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Unit 6 The Diary of the Unknown Soldier,Instructor: Xu Xiaofang,2,To understand the main idea of the text,Express your idea about wars,Learning objectives,3,Warm up,1,Text study,2,Discussion,3,Summary,4,Teaching procedure,4,I. Lead-in,Do you keep a diary? What do you usually write in your diary?,5,Diary,Diary is a unique type of writing in that it is not structured in a pre-planned way as is a piece of argumentation or a piece of narration. In a diary , the writers pen simply follows his flow of his thoughts. In other words, a piece of diary is usually “ structured” by the authors free association between the present, the past, and the future, interwoven his relevant remarks.,6,Pre-reading questions,Watch the video and answer questions,7,Can you describe the cruelties of the war from the eyes of a soldier?,Piles of rubbles Lifeless bodies Lifeless heaps Heaps of bodies Sounds of bombs exploding A sea of blood,8,Can you guess what a soldier would ask about war when he is threatened by death?,9,II. Cultural Notes,D-day,Nazi,Axis powers,Allied powers,10,In mid-1937,Japan began a full invasion of _. The starting date was generally held to be September _ with the German invasion of _ and the ending date was September 1945, when _ surrendered to the Allies. War broke out - China 1939 Poland Japan,11,The war resulted in great casualty and destruction. Thus, in an effort to maintain international peace, the Allies formed _ on October 24, 1945. the United Nations,12,Another result was that the _ and the _ emerge from the war as the worlds leading superpowers, which set the stage for the Cold War, lasting for the next 45 years. Soviet Union United States,13,Axis Power,Countries opposed to the Allies during the World War . Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan were part of a military alliance on the signing of the Tripartite Pact on September 1940. At their zenith, the Axis powers ruled empires that dominated large parts of Europe, Africa, East and South Asia and the Pacific Ocean. Ended with total defeat.,14,Allies of World War ,Countries officially opposed to Axis Power promoted the alliance as seeking to stop German, Italian and Japanese aggression. The anti-German coalition at the start of the war (1 September 1939) consisted of France, Poland and Great Britain, soon to be joined by the British Commonwealth . the Soviet Union joined the Allies after being invaded by Germany and its allies. The United States joined in December 1941 after the Japaneseattack on Pearl Harbor. As of 1942, the Big Three leaders of Britain, the Soviet Union, and the United States controlled Allied policy,15,the invasion of Poland, Japan Declared Surrender,Countries?,more than 100 million military personnel,1.rival superpowers 2.Accelerated decolonization movements 3. increased political integration.,1939 to 1945,Result and influence,the Allies and the Axis,the most widespread war,nuclear attack,Hiroshima and Nagasaki,Warm-up: World War II,16,B,Decide which of the following best states the authors purpose of writing.,Text study: Fast reading,17,Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.,1.It can be inferred that the scenes of cruelty in the war were beyond the authors expectations. 2. In London, the author and his fellow soldiers were fighting against Germen soldiers to protect the city. 3.The author willingly joined the war, because he was a man of courage and was not afraid of death. 4.In his diary, the author not only poured out his disgust for the wars, but also questioned the sensibleness of war. 5. In the last entry, the author expressed his profound love for his children, because he was close to death.,Text study: Fast reading,T,F,F,T,F,18,Nazis air raids,retreat to a small town,His location was discovered,1 love 2.Hatred,Text study: Fast reading,19,reality,Contrast,expectation,Text study :Careful reading,20,Text study :Careful reading,(1) In this soldiers opinion, does war happen to be the way to solve problems? (2) How do you understand the phrase“ words has it that” ? (3) What did he determine to tell the families of those soldiers who died in the war? (4) Whats the soldiers implication by saying “ Even one war is too many”?,Pair Work: Ask and Answer,21,Text study :Careful reading,I wish, with all my soul, that I could be home now, in my own bed, waiting for Christmas morning to come. The children would be tucked in their beds, and my wife and I would be soundly asleep in our room. I am struggling to calm myself down, but my face is covered in dirt and sweat, and my head is pounding like mad. I am so close to death that I can actually feel its fiery breath engulfing me. To help keep me from panicking I am thinking of my daughters faces as they open their presents on Christmas Day. The faces are all aglow with delight. I will always remember their faces, wait I hear footsteps coming in my dir
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