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1,Unit 10 Money Lesson 1 A material world,2,We aim at Moral Objective having the right attitude towards the material life Language Objective enjoying the general idea of the text & reach understanding of the key words and phrases,3,Word- building: millionaire,-aire : people A millionaire is A _ is a person who has one billion dollars( pounds/ yuan-) .,billionaire,a person who has one million dollars( pounds/ yuan-) .,4,Clinton, ex-president of the USA, once made a famous speech in BNU. Angus Deayton interviewed Charles Gray, an ex-millionaire. His ex-wife ,Mary, is addicted to social activities.,Word-building: ex-millionaire,Ex- : former, at one time,前总统/曾经的百万富翁/前妻,5,Do you know who he is?,Bill Gates,PRESIDENT of Microsoft TOP1 $46.5b,6,Do you know who he is?,Lijiacheng A successful Businessman TOP 22 , $13b,7,Yaoming,Basketball player on Rockets $76m/5 years,8,How do people become millionaires?,Born into a rich family,Be a successful business man,Win the lottery(彩票),Marry a rich person,Invent something that everybody wants.,Become a sports/ film /music star,Be an expert,Be a successful writer,9,Which do you prefer to live in?,10,villas(别墅),11,Old and worn houses,12,Who wants to be a millionaire? I DONT,Does everybody want to be a millionaire?,13,Read the article. Decide if the statements below are true ( T), False (F) or there is no information.(NI) Charles Gray was a rich businessman. He has not got a stove in his dormitory. He has got a vegetable garden. Charles gave his money away to poor people. People thought he was drunk when he gave away small bank notes in the street. 6. He was happier when he was rich.,F,NI,T,T,NI,F,14,Do you want to be a millionaire? Why or why not?,Discussion,15,Advantages of being a millionaire/billionaire,A buy anything we like such as an expensive car like a BMWand a villa with modern equipment and luxurious(豪华) furniture B be well-fed and dressed C Travel around the world D leave some money to charities E give some money away to the poor ,16,Disadvantages of being a millionaire/billionaire,A be unable to be relaxed at the thought of making more money B worry about being robbed of the money C worry about being kidnapped (绑架) D be occupied because of too many social activities,17,Money talks. The love of money is the root of all evil(罪恶). Money is a good servant but a bad master. Money has no smell.,What money is in the eye of western people,18,Chinese idioms or proverbs,有钱能使鬼推磨. 钱乃身外之物. 见钱眼开,Money makes the ghost turn the millstone .,Man is made up of flesh & soul, not money.,He who loves money makes money by all means.,19,Whats your attitude towards the matter of money ?,Money is neither everything nor nothing. Make money honestly and spend it effectively There is always something more important than money: friendship, health, love and so on.,20,Find the words or expressions in the text to match the following,1 make up ones mind(s) to do sth (Par.1) 2 worry about sth (Par.1) 3 care little about or put aside (Par.2) 4 old or used (Par.3) 5 be fed up with (Par.4) 6 choose or decide to do (Par.4),21,Find the words or expressions in the text to match the following,7 realize ( Par. 5) 8 give sth to sb for free ( Par. 5) 9 make a lot of money ( Par. 5) 10 change , leave or give up a lifestyle ( Par. 6) 11 return to sth ( Par. 6),22,1 make up ones mind(s) to do 2 worry /care about sth 3 pay no attention to or avoid 4 old or used 5 be fed up with 6 choose or decide to do 7 realize 8 give sth to sb for free 9 make a lot of money 10 change or give up 11 return to sth,be determined to do,be concerned about,turn ones back on sth,second-hand,be tired of,make the choice to do,be aware of,earn a lot of money,drop out,go back to,give away,23,重点短语点拨,Turn ones back on sth / sb:不理睬/ 回避 Eg, Lucy turned her back on my invitation and didnt take part in my birthday party. Be aware that-/ of sth 意识/认识到 Everybody is asked to be aware that hard work leads to success. Drop out (of-)放弃(弃权/退学/-), 带宾语 或单独使用 Its 4 years since he dropped out of the national basketball team.,24,Be aware of turn ones back on be concerned about drop outgive away be determined to,1 Some students in mountainous areas have to _ because of poverty. 2 She _the importance of learning English and _do it well. 3 I_ 100 yuan to the people in the flooded area. 4 60 years ago,Qianweichang_his comfortable life abroad and returned to China. 5 Dont _ his safety. His house is closely guarded.,25,Retell the text, using the following words and expressions,1 be determined to do 7 be aware that- 2 be concerned about 8 give away 3 turn ones back on sth/sb 9 earn a lot of money 4 second-hand 10 drop out 5 be tired of 11 go back to 6 make the choice to do,26,Homework,Read the text again ,paying attention to the key words and expressions Find give-phrases in your dictionary Finish Exx5-7 ,P9,27,Thank you for your attending!,Goodbye,
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