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sports and after-class/outdoor activities,Part one : sports,一. 谈论喜欢的运动和类别 A: Do you often exercise/work out?/ How often do you exercise? B: Certainly/Sure, every day/twice a week; Nope, just now and then. A: What (kind of ) sports do you like(best)?/What is your favorite sport?/What (kind of) sports do you usually play? Do you play basketball.(具体某种)? B: Actually, I really like/love/am really fond of/am into/am enthusiastic about/am crazy about/am obsessed with.; .is my cup of tea/my dish/type.; I often play.; I am good at. How/What about you? A: I am a really man and I like football. 除此以外我们还会谈论运动的哪些问题呢?,A: Why do you like swimming/.? B. I like swimming. because it can help me keep my shape/build up my muscle. A: What is your favorite . team/Who is your favorite. player? B: I am a big/loyal fan of Messio/Kobe.; Jordon/Phelps is my idol. A: Why do you like her/him? A: Blablabla.,Love me or hate me but at the end of day u will respect me!,运动有很多类型,这里我们就分为健身房和日常自我运动。 1. 自我运动 球类 basketball/soccer/football(美式)/volleyball/baseball/tennis/table tennis(ping pong)/badminton/bowling/billiards bljdz/golf/yo-yo.,其它(大部分运动由动词动名词组成) (1)陆地上运动 hiking/(rock)climbling/(mountain)cycling; biking/jogging/running/walking/rollerblading(直排轮滑)/skateboarding(滑板)/martial arts(kongfu)/gymnastics/shooting. (2)冰上或水上运动 (downhill)skiing(滑雪)/(ice)skating/sledding(滑雪橇); sailing(驾帆船)/rowling/swimming/(scuba skjb/sky)diving/surfing/waterskiing/fishing,2. 健身房gym box/wrestleres()l/taekwondotakndo/weightlifting/yoga/exercise equipment/spinningspn(动感单车)/dancing.,二. 邀请做运动 A: Oh, what a beautiful day, would you like to go hiking (with me)?/ Lets go hiking./ Do you want to/wanna go hiking? B: 同意 : Why not?/Sure, lets go/ What are you waiting for?/ Here we go! 拒绝: Id love to , but I have a lot of homework to do./ Ive got a headache/ My leg hurts.,篮球英语 Step 1 warming-up A: Lets do some stretch first.bend over your body./fifty push-ups and fifty sit-ups./handstand for a minute.,step 2 know about the court 1. court cn 球场 1) front/middle-mid/back 2. line cn 线 1) side/center/end/free throw/three-point 3. area cn 区 1) three-second ,4. hoop cn 篮筐 5. net cn 篮网 6. board cn 篮板 7. basket support cn 篮圈支架 8. basketball stands cn篮球架,step 3 movements (动作) 1. offend vt/vi 进攻;冒犯 1) vi e.g. Now its time for the Worriors to 3) offence ucn/cn 进攻;冒犯 e.g. Oh, a nice 2. defend vt/vi 防守 3)defence ucn/cn e.g. Their is really solid.,offend 1. dribble vt/vi; ucn/cn 运球 1) cross-leg ; behind-the-back 2. pass vt 传,传递 1)pass the ball (to sb) 3. shoot vt/cn 1) set/jump/fade-away/bank/three-point 3) double pump拉杆式投篮; lay up 带球上篮; dunk 灌篮,step 4 fouls(犯规) 进攻犯规 charging(冲撞); walking; traveling; double dribble 防守犯规 blocking; hacking(打手); holding 其它犯规 technical,Part5 team member (球队成员) 1.coach 1) cn e.g. assistant coach 2.Starter cn 3.Back up/bench (player) 4.guard cn后卫 1)cn e.g. One-guard ; shooting guard 5.forward cn 前锋 1)cn e.g. small/center/power 6.sixth man 7.mascot mskt 8.MVP=Most Valuable Player/FMVP=Finals Most Valuable Player,Part 6 match orders First round -Regular season-Post season-final home court/team guest court/team Part 7 Teams of NBA NBA=National Basketball Association; Golden State Warriors; Los Angeles Lakers; Houston Rockets,Part Two after-class activities,A: Do you have any after-class activities in your school? B: Yes, our schools after-class activities are very wonderful./There is a wild range of(various) after-class activities in our school. ; Oh, we have few after-class activities. A: What kind of after-class activities are you involved in/do you participate in(take part in)? B: I have been involved in many after-class activities, such as band, choir(合唱团)kwa,drama club,cheerleading,the Students Union, community service,school newspaper, dancing crew, literature society and so on.,A: When do you do the after-class activities? B: We have one hour of activities from 4:20 to 5:20 in the afternoon./The time for the after-class activities is between 16:20 and 17:20. A: Why do you participate in the/these activity(ies)? B: The way I see it, doing after-class activities is beneficial to our health./we can benefit a lot from doing after-class activities/Not only can we enrich our life but also we can broaden our horizons./ We can free our mind from the heavy study for a while./I think its a good way to make new friends./We can make many new friends who have common interests from these activities. A: What do you usually do in the band/choir/dancing crew.? B: We practise singing/dancing every week and give performance to the teachers and students now and then./ We write articles concerning school life of students and make them into newspapers.,Part Three outdoor activities A: Wow, what a beautiful day, honey, lets go camping/for a picnic. /Do you want to go camping/for a picnic this weekend?/Would you like to go for a picnic (with me)? B: Sounds great./Good i
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