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Brain Power,Look at the following numbers for about one minute and then write down as many as you can remember .,meeting, student, school, homework, study, playground, match , teacher , basketball , exam , mark , sports, film , hand in ,holiday , watch , game,Test your memory,Match the key words with the definitions .,atom , billion , cell , nerve cell , organ,Before you start :,3. the smallest piece of something that can exist alone 4. a tiny part of the body that helps carry messages to and from the brain 5. a unit of living matter,one thousand million a part of the body that has a particular purpose , e.g. the heart , the liver,Keys: billion , organ , atom , nerve cell , cell,Complete the sentences with the following words .,atom , billion , cell , nerve cell , organ , function , sight , hearing ,fear,Key words study,atom , billion , cell , nerve cell ,organ , function , sight , hearing , fear,1.He watched the boat until it is out of . 2.How many are there in the universe ? 3.The medicine is made to kill cancer . 4.The eye is the of sight . 5.The population of China reaches up to 1.3 .,sight,atoms,cells,organ,billion,atom , billion , cell , nerve cell ,organ , function , sight , hearing , fear,6.The of the heart is to pump blood through the body . 7.A is a tiny part of the body that helps carry messages to and from the brain . 8.He showed no in facing the big difficulty .,function,nerve cell,fear,Completing a text 1 Before you listen , read the text and predict what kind of information you need . 2 Underline some important words in the text before each gap . 3 While you are listening , listen for these important words the information you need should follow them . 4 You can complete the gaps using abbreviations then write them in full .,Listening strategies:,Important word(s) and our predictions,For example :,1.consist of a color,2.weighs how heavy ?(number),3.energy how much ?(number),4. contain how many much ? (number),Important word(s) before each gap :,1. consist of 6. are responsible for 2. weighs 7. controlling 3. energy 8. signals 4. contain 9. emotions 5. more than 10. own (language),1 Listen for the first time : get a general idea. Dont hurry to write down your answers . 2 Listen again : write down your answers and check with your partners . 3 Listen for the last time : check your answers again and make sure they are right .,Listening,Listen to the science lesson . Use the strategies to complete the gaps in Ex 2.,Remember , you may need more than one word in each gap .,Listening,1. white,2. just over a kilo,3. 20,4. 100 billion cells,5. atoms in the universe,6. different functions,7. sight and hearing,8. all the time,9. fear,10. foreign,Check your answers,How can we keep our brains in perfect condition so were on top form for exams? How can we avoid pre-exam nerves and panic ?,Give your opinion,Listen to a student phone-in program about revising for exams and match the callers with their opinions .,caller,opinion,Charlie,plan your revision motivate yourself get some exercise,Dan,Mohammed,plan your revision,make a list relax work out a timetable give yourself rewards take a walk get some fresh air shouldnt drink much coffee work out priorities give yourself a break go for a jog get the mind off exams,get some exercise,Motivate yourself,Giving and Asking for Advice Listen again and complete the Function File with these words,must , mustnt , ought to , should shouldnt , advise , need to , if I were you , have got to , could , theres no point in , its important to , what tips , can be counter- productive , what,Function File:,What tips 2. its important to 3. should 4. need to 5. What 6. If I were you 7. ought to 8. can be counter- productive9. shouldnt 10. Could 11. must 12. have got to 13. mustnt 14. Theres no point in 15. advise,Check your answers,Phrasal Verbs Match the words and expressions below with the verbs in the text .,Last month , I had an important English exam . I decided not to (1) put off studying (as I normally do !) and got up early every morning to (2) get down to work straight away .,postpone,start,Vocabulary :,I am a “morning person” and I got a lot out of my revision sessions . I always began by (3) going over a practice test I had done checking my answers and (4) finding out what Id got wrong . I also tried to (5) work out,looking at in detail,discovering,understand,Why Id made mistakes . If I didnt understand Something , Id (6) write it down and then (7) bring it up in class with my teacher . She was very helpful and she (8) went through all of the things that would probably (9) come up,make a note of,mention,looked at in detail,appear,in the exam . In the end , the exam wasnt so bad after all and I think I (11) got through it . Mind you , I still havent had my results yet !,passed,Look at the following words for about two minutes and then write down as many as you can remember . Try
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