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,CONTENTS,B,E,Lead-in,Text Reading,Text Understanding,Theme Exploration,Summary,Less is More,1,Tell the story “Smashing the Cauldrons and Sinking the Boats” (破釜沉舟) to your classmates and discuss its message.,In the late years of the Qin Dynasty (秦朝, 221 - 206BC), Xiang Yu (项羽) launched a rebellion.After crossing the Zhang River (漳河), Xiang Yu ordered his soldiers to sink all the boats and break their cooking pots, leaving only a three-day supply of food for each soldier. He warned them that there was no way to retreat; the only thing they could do to survive was to advance and fight. Xiang Yus boat burning strategy gave his men no choice but to go forward to fight with skill and passion. After nine furious war, the Qin army was finally defeated.,2,Less is More,3,FOREIGH LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH PRESS AIR FORCE ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY,4,rival options,5,Why did General Xiang Yu order his troops to crush their cooking pots and burn their sailing ships when crossing the Zhang River?(Para.3),Tips,to impose on his troops a necessary sacrifice to achieve victory over their opponents.,to inspire the soldiers be more determined and concentrated on the battles.,6,Part I introduces a story of closing doors to open _ about Xiang Yu. Facing choices of rival options, he made an unusual decision - ordering his troops to crush cooking pots and burn their sailing ships. By doing this, he closed the door for retreating from the enemys territory but opened the window for _.,Part I (Paras. 1- _),3,windows of opportunity,winning the battle,7,According to Dr. Arielys book, Predictably Irrational, what might be a weakness of human beings? (Para.4),His experiment shows that people just couldnt bear to see their options vanish though they knew it would benefit them to let go.,8,Part I serves as a transition from the ancient story of Xiang Yu to the _ of the students at MIT. Through conducting an experiment on humans_ , Dr. Ariely found that people just couldnt bear to see their options vanish though they knew it would benefit them to let go.,Part II (Para. 4),modern story,irrational behavior,9,Whats the significance of doing the experiments? (Para.5),10,Whats the winning strategy when playing the computer game? (Para.6),11,How did students loss money because of their irrational efforts to keep the vanishing doors open? (Para.7),12,Part III mainly focuses on the experiment conducted by Dr. Ariely. He first explains the _ of the experiment, and the process of the students _. Then he points out the real cause of the students_. Finally he emphasizes that in life the doors are actually closing slowly and we dont see the future _.,Part III (Paras. 5- _),9,purpose and significance,losing money,irrational behavior,vanishing away,13,In the text, what does Dr. Ariely suggest in order to balance our life? (Paras.10-12),14,Part IV (Paras. 10-12),Part IV suggests how we can balance our lives by reducing _. such as prohibition of overbooking , trying to lessen the load, remembering the lessons of _ like Xiang Yu, and keeping those activities _.,unnecessary options,door closers,enriching our lives,15,What is the message the author wants to send out from this text? (Paras.13-14),16,Part V (Paras. 13-14),Part III concludes the essay, and meanwhile it raises the question if _ . We should close certain doors in order to allow the right windows of opportunity and happiness to open.,more is better than less,17,Door closer, are you? When faced with _ options, XiangYu proved to a wonderful decision-maker. He took his troops making a _ into enemy territory. To his troops_, he ordered their cooking pots crushed and their sailing ships burned, which gave his troops only one _: to win the battle. The battle turned out to be a great success on his side.,To be continued,rival,raid,astonishment,option,18,This story indicates that while closing the door for doing something, people may open the _ for achieving something more significant. Through conducting an experiment on humans _ behavior, Dr. Ariely, found that many students in his experiment just couldnt bear to see their options _ though they knew it would benefit them to _. He then emphasizes that in life the doors are actually closing slowly and we dont see the future vanishing away.,To be continued,window,irrational,vanish,let go,19,To solve this problem, people can balance their lives by reducing _options on their own and keeping those activities that will actually enrich their lives. To conclude, we should close certain doors in order to allow the right windows of _ to open.,opportunity and happiness,unnecessary,20,1. In your opinion, what is an irrational behavior? Give some examples.,It is an action or opinion based on
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