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Unit 3 WeatherTeacher Tang,Good morning! This is the weather report. Its.in.,Task,Try your best to be a weather reporter !,努力成为一个合格的天气播报员吧!,Hello, Everyone! Here is the world map.,Whats the weather like in Moscow? Its cold. Its cold and snowy.,Moscow,snowy,Whats the weather like in Moscow? Its cold and snowy.,London,Whats the weather like in London ? Its cold. Its cold and rainy.,rainy,Whats the weather like in London ? Its cold and rainy.,cool Whats the weather like in Beijing? Its cool. Its cool and windy.,Whats the weather like in Beijing? Its cool and windy.,windy,Singapore,hot Whats the weather like in Singapore ? Its hot. Its hot and cloudy.,cloudy,Whats the weather like in Singapore ? Its hot and cloudy.,Sydney,sunny Whats the weather like in Sydney ? Its hot. Its hot and sunny.,snowy rainy windy cloudy sunny,下雪的 多雨的 多风的 阴天的 阳光充足的,Heres the world weather. Today its hot and sunny in Sydney.,Whats the weather like in Sydney?,Its hot and sunny.,rainy,snowy,windy,cloudy,sunny,多雨的 下雪的,多风的,多云的,阳光充足的,这里是世界天气。今天悉尼 阳光充足还热。,悉尼天气怎么样?,阳光充足还热。,Whats the weather like?,snowy,windy,rainy,cloudy,Summary,描述天气特点的四会单词和本课其它 四会单词: snowy、rainy、windy、cloudy、sunny hot、outside、becareful、weather、 how aboutdegree、world、London Moscow、Singapore、Sydney、fly、 Newyork、love 询问天气情况的句子: Whats the weather like in +地点 ? Its,See you tomorrow! Come on!,
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