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8政治用语充分发挥人民的积极性 bring ones initiative into full play 闭关自守closed-door policy 和平共处coexist peacefully 惩治腐败 combat corruption 共同富裕common prosperity 综合国力comprehensive national strength 维护民族独立defend national independence 活跃市场enliven the market 基本国策fundamental national polices 基本国情fundamental realities of the country 机关集体government and social institutes 领导和组织guide and organize 独立自主independence 小康生活living a relatively comfortable life 依法治国manage state affairs according to law 对外开放open the door to the outside world 加强精神文明建设promote cultural and ideological progress 经济特区 special economic zone 国家主权state sovereignty 战略目标strategic goal 可持续发展sustainable development 扩大消费市场tap the consumer market 第三产业tertiary industry 改善人民生活the improvement in peoples living condition 全人民代表大会the national peoples congress NPC温饱问题the peoples basic need for food and clothing 改革开放政策the reform and opening-up policy 教育(笔记本)义务教育nine-year compulsory education 文化素质 cultural quality 扫盲eliminate illiteracy 教书育人impart knowledge and educate people 失学儿童 dropout student 素质教育education for all-round development 改进教与学improve teaching and learning 高等院校institute of higher education 知识产权intellectual property 法制教育 law education 希望工程 Project Hope科教兴国revitalizing the nation through science and education 因材施教tech students according to their aptitude大学毕业生university graduates 受过良好的教育well-educated (一)具有不可比拟的优势/拥有明显优势have an incomparable advantage over 承担责任assume ones responsibility 基础知识rudimentary knowledge 缺乏自信lack of confidence 适应/适应性强的 adapt /accommodate oneself to Be more adaptable 头脑简单simple-minded 智慧 ability and wisdom 充分准备make full preparation of 感情交流 emotional contact 过去的辉煌和成绩past glory and achievement 积极参加activated participation in 交际能力/人际交往能力 social skill /interpersonal skill 教学设施/一流的设备teaching facilities /老师和校方领导school teacher and administrator 校方 school authority 强烈的失落感 a strong sense of loss /achievement 消除寂寞和不适应感remove loneliness and disorientation 昂贵的学费costly tuition fee 毕昇的记忆lifelong memories 明辨是非distinguish right from wrong 抵挡住诱惑resist the temptation 独立思考的能力independent thinking and learning 高素质 有经验的老师highly qualified and well-experienced teaching stuff 极大的财富an immense asset 尖端科学advanced science 经济负担financial burden/strain 开阔视野/扩大知识面broaden ones scope of knowledge /widen ones horizon (mind )跨文化交际intercultural communication 全身心投入/投身于be immersed /absorbent in 人才短缺shortage of talent 伤感情地 emotionally damaging 脱颖而出stand out from the crowd 学习知识技能acquire knowledge and skills 打下坚实的基础lay a solid foundation for 综合素质enhance comprehensive quality 不可推卸的义务unshakable duty理论与教育相结合integrate theory with practice 身心两方面both physically and mentally 缓解压力减轻负担relieve stress /burden 大量的知识储备 vast stores of knowledge 老师指导下的学习teacher-directed learning 传统的学校教育conventional school education 全面的知识a comprehensive knowledge (二)本本主义bookishness 中学secondary school 初中/高中junior high school /senior high school 开夜车 挑灯夜战burn the midnight oil /work overnight 扩招expand their enrollment 激发灵感spark inspiration 教育工作者teaching staff 普及教育universal education 奖学金/助学金毕业证书开除expel sb from school 出勤attendance participation 考研热the craze for graduate school study 复合型人才interdisciplinary talents 精神食粮intellectual food 远程教育long-distance education 理论/实践知识theoretical /practical knowledge 德才兼备equal stress on integrity and ability 填鸭式教育cramming method of teaching 德育civic education (3) 毕业文凭/学位证diploma 应试教育/ 素质教育examination-oriented /quality-oriented education 研究生入学考试entrance exam for postgraduate schools社会(笔记本)青年志愿者young volunteer 一时冲动an impulse activity 引起人们注意attract public attention to 良好的沟通技巧good communication skill 热门话题hot topic 信息网络information network 网上文化online culture 首创精神pioneering spirit 一个更好更光明的未来a much better and brighter future 官方发言人authorized spokesman 向政府呼吁appeal to the government 一律平等be all equal 形成不良的社会风气be tempted into an unhealthy lifestyle 承担风险bear the risk of 购买力buying power虐待儿童child abuse 腐败和受贿corruption and bribery 贪污embezzlement 生活费用cost of living 享有许多优惠政策enjoy preferable polices 丰富生活enrich our life 不断发展ever-accelerated 日益增长的需求ever-increasing demand 盲目追求时尚follow some fashion blindly 吃饭穿衣food and clothing 基因工程genetic engineering 各级政府government of all levels 重工业heavy industry 高科技产业high-technic enterprise 如何对待财富和幸福how to approach wealth and happiness 实行implement /carry out维护社会治安in order keep law and order 影响人们的行为举止influence the way of peoples conduct 青少年犯罪juvenile delinquency 步调一致keep in step with 跟上时代步伐keep pace with the timeshare 知识型经济knowledge-based economy 公务员civil servant 任由事态发展let this situation go as it is 小康生活living a relatively comfortable live 巨大发展make a big advance 制定法律make a law 营养不良malnutrition 人力财力 manpower/human resources finacial resources 满足人们日益增长的需求meet the g
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