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Friendship,Module 9,Friendship,Module 9,Unit 1 Could I ask if youve mentioned this to her?,/ menn /,1.Make telephone calls; 2.Read and retell the dialogue; 3.Talk about your problems with friendship .,After class, most of you are able to:,Learning Aims(学习目标),helpline separate explain mention refuse treat,n. 服务热线 v. 使分开,分隔 adj. 分开的,单独的 v. 解释,说明 v. 提及,说明 v. 拒绝 v. 对待,看待,/helplan/ /sepret/ /ksplen/ /menn/ /rfju:z/ /tri:t/,Read and remember(复习),0.,pron. 她自己 conj. 是否 adj. 孤独的 v. 懊悔,遗憾 adj. 耐心的 v. 介绍,引见 v. 鼓励,激励 参加 没什么,没关系,herself whether lonely regret patient introduce encourage join in no problem,/h:self/ /we/ /lunli/ /rgret/ /pent/ /ntrdju:z/ /nkr/,Read and remember(复习),0.,patient,My best friend,explains,encourages,Lead in (引入),1.,My best friend Yang Hui_ me very well. She is _with me. When I cant do my homework , she _to me until I know how to do it. But she_ to let me copy her homework. She _me to learn English. We never want to get _.,treats,refuses,separated,encourage treat patient separate explain refuse mention introduce regret,Fill in the blanks with the words.,I had a big fight with my best friend and we dont talk to each other now.,My friend wants to copy my homework.,My friend is always asking to borrow money from me.,I have to go to a new school, but I dont want to leave my friends.,friends,Lead in (引入),1.,Sometimes,I have problems with my friends,Never talk to each other any more?,friends,Lead in (引入),1.,If you have problems with your friends, what will you do?,Have a fight with her/him?,Talk to her and solve the problem?,Talk to parents or close friends and ask for help?,Lingling wants to speak to Betty / Mrs King. Betty is in / out. Bettys friend / Mrs Kings friend works on the Friendship Helpline.,Listen and choose the correct answer.,Tips: Before you listen, pay attention to the pictures which may help you.,Listening 1(自主学习1),2.,Im sorry, shes not in at the moment. b) Is that Mrs. King? c) Could I speak to Betty, please? d) May I have the number? e) Can I take a message? f ) Thanks so much.,Number the sentences in the order you hear them.,3,2,6,1,4,5,Listening 2(自主学习1),2.,Listen to Linglings problem and number.,So could you explain what happened then? b) How can I help you? c) Tell me when the problem started. d) Could I ask if youve mentioned this to her? e) Can you tell me how shes different? f) Do you know why she treats you like that?,1,3,5,2,4,6,Listening 3(自主学习1),2.,How can I help you? Tell me when the problem started. 3. So could you explain what happened then? 4. Can you tell me how shes different? 5. Could I ask if youve mentioned this to her? 6. Do you know why she treats you like that?,Underline the following sentences.,Tips: Pay attention how the helpline asked Lingling about her problem.,Listening 3(自主学习1),2.,Tips: when started what happened how she is different why she treats you like that give some suggestions,Is Betty there? Is that Betty speaking?, 在吗? 你是吗?,This is Betty speaking.,我是,Who is calling, please?,你是谁?,Hold the line, please.,Sorry. He isnt here right now.,Can I take a message?,Ill call back later.,请别挂断电话.,很抱歉, 他此刻不在。,我能带个信吗?,我稍后会再打来。,May/Could/Can I speak to Betty?,我可以和Mary通话吗?,Tips: Make telephone calls,Listening 2(自主学习1),2.,A:Hello, _? B:Yes ._, please? A:May I ask _ ? B:_. A: _, please. _, Alice isnt here right now._? B:Yes, please. _ (/ No, thanks._.) A: Ok,bye. B:Thank you ,bye.,Can I help you,May I speak to Sam,whos calling,Hold the line,Im sorry,Can I take a message,Apply to use 1(应用扩展),Lets make a telephone call.,Try,This is Betty speaking.,Could you tell her that ,Ill call back later,A:Hello, _? B:Yes ._, please? A:May I ask _ ? B:_. A: _, please. _, Alice isnt here right now._? B:Yes, please. _ (/ No, thanks._.) A: Ok,bye. B:Thank you ,bye.,Apply to use 1(应用扩展),Lets make a telephone call.,Try,1. Lingling called to ask for advice about her schoolwork. 2. Lingling and her best friend are now in the same school. 3. Lingling is happy to see her best friend at the same school. 4. Lingling is having a hard time in the new school. 5. Lingling gets help from the helpline.,Now Check () the true sentences.,Reading 1(自主学习2),3.,Read and answer the questions.,Reading 2(自主学习2),3.,1.How long has Lingling had her best friend? -Lingling has had her best friend for more than five years. 2.Whats Linglings problem with her friend? -Her friend doesnt like Lingling to see her other friends. 3.Has Lingling mentioned the problem to her best friend. -Yes,she has,but her friend refuse to listen.,Read and find out the helplines advice.,_,_
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