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Unit6Topic1一、Vocabulary1.美丽的 _ 2.花园 _ 3.第二 _4.浴室 _5.在后面 _6.离开 _7.吉他 _8.巨大的 _9.模型 _10.上楼 _11.将收起 _12.在的中心 _13.照顾 _14.在前面 _16.等等 _17.在左边/右边_18.有 _19.客厅 _二、Grammar1.辨析there be 和have /hasthere be 和have、has都有“有”的意思,但是他们在用法上却有所不同there be表示“有”时,侧重于客观存在,表示“某地有某物”have/has表示“有”时侧重于主观方面,表示“某人/某物有.”,至于此物在何时何地都无需谈及。there be结构的be动词应该和离她它最近的主语保持一致,即遵循“就近原则”,其疑问句式是通过be前移构成,而have/has疑问句则是借助于do/does构成【现学现用】()1.Ibig_eyes.A.haveB.hasC.am()2.They_fivetrains.A.haveB.hasC.am()3-There_alotofmeatontheplate.Wouldyoulikesome?-Justalittle,please.A.isB.areC.amD.be()4.There_somebooks,aballpenandaruleronthedesk. A.isB.areC.haveD.has2.Putput away 将。收起来;将。放回原位put on 穿,戴,上演,表演put up 张贴,举起put down 放下,记下【现学现用】1._yourtoys_inthecupboard,whenyouvefinishedplaying.2. Theboy_ _hisbreechesandwentoutforaride.3.In front of/in the front ofIn front of 表示在某物或某人的前面,指自身以外事物的前面。In the front of表示在某物内部前面【现学现用】1) Theres a blackboard_the classroom.2) Theres a playground _the classroom.选择题()1.There_atalltreeandsomechairsatthebackofthiscommunity.A.amB.isC.areD.be()2.Whatcanyousee_theleftoftheyard?Asmallgardenandsometalltrees.A.byB.atC.onD.in()3.Couldyouhelpme_thesebookstotheclassroom?Noproblem.Letsgo.A.takingB.nottakeC.takeD.takes()4._breaddoweneed,Mom?Twokilos,Ithink.A.HowmanyB.HowoftenC.HowlongD.Howmuch()5.Doyouoften_yourparents?No,seldom.A.writealetterB.writetoC.writestoD.writingto()6.Theoldmanlives_thesecondfloor.Heusuallygoesoutforawalkafterdinner.A.inB.onC.underD.to()7.Whereistheteachersdesk,Kangkang?Oh,its_theclassroom.A.inthefrontofB.inthefrontC.infrontD.infrontof()8.AuntLiisntathome.Canyouhelpher_herbaby?A.looklikeB.lookafterC.lookaroundD.lookfor()9.WhereisGuangzhou?Lets_themapofChina.A.havealookB.havealookatC.lookD.lookafter()10.Judy,dontputyourkeyshere._,please.A.PutthemawayB.PutupthemC.PutthemupD.Putawaythem三、Speaking1、 ( )1. Where is Jane? A. Three weeks. ( )2. What are they doing? B. Yes, he is. ( )3. Would you like to play soccer? C. She is in the lab. ( )4. How long can I keep it? D. Good idea! ( )5. Is Tom having lunch at home now? E. No, I wouldnt. F. They are dancing.根据对话的情景,从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。其中有两项是多余的。(Intheclassroom)Kangkang:Whatsoverthere,Jane?Jane:Where?Kangkang:11Jane:Letsgoandsee.Oh,itsablackbag.12Kangkang:No,mineisbrown.IthinkitsLinTaos.Jane:13KangkangandJane:Hi!LinTao!Isthisyourbag?LinTao:14Oh,yes,itsmine.Thankyouverymuch.KangkangandJane:15A.Letsgoandaskhim.B.Letmesee.C.Itlookslikeyours.D.Welcometoourclass!E.Onthefloor,underthechair.F.Yourewelcome.G.Isyourbagbrown?11._12._13._14._15._四、Reading完形填空This is our school. There is a very nice 1 in our school. It is big and bright(明亮的). It has all 2 of books and newspapers in it. We can 3 story books, picture books, English books and many 4 books there. We can 5 do some reading there. Maria likes reading very much. She goes to the library every day. Look, she 6 and reading by the window (窗口). Li Ming 7 borrows some books and reads them in it. He likes books. Im going to borrow an _8 story book. Our English teacher often 9 us to do more speaking and reading. I like English very much. I 10 I can do well in English. What about your school? ( )1. A. dining room B. classroom C. library D. playground ( )2. A. kind B. kinds C. many D. lots ( )3. A. borrow B. buy C. look D. see ( )4. A. others B. another C. the other D. other( )5. A. both B. also C. not D. too ( )6. A. is sitting B. sits C. to sit D. sitting ( )7. A. never B. seldom C. cant D. usually ( )8. A. interesting B. English C. Chinese D. American ( )9. A. says B. speaks C. tells D. talks ( )10. A. say B. think C. dont think D. thinking 五、Writing请以“My Home”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。要求:根据自己家庭情况写出家里的构造和方位,运用以下词汇: In front of; behind; yard;near;bathroom
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