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,Loudi Attractions,新化梅山龙宫,Meishan Long Palace Scenic Area is located in the Gaoqiao,Youxi village west of the Zi river, which has a total area of 3 square kilometers. It opens begin at 9 oclock,and its price is 80 yuan.,梅山龙宫风景区,位于油溪乡资水西岸的高桥村。东到新白公路,西南以黄茅栗山、东方红园艺场南面山的山脊线为界,北至青实山的山脊线,总面积为3平方公里。区内地貌为两山夹一谷(藏龙谷),两水抱一湾(盘龙湾),山水连一洞(梅山龙宫,又名藏兵洞)。景观空间由水阔景远一谷静封闭一洞穴通幽一豁然开朗,岩溶洞穴立体交叉,极富情趣。,涟源龙山国家森林公园,Lianyuan Longshan National Forest Park is located in southern Lianyuan City.It was approved as a provincial Forestry Department of Forest Park in 1992,which has a total area of 9,286.12 hectares. The highest peaks Yueping peak is up to 1513.37 meters.,涟源龙山国家森林公园位于湘中娄底涟源市南部,于1992 年被湖南省林业厅批准为省级森林公园。公园总面积为9286 . 12 公顷,公园因山体庞大浑厚,山势高峻挺拔,山形伸展如龙而得名,最高峰岳坪峰高达1513 . 37 米。 公园植被属亚热带常绿阔叶林带,动植物资源十分丰富 。,新化紫鹊界梯田,Xinhua Terrace is located in Loudi western mountains,and it begins to form from the Qin and Han dynasties, and developed in the Song dynasty,which has a history of more than two thousand years.,紫鹊界梯田位于湖南娄底新化县西部山区,起于秦汉,形成发展于宋明,至今已有两千余年历史,是苗、瑶、侗、汉等多民族历代先贤共同劳动的结晶。核心景区达二点八万亩的紫鹊界梯田形态原始,阡陌纵横,线条流畅,其地势之高、规模之大、形态之美堪称世界之最。,娄底塞海,Sehai is located in the centre of Meijiang, the beautiful lake attracts many tourists to travel here,and the lake is surrounded by mountains.,为湄江中心景区,主要景点有一湖秀水塞海,绝秀景观合掌崖,天然巨型回音壁,诗家杰作湄江诗岩、天子山、观音望海、舵手峰等。泛舟塞海,如画中游。,娄底藏君洞,娄底藏君洞景区因景区的藏君洞而闻名,为一天然溶洞,传说削发为僧的明惠帝朱允为了躲避朱棣的攻打,曾藏身此洞30余天,此洞得名“藏君洞”。景区除藏君洞外,还有白玉楼、惠帝殿等。,曾国藩故居,Zengguofan Hometown,曾国藩故居富厚堂坐落在双峰县荷叶镇(旧属湘乡),始建于清同治四年(公元1865年)。是我国保存完好的最大的私家藏书楼之一,是娄底市第一处全国重点文物保护单位。,Zeng Guofans former residence is located in the town of lotus leaf in Shuangfeng County (Old Xiangxiang),Built in Tongzhi four years (1865).Is one of the largest private libraries in China. It is the first national key cultural relics Protection units.,
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