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此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。初中入学女生自我介绍初中入学女生自我介绍范文初中入学女生怎么做自我介绍呢?下面小编为大家整理了自我介绍的范文,欢迎阅读!初中入学女生自我介绍范文我叫YJBSY。一听到这个名字,你是否觉得有长不大的意思?在父母眼里,我永远也长不大,*是我的小名,翻开字典查这个“*”字,是*的意思。不好意思,真有点儿对不起这个名字,其实我没那么好的。我还给自己起了个笔名*。是根据*一词中的诗句起的,我觉得这个名字很美。今年我*岁了。*岁的花季,应该是快快乐乐的,*岁的*孩更应该是快快乐乐的,而我却相反。我的性格注定我要在花季流泪。我动辄就哭哭啼啼。不过,我也蛮喜欢这样的性格,她使我走向爱好文学的道路,并且得到了老师的赏识。我特别喜爱文学,尤其是散文和诗。我常常把自己的快乐和忧愁融入一首首小诗和一篇篇散文里。我*岁开始上幼儿园,*岁上学前班,*岁上小学。在小学,我的座右铭是:学费不比人家交得少,成绩更不能比别人差!所以,我的成绩一直是班级的前几名。妈妈也一直把我视为她的希望,她的.自豪。我就在这一片赞扬声中长大了。大概因为我的骄傲自大吧,渐渐地,我的成绩滑到了中等。不过家人和老师没有放弃我。他们认为我一定会赶上去的。现在,关于我的故事还不多。但是我想通过我的介绍,大家会想和我做朋友,我们一定能相处融洽的。初中女生英语自我介绍My name is *. On hearing the name, do you think there grow up mean? In the parents eyes, I will neverAlso grow up, * is my pet name, opened the dictionary to the “*” characters, * mean. I am sorry, reallySorry, the name a bit, actually Im not that good. I returned to myself a pseudonym -*。 Is the rootWord of the verse, according to *”*” played, I think this name is very beautiful.This year I am * years old. * Year-old young, should be happy, and * old * children should be happyAnd I was the opposite. My character is destined to bloom I shed tears. I am prone to crying. However, I alsoReally likes the character, and she made me go the road of literature-loving and appreciated by the teacher. I am particularlyIn literature, particularly prose and poetry. I always put my happiness and sadness into song after another verses and a chapterProse.I * the age of kindergarten, pre-school age *, * year-old elementary school. In primary school, my motto is: TuitionBetter than others pay less, scores even worse than the others can not! So, my grades have been the first few classes. MomMom has been to me as her hopes, her pride. I grew up in this piece of praise was rightly ringing up. Probably becauseLet me arrogant, gradually, my grades slipped into the middle. But do not give up my family and teachers. HeThey think that I will catch up with them.Now, about my story is not over. But I think through my presentation, you will want to be my friend,We must be able to create harmony.4
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