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Module3 Body Language and Non-verbal Communication综合运用巩固案. 单句语法填空1. Students who are going to study abroad need to learn cross-cultural _ (communicate) skills.2. Though parks share this basic purpose, they find _ (vary) ways to meet their need.3. He was _ (conscious) of having made a careless mistake.4. Do you like _ (tradition) Chinese art using brush and ink?5. The _ (threaten) of war has depressed business activity.6. I got _ (involve) in the quarrel between Tom and Jack.7. In fact, the population of Canada is only _ (slight) over thirty million.8. This is an _ (formal) meeting, so you can wear casual clothes.9. Papermaking began in China and from here it _ (spread) to North Africa and Europe.10. Rumors _ (panic) many investors into selling their shares.11. The hostess had the _ (invite) _ (deliver) a week before.12. Fortune _ (favor) the brave.13. _ (judge) from his accent, hes from the South.14. Her brother _ (threat) to leave her in the dark room alone when she disobeyed his order.15. Prevention is _ (equal) important/ of _ (equal) importance to protection.16. We need to examine all the costs _ (involve) in the project 17. Clearly this restriction must have operated at a time when there was no_ (equal) of opportunity for women. 18. Easter is an important _ (religion) and _ (society) festival in Christian countries.19. We clap at the end of a live _ (perform), such as a play, or an concert, to say thank you to the _ (perform).20. His speech was so _ (infect) that we were all moved deeply.II. 选词并用词的适当形式填空Involve, slightly, spread, conscious, vary, whatever, unless, give away, gesture, traditionally1. His family moved to a _ larger house five years ago.2. _ you change your mind, I wont be able to help you.3. In his room, Tom was _ out a map of China on the bed.4. This project _ much difficulty.5. _ I say, he always thinks I am wrong.6. Please dont _ the secret to others.7. Teachers are increasingly _ of the importance of the Internet.8. People _ very much in their ideas.9. Our _ and facial expressions affect our views of each other.10. More women are entering _ male jobs./III. 补全句子1. 在那一点上意见各不相同。 Opinions _ that point _ from _ to _.2. They had to _ _ (执勤) for the boss in the night.3. These flowers _ _ (在不同) color and size.4. Several officials _ _ _ (被卷入) the matter.5. She _ _ _ (没觉察到) the effect she has _ people.6. If you _ _ (泄露) the secret, youll have to answer for it.7. _ _ (如果天气允许),were going to visit you tomorrow.8. I got the news that he was _ (serious) ill _ _ (偶然地) 9. Lets _ _ _ _ (为干杯) to the new project.10. He was busy; otherwise _ _ _ _ _ (他会帮助你的).11. It took _ _ (不仅仅) builiding supplies to construct these energy-saving houses. It took brains, too.12. This tool can be used in _ _ _ (各种各样的) ways.13She just managed to _ _ (抑制住) her anger.14. Theres no point _ _ _ _ ( 陷入恐慌) about exams. . 写作 肢体语言非常重要,懂与不懂肢体语言对我们的生活影响很大。请你根据自己的理解以 Body Language 为题写一篇100 词左右的英语短文,谈谈自己对肢体语言重要性的理解。 要求:1. 内容充实,结构完整,语意连贯 2 书写须清晰、工整。答案综合运用巩固案. 单句语法填空1. communication2. various3. unconscious4. traditional5. threat6. involved7. slightly8. informal9. spread10. panicked11. invitation, delivered12. favors13. Judging14. threatened15. equally,equal16. involved17. equality18. religious,social19. performance, performers20. infectious. 选词填空1. slightly2. Unless3. spreading4. involves5. Whatever6. give away7. conscious8. vary9. gestures10. traditionally.补全句子1. on, vary, person, person2. keep guard3. vary in4. were involved in 5. was unconscious of, on6. give away7. Weather permitting 8. seriously, by accident9. drink a toast to10. I would have helped you11. more than12. a variety of13. hold back14. getting into a panicIV.写作 Body Language Body language is so important and widely used in our everyday life. People all over the world use it, whether when they are talking, speaking, lecturing or telephoning. If you know body language, youll be a
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