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Dicto Simpliciter -绝对判断,Hasty Generalization -草率结论,绝对判断,Definition: An argument based on an unqualified generalization. A fallacy in which a general rule is treated as universally true regardless of the circumstances: a sweeping generalization,Dicto Simpliciter,For example: Exercise is good. Therefore everybody should exercise.,The argument is a fallacy. Exercise is good is an unqualified generalization. For instance, if you have heart disease, exercise is bad, not good. Many people are ordered by their doctors not to exercise. You must qualify the generalization.,You must say : exercise is usually good, or exercise is good for most people. Otherwise you have committed a Dicto Simpliciter.,吃肉会长胖,对于要长肉的人来说,吃青菜也会长胖。 对于某些人来说,怎么吃也不长肉。 所以 吃肉会长胖 是一个dicto simpliciter 草率前提 ,此话太过绝对。,说谎是不对的,大家都不该说谎,善意的谎言 美国短篇小说 最后一片叶子,鸦片是害人的东西,在某些情况下,鸦片是可以作为救人的药物的。,Dicto Simpliciter -绝对判断,A dicto simpliciter occurs when an acceptable exception(例外) is ignored or eliminated.,懂了吗?,Hasty Generalization-匆忙(草率)结论,Definition: A fallacy in which a conclusion is not logically justified by sufficient or unbiased(公正的) evidence.,Hasty Generalization 匆忙(草率)结论,Hasty generalization is a logical fallacy of faulty generalization by reaching an inductive generalization based on insufficient evidence. It commonly involves basing a broad conclusion upon the statistics of a survey of a small group that fails to sufficiently represent the whole population.,Hasty Generalization- Example:,You cant speak French. I cant speak French. He cant speak French. I must therefore conclude that nobody at our University can speak French. Its a fallacy. The generalization is reached too hastily. There are too few instances to support such a conclusion.So it is a Hasty Generalization,Example:,#康定县前年没有地震,去年也没有地震,推断今年也不会有地震 然而 #2014.11.22康定县发生6.3级地震,Example:,范冰冰长的很美,李冰冰长的也很美,所以名字叫冰冰的人都很美 然而,你懂得,就是这样,你懂了么?,谢谢!,
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