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Myfavouriteitsfood英语作文 Fast food Nowadays, Fast food is being more popular in China. Chinese fast food, such as soybeen milk , fired bread stick, porridge , steamed stuffed bun ,beef noodles and so on. Reason for its popularity .first of all, This is the main reason for Chinese food is both healthy and cheap .In addition to ,it is the most important is that the Chinese food is very convenient. China restaurants have to add different kinds of food to their menu to pete with American restaurants .the last but not least ,Chinese fast food restaurant is need not to spend so much money. the result is that Chineses are eating healthy food. Howere, fast food has its disadvantages .on the one hand, the Chinese food takes more time to shop for and prepare. On the other hand, Chineses no have difficult work schedules. There is no denying that the Chinese fast food restaurant no have a perfect manage system. In the end, I hope that Chinese fast food more and more popularity. Fast food对环境,健康影响 traditional food/科技对食物影响 Fast foods are convenience foods that can be prepared and served very quickly. Fast foods include salty French fries, beef burgers, fried chicken, and pizzas with a thick cheese covering. These appeal to the Western palate by being fatty, low in fiber and nutrients, but high in salt. To make matters worse, they are often served with sugar-laden soft drinks or creamy milkshakes full of empty calories or fat. Those who regularly eat fast foods should be particularly selective, moderating节制 the intake of unhealthy options and choosing healthy options, such as salads with low-fat dressings, wholegrain buns, and skimmed milk. See also junk food. Thanks to fast food, families that formerly ate home cooking now eat out or bring back take-home fast food in record numbers. Its virtue is speed, not quality. Its less than ideal nutritional value may have influenced the coining of another term twenty years later, one that also puts a four-letter epithet in front of food. Fast food came to stand as an important symbol of American cultural, if not economic, prowess. And, just as it did at home, fast food became, as well, a clear icon of modernity. Historically, fast food merchandising contributed substantially to the quickening pace of American life through standardization. By the beginning of the twenty-first century, it fully embraced mass production and mass marketing techniques, reduced to the scale of a restaurant. Chains of restaurants, in turn, became fully rationalized within standardized purchasing, marketing, and management systems. Such a system depends on a pool of cheap, largely unskilled labor, the quick service restaurant industry being notorious for its low wages and, aordingly, its rapid turnover of personnel. Criticism of Fast Food Articles and books have condemned the industry, exposing allegedly poor sanitary conditions, unhealthy food products, related environmental problems, and unfair working conditions. Whether it warrants the attention or not, the fast-food industry is still regularly cited for exploiting young workers, polluting, and contributing to obesity and other serious health problems. Labor activists have criticized fast-food chains tendency to employ inexpensive teenage workers. Usually offering the lowest possible wages, with no health or retirement benefits, these restaurants often find it difficult hiring adults for stressful, fast-paced jobs. Many critics claim that the industry preys on teenagers, who will work for less pay and are less likely to organize. Though these ausations may have merit, the industrys reliance on teenage labor also has inherent liabilities, such as a high employee turnover rate, which result in substantial recruiting and training costs. Companies have countered criticism about their use of teenage workers with the rationale that they offer young people entry-level work experience, teaching them: both skills and responsibility. Beef consumption, and more specifically the fast-food hamburger industry, is often blamed for the burning of the rain forests to make way for more grazing lands牧场 for beef cattle菜牛. Foes仇敌 of fast food cited the deplorable filth of many hamburger stands, in addition to claiming that the beef ground for their sandwiches was either spoiled变质, diseased, or simply of low quality. The high fat content of fast food was also controversial. Despite deceptive industry claims about the high quality and the health benefits of their products, nutritionists营养学家 warned the public about the medical dangers of regular burger consumption. This distrust and criticism of fast food continue today, extending even further to include dire warnings about the industrys use of geically modified转基因 and antibiotic-lade
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