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1,Unit 10,2,Lunatic is an informal term referring to people who are considered mentally ill, dangerous, foolish or unpredictable; conditions once called lunacy. The term may be considered insulting in serious contexts, though is sometimes used in friendly jest. The word derives from lunaticus meaning of the moon or moonstruck.adj. 疯狂的;精神错乱的;愚蠢的 n. 疯子;疯人,Lunatic,3,我国共有精神病患者1600万人,各类精神病患病率达1347。目前,神经精神疾病在我国疾病总负担中排名首位,约占疾病总负担的20。根据世界卫生组织推算,中国神经精神疾病负担到2020年将上升至疾病总负担的14。,4,Whats your attitude toward mentally ill?,Discuss:,5,How should we treat mental patient ?,消除歧视(Eliminate discrimination) 真心关爱Treat them with respect and love 精心管理Elaborate management,6,其中最重要的就是消除歧视,它是前提,作不到这一点,关爱和管理都无从谈起,要做到这一点,消除偏见和误解,就必须正确认识精神疾病。,7,What is psychosis? Psychosis is a brain disorder where a person experiences hallucinations, delusions, and/or confused thinking. A first episode of psychosis is often a confusing and scary time, and patients and family members may not know where to turn for help. 精神疾病是大脑异常导致的精神活动失常状态。究其本质来说与其他内外科疾病没有差别,8,Love? resentment?,9,This narrative text consists of dynamic and accounts of the chief characters mental illness and her behavior, and of the writers love and resentment of her daughter. Different moods and behavior of the chief character are represented. When seized with mental illness, or irritated by her mother, she pours out frenzied mutterings or infuriated utterances and complaints. When she becomes quiet and impassive, she acts normally and even gently or mildly. There are many examples in the text that clearly show that the writer both loves and resents her daughter. This seems quite natural if we consider the chief characters illness and behavior as well as the writers actual situation. After reading the story, we come to see that the mentally ill are pathetic creatures, who deserve our love, care and compassion.,10,Detailed Study of Para 1-8,11,Love,Resentment, a woman who is obscene or sexually immoral e.g. (1)She disguised herself as a filthy slut so as not to be noticed by the police.,15,flush v. to clean (esp. a toilet or drain) with a rush of water e.g. (1) Please flush the toilet after use. impassive adj. showing no sign of feeling; incapable of feeling emotion; undisturbed by passion e.g.(1)He remained impassive when faced with death, which impressed me deeply.,16,I straightened up from my weeding as the frenzied mutterings of anger reached me from the house. My muscles tightened. I had been weeding my burgeoning garden one morning. When I stood up, I heard the wild infuriated muffled utterances from the house. My muscles became stiff.,17,Why did the writer move cautiously through the overgrown bushes, up against the bathroom window, straining to catch the exact words muttered by her daughter?,Because she wanted to understand her daughter. She moved cautiously because she knew that her daughter didnt want her to hear what she muttered.,18,The flushing toilet drowned out the rest. The noise of the rush of water in the toilet made the rest of the muffled screams inaudible.,19,I moved away quickly, shaken once again by her wild outbursts. Sometimes she frightens me when she is clearly out of control. But this time I was reassured ? I shrank away instantly, agitated once again by her uncontrollable explosion of infuriated screams. Sometimes she terrifies me when she clearly loses her presence of mind. But this time I was not scared.,20,umpteenth adj. of a large but unspecified number e.g.(1) It was postponed for the umpteenth time. (2) She was the umpteenth person to arrive. (=She arrived after many others.) Hurl vt. To utter sth. With great violence or vehemence. hurl at sb. e.g.(1) Hardly had the speaker ended his speech when the audience began to hurl abuse and insults at him,21,a paranoid schizophrenic: a person who suffers from a mental disease marked by a breakdown in the relation between thoughts, feelings and actions, frequently accompanied by delusions of persecution and self-importance, and retreat from social life.妄想型精神分裂症患者;类偏狂型精神分裂症患者 crescendo n. an increase in volume or intensity The advertising campaign reached a crescendo at Christmas,22,. she asked as she lighted her umpteenth cigarette of the morning and was shaken by her usual barking cough. She had been smoking many cigarettes on that morning. She asked the question as she lighted yet another cigarette. And meanwhile, she coughed so violently, as she usually did, that she was trembling all over.,23,. she settled deeper into the deck chair. . she sank deeper into the folding chair. Yesterday had been rough. She had hurled accusation after accusation at me. Yesterday was a tough day for me. She accused me repeatedly of one thing after another.,24,Note the changes in the daughters behavior and the writers attitude towards her daughter daughters behavior: wild outburst - calm and impassive -rose in crescendo writers attitude: cautiously-shaken-reassured-snapped-quieter,25,Why do
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