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,今天要达成的目标,四年级英语下册,Unit4 Drawing in the park,(Period 3),Good memory !,Good memory !,bed,desk,pen,red,ten,Good memory !,bed,desk,pen,red,ten,ten to ten (9:50),Ken, its ten to ten. Go to bed before ten.,去睡觉,十点前,Sound time,Ken,你能说出更多含有 字母e并发/e/的单词吗?,Try to read .,hen,nest,leg,belt,en,eg,es,el,母鸡,恒温器,腿,腰带,Read and check,T or F,( ) 1. before lesson ( ) 2. desk get ( ) 3. every me ( ) 4. tennis seven,T,F,F,T,peep show (西洋镜),Do you know ?,西洋镜是一种民间的游戏器具, 匣子里面装着画片儿,匣子上 放有放大镜,可以看放大的画 面。因为最初画片多是西洋画, 所以叫西洋镜。,Bobby, Bobby, what can you see ?,Look at this picture. What can you see?,I can see ,Try again !,Lets watch !,Whats in it ?,Cartoon time !,Whats in it ?,a boat,a tiger,great fun,Cartoon time !,If you are Sam . What will you say ?,Cartoon time !,Cartoon time !,Cartoon time !,Cartoon time !,Lets act !,Homework,Read Sound time &Cartoon time after the tape 5times. Find more words (e/e/), and write them down. Make a new story with your friends,
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