约翰还尚未到家,天就开始下雨了。 从来没有一台机器运转时没有摩擦。 他当领导能力不够。,汉语复句英译 复句是由两个或两个以上意义上相关,结构上互不作句子成分的小句组成。 例:睡了一整天,他仍然没有恢复体力。 天气闷热,下着小雨。 复句是汉语篇章中频繁出现的句式。,按邢福义(2000)分类标准,汉语复句按其关系可分为三大类,通常由标明关系的关系词语来表示其类别。 1 因果类复句。包括: 1)因果句(因为.所以.,(之)所以.(就/是)因为.,.因为.,越.越) 2)推断句(既然那么/就.,.可见.,与其.不如.),3) 假设句(如果.那么/就.,如果.,要不是.就.,如果说.那么.) 4) 条件句(只有才,只要就.,必须.才,除非才,只要) 5)目的句(以便,以免),2 并列类复句 1)并列句(既也.,又又,也也,一边一边,一方面一方面,不是而是,是而不是) 2)连贯句(接着,然后) 3)递进句(不但而且,不仅就连.,不但反而,固然更) 4)选择句(或者或者,不是就是,要么要么,是还是),3 转折类复句 1)突转句(但是,可是,然而,只是) 2)让步句(虽然但是,即使也,无论都,宁可也) 3)假转句(否则,要不然),有时复句中的关系词语隐含不显。如: 那所学校越办越好,这所学校越办越差。 睡了一
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