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PEP五年级英语上册第二单元测试卷 班级 姓名一、写单词。星期一_ 星期二_ 星期三_ 星期四_ 星期五_ 星期六_星期日_二、写句子。1 今天星期几?_ _ _ _ _?2星期三。_ _ .3星期四你上什么课? What _ _ _ on _?4 星期四我们上英语,数学和科学。We have _, _ and _on _.5星期六你都干什么? What _ _ _ on _?6 我经常读书。I _ _ _.7 他通常看电视。He _ _ _.8 Mom often _ _ (做家务)on _.(周日)9母亲节在五月的第二个周日。Mothers Day is the _Sunday in _.10父亲节在六月的第三个周日。Fathers Day is the _Sunday in _.11在美国,感恩节在11月的第四个周四。I n America Thanksgiving Day is the fourth _ in _.12在加拿大,感恩节在10月的第二个周一。I n Canana Thanksgiving Day is the second _ in _.三、 选择(填序号)( )1. What _ is it today? A. today B. day ( )2. Today _ Friday. A. is B. are ( )3. We _English, math and P.E. A.have B. has ( )4. What do you do _ Sundays? A. on B. in ( )5. Sunday is fun _ me. A.on B. for ( )6. Its time _ get up. A. to B. for 四 、连词成句1have what do on you Saturday(?)_2I watch often TV Sundays on my (.)_3. day what today it is(?)_4. Sunday homework often I on my do(.)_五、阅读,判断(用T表示正确,用F表示错误)。My name is Amy. I go to school from Monday to Friday. Every morningI get up at 6:30. I have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. We have English, math and science on Monday morning.I likeFridays very much, because I have P.E class and I can watch TV onthat day.( )1. Amy gets up at 6:30.( )2 Amy has five classes every day.( )3. Amy likes math very much.( )4. Amy likes Saturdays.( )5. Amy has English, math and science on Monday morning
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