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Unit5,1,复习小测,拯救,节省_,唯一的_,地球、泥土_,鲸鱼_,危险_,消失_,永远_,制造_,污染_,森林_,save,only,earth,whale,danger,disappear,forever,forest,pollute,make,由制造_,make from,皮毛_,fur,Unit 5 Dr Sun Yatsen words(单词),famousfeims adj. 著名的 personp:sn n. 人 historyhistri n. 历史 leaderli:d n. 领袖 freefri: v.使自由; adj.自由的,Unit5,2,makemeik v. 使得 inventornvent n. 发明家 invent nvent v. 发明 bulb blb n. 灯泡 light bulblait , blb n.灯泡,Unit5,3,Unit 5 Dr Sun Yatsen words(单词),actorkt n. (男)演员; actressktris n.女演员 funnyfni adj. 有趣的 moviemu:vi n. 电影 musicianmju:zin n. 音乐家 paintpeint v. 画画;涂颜色,Unit5,4,Unit 5 Dr Sun Yatsen words(单词),Dr=Doctordkt n.医生,大夫 writerrait n. 作家,作者 painterpeint n. 画家 Dr Sun Yatsensun ja:t sen n. 孙中山,孙逸仙,Unit5,5,Unit 5 Dr Sun Yatsen words(单词),J.K Rowlingraulin n. 罗琳 the Harry Potter books ha:ri , pt哈利波特书 Thomas Edisontmsedisn n.托马斯爱迪生 Charlie Chaplinta:li tplin n. 查理卓别林 cartoonistk: tu:nst n.漫画家,Unit5,6,Unit 5 Dr Sun Yatsen words(单词),comperekmpe(r) n. 节目主持人 runner rn(r) n. 体育运动赛跑者 Chairman Maotemn n.毛主席 basketball playerb:sktb:l ple(r) n. 篮球运动员 Jackie Chandki:, tn n.成龙,Unit5,7,Unit 5 Dr Sun Yatsen words(单词),Einsteinan,stan n. 爱因斯坦 physicist fzsst n. 物理学家,Unit5,8,Unit 5 Dr Sun Yatsen words(单词),Unit5,义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 六年级下册 Module 3 Famous people,Period 1,Unit 5 Dr Sun Yatsen,9,Unit5,10,Unit5 Dr Sun Yatsen translation(翻译),Ben: What are you reading,Xiaoling? Xiaoling: A book about Dr Sun Yatsen.,本:晓玲,你在看什么书? 晓玲:一本关于孙逸仙博士(孙中山)的书。,Unit5,11,Unit5 Dr Sun Yatsen translation(翻译),Ben: Who is he? Jiamin: Hes a very famous and important person in Chinese history.,本:他是谁? 家民:他在中国历史上是一位非常著名的,重要的人。,Unit5,12,Unit5 Dr Sun Yatsen translation(翻译),Ben: Wow! Can you tell me something about him? Jiamin: Yes.He was a great leader.He tried to free the Chinese people and make their lives better.,本:哇!你能告诉我一些有关他的事吗? 家民:可以。他是一位伟大的领袖。他试图解放中国人民,使他们的生活更好。,Unit5,13,Unit5 Dr Sun Yatsen translation(翻译),Xiaoling: Yes. He loved the Chinese people and the Chinese people love him. Jiamin: Thats right. Today many streets, schools and parks have his name.,晓玲:是的。他热爱中国人民而且中国人民也热爱他。 家民:这很正确。当今许多街道,学校和公园都用他的名字命名。,Unit5,14,Unit5 Dr Sun Yatsen translation(翻译),Ben: Wow, what a great man!,本:哇,多么伟大的一个人呀!,Unit5,15,单词小测,1著名的_,2人_,3历史_,4领袖_,5使自由_,6使得_,7发明家_,10(男)演员_,9音乐家_,8发明_,famous,person,history,leader,free,make,inventor,invent,musician,actor,11有趣的_,funny,12电影_,movie,Unit5,16,单词小测,13画画_,14医生_,15作家_,16画家_,paint,doctor,writer,painter,Unit5,单元整体设计内容分配,Period 1 Unit 5 Dr Sun Yatsen 课文对话,及课本P27 相关词条。 Period 2 课本P28-29 Fun with language内容。 Period 3 P30-31 Language focus及Rhyme Time内容,自编快速阅读内容及一篇课外听力内容。,17,Unit5,本节课实现目标,1. 能在听说读写的语言活动中理解和运用下列单词和词组: famous, person, history, leader, free, make, inventor, invent, light bulb, actor, funny, movie, musician。 2. 能理解和流利朗读课文对话。 3. 能根据自己的实际情况,选择教师提供的适当方式,口头完成对课文对话的复述。,18,Unit5,Famous people,19,Li Yong,compere,Liu Xiang,runner,Chairman Mao,Yao Ming,basketball player,Pan Changjiang,actor,Jackie Chan,actor,Zhao Benshan,actor,Einstein,physicist,Unit5,Famous personspsnz,20,Unit5,This person is famous, too. Do you know anything about him?,21,Unit5,Xiaoling is reading a book about him. Lets listen to Xiaoling.,22,Unit5,Listen for meaning,listen to the dialogues for the first time.,23,Unit5,Listen & Judge,listen to the dialogues for the second time.,24,Unit5,( ) 1. Jiamin is reading a book about Dr Sun Yatsen. ( ) 2. Sun Yatsen was a great leader. He is very important and famous in Chinese history.,Listen & Write T or F(判断句子正误,正确的写T,错误的写F,并把错误的改正),F,Xiaoling,T,25,Unit5,( ) 3. Sun Yatsen is a great leader now, just like Chairman Xi. ( ) 4. Sun Yatsen loved the Chinese people and tried to free them and make their lives better. ( ) 5. Chinese people love Dr Sun Yatsen. Many streets , schools and parks have his name.,Listen & Write T or F(判断句子正误,正确的写T,错误的写F,并把错误的改正),F,was,then,Sun Yatsen was a great leader then. Chairman Xi is a great leader now.,T,T,26,Unit5,Read the dialogue,Students: 1. Follow the teacher and read. 2. Read together all the way through. 3. Role-play and read in your groups.,Read the dialogue with different forms.,27,Unit5,Retell the text,老师将对课文设计成两个层次进行复述。(待会请大家口头进行复述,课后大家再把复述内容写下来。),28,Unit5,Ben: What are you reading, Xiaoling? Xiaoling: A book about _. Ben: Who is he? Jiamin: Hes a very _ and _ person in Chinese history. Ben: Wow! Can you tell me _ about him? Jiamin: Yes. He was a great _. He tried to _ the Chinese people and _ their lives better. Xiaoling: Yes. He loved the Chinese people and the Chinese people love him. Jiamin: Thats right. Today many streets, schools and parks have his name. Ben: Wow, _ a great man!,Dr Sun Yatsen,famous,Fill in the blanks according to the dialogue.,Level 1,important,leader,free,make,what,something,29,Unit5,Xiaoling is reading a book about _
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