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2011年雅思口语考试常规热点Part 1问题Hometown1. Where do you come from?2. What kind of place is your hometown?3. Have you learned the history about your hometown in textbooks or at school? *5. What is your hometown famous for now? *6. Is there anything interesting in your hometown? *7. Are there any famous people in your hometown? 8. Are there any historical buildings in your hometown? 9. Is your hometown important for your country?Student or work?大学生/大学毕业还没有工作的人1.Are you a student or do you work?2.What is/was your major? *3.Why did you choose this major? *4.Is your major very popular in your country? *5.Do you think its difficult/easy to get a job in the future with your major? *6.What part do you think is most interesting about your major? *8.Teachers and students, who do you think are important in the course? *有工作的人1. Are you a student or do you work?2. Do you like your job? Why?3. Is it very difficult to get your job?4. Is your job very important to you? Why?5. What abilities should a candidate have if he wants to do your job?高中或者初中生1. Whats your favorite subject?2. Which subject do you think is the most useful in adults life?The place where you live1.Where are you living now, a city or a town? *2.Do you think living in a big city is more interesting? *Traveling1.Do you like traveling? *2.What type of transport do you choose when you go traveling? *3.When was the last time you went traveling? *4.Why do you like traveling? *5.Where do you like traveling to?6.Do you like to travel alone or with friends?Airplanes1. Do you often travel by airplane? Do you like traveling by air? *2. Do people often take an airplane in your country? *3. What are the advantages of traveling by airplane?Museum1.Do you often visit museums?2.Did you often go to museums when you were a child?3.Are there many museums in your hometown?4.When was the last time you went to a museum? *5.Do you think museums are important to our lives? * *6.Do you think its acceptable for museums to sell things? *Films1.What kind of films do you like? *2.Why do you like watching films?3.What type of films did you like when you were a child? *4.Do you like to go to the cinema or watch films at home? *Music1.Do you like music?2.What music do young people like (in your country)? *3.Have you been to any concert in the city you live in? *4.What are the differences between the music from CDs and that of live concerts? *Outdoor activities1.What outdoor activities do you like? *2.When do you do this outdoor activities? *3.what outdoor activities do people like in your country? *Animals and pets1. Do you like animals? *2. What kind of animals do people like in your country? *4. Do people keep animals as pets in your country?5. Why do you think people keep pets? *6. Whats your favorite wild animal? *Flowers1.Do you like flowers? / What flowers do you like?2.Do people send flowers to others in your country? *3.Do flowers have special meaning in your country? *Collection1. Do you collect anything? *2. Did you collect anything when you were young?3. Is collecting a popular pastime in China? *4. What are the benefits of collecting? (= Why do people like collecting?) *Sports 1.What sports do you like? *2.What sports did you like to do when you were a child? *3.What sports do you want your child to play in the future? *4.What is the difference between the sports that boys and girls play? *Language1.How many languages do you speak? *2.What language do you want to learn? *3. Why would you like to learn this language? *Painting1.Did you paint or draw anything when you were a child? *2.What is the importance of painting or drawing for children? *Sea 1.Have you been somewhere near the sea?2.How often do you go to visit the sea? *3.How do you feel when youre near the sea? *5.Do you want to live near the sea?6.What are the advantages of living near the sea? *Holidays1.What do you like doing during holidays? *2.Where did you go on your last holiday? *3.Would you like to be alone or with others on holidays? *Public holidays1.Are there any holidays in your country? *2.Which public holidays do you like the most?3.What did you do on your last public holiday? *Science1.What do you like about science? 2.What part of science do you dislike? 3.Which science lesson do you like at school?Meeting friends1.Do you often meet new people? *2.Where do you meet them?3.Where do young people make friends? *4.Do you often meet people from other countries? *5.How do you make friends?The time of a day1.What you usually do in a day?2.Whats the best time of a day?3.Whats the best time of a year?4.Whats your favorite time of a day?5.Do you think you are good at manag
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