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第三篇 货物的交付,第七章 交货时间和地点,学 习 重 点,合同中有关装运时间、装运港和目的港的规定,分批装运和转运条款的规定,交货时间(time of delivery)是指卖方按买卖合同规定将合同货物交付给买方或承运人的期限,故而又称“交货期”或“装运期”。 交货地点(place of delivery)是指卖方按买卖合同规定将货物交付给买方或承运人的地点。,Article33 of CISG Thesellermustdeliverthegoods: (a)ifadateisfixedbyordeterminablefromthe contract,onthatdate; (b)ifaperiodoftimeisfixedbyordeterminable fromthecontract,atanytimewithinthatperiod unlesscircumstancesindicatethatthebuyeristo chooseadate;or (c)inanyothercase,withinareasonabletimeafter theconclusionofthecontract.,第一节 “交货”和“装运”的概念,装运(shipment):将货物交由船方运往目的地的行为。 交货 (delivery):卖方自愿将其对货物的占有权转移给买方的行为。 FOB、CIF、CFR、FCA、CIP、CPT 交货的含义接近于装运的含义 DAT、DAP、DDP 交货与装运完全是不相等的概念,UCP 600 Article 19,第二节 交货时间,1 规定某月装运 2 规定跨月装运,Shipment during March, 2011.,Shipment during Feb./Mar. 2011. Shipment during Mar./Apr./May 2011.,3 规定在某月月底或某日前装运 4 规定在收到信用证后若干天内装运,Shipment at or before the end of May 2011. Shipment not later than the end of June 2011.,Shipment within 45 days after receipt of L/C The Buyers must open the relative L/C to reach the Sellers before June 15th.,交单期限,除到期日以外,信用证还应规定一个运输单据出单后必须提示单据的特定日期,按UCP600规定,为运输单据出单后21天。 最迟装运日期、发运日期及接受监督日期不能根据国定假日的正常停业而延顺。,UCP600Article 3 Unless required to be used in a document, words such as prompt, immediately or as soon as possible will be disregarded. The words to, until, till, “from” and “between” when used to determine a period of shipment include the date or dates mentioned, and the words “before” and after exclude the date mentioned. The terms first half and second half of a month shall be construed respectively as the 1st to the 15th and the 16th to the last day of the month, all dates inclusive. The terms beginning, middle and end of a month shall be construed respectively as the 1st to the 10th, the 11th to the 20th and the 21st to the last day of the month, all dates inclusive.,案例 某对外贸易进出口公司于5月23日接到一张国外 开来信用证,信用证规定受益人为对外贸易进出口公司(卖 方),申请人为E贸易有限公司(买方)。信用证对装运期和 议付有效期条款规定:“Shipment must be effected not prior to 31st May,1997The Draft must be negotiated not later than 30th June,1997”。,对外贸易进出口公司发现信用证装运期太紧,23日收到 信用证,31日装运就到期。所以有关人员即于5月26日(24 日和25日系双休日)按装运期5月31日通知储运部安排装 运。储运部根据信用证分析单上规定的5月31日装运期即 向货运代理公司配船。因装运期太紧,经多方努力才设法商 洽将其他公司已配上的货退载,换上对外贸易进出口公司的货,勉强挤上有效的船期。 对外贸易进出口公司经各方努力 终于5月30日装运完毕,并取得5月30日签发的提单。6 月2日备齐所有单据向开证行交单。6月16日开证行来电提出:“提单记载5月30日装运货物,不符合信用证规定的装运期限。不同意接受单据”,在政局动荡,船只缺乏,舱位难得或政府限制出口甚严,不易取得出口许可证的情况下,为防止订约后交货困难而造成被动,可在规定装运期的同时附加如下条款:“以取得舱位为准”(subject to shipping space available)、“获得出口许可证为准”(subject to approval of export license)等。 在签订合同时,应特别注意避免“双到期”,即信用证结汇有效期与装运期同时到期。一般卖方应争取结汇有效期长于装运期7-15天,以便于货物装船后有足够的时间办理结汇手续。,第三节 装运港(地)和目的港(地),装运港(port of shipment)是指货物起始装运的港口。 目的港(port of destination)是指最终卸货的港口。 在国际贸易中,装运港或装运地一般由卖方提出,经买方同意后确定。 目的港或目的地一般由买方提出,经卖方同意后确定。,1. 规定一个装运港和一个目的港 2. 规定两个或两个以上的装运港 3. 笼统规定,Port of shipment: Shanghai Port of destination: New York,Port of shipment: Qingdao and Shanghai Port of destination: London/Liverpool,Port of shipment: China Ports Port of destination: U.K. ports,4. 采用选择港(optional ports)办法 采用选择港应注意的问题: 合同中规定的选择港的数目一般不超过3个 备选港口在同一条班轮航线上,而且是班轮公司的船只都能停靠的港口 在核定价格和计算运费时,应按备选港口中最高的费率加上选港附加费计算 在合同中应明确规定因选择港而增加的运费、附加费由买方负担,CIF London/Hamburg/Rotterdam optional CIF London, optional Hamburg / Rotterdam Optional additionals for buyers account,装运港或装运地的选择应注意事项: 出口业务中,使用FOB、CFR和CIF术语时,应选择海轮能直接进入载运货物的港口为装运港。 在采用多式运输的情况下,一般应以有多式运输经营人收货站的地方作为装运地点。 如交易数量较大或货物来源分散,集中在一个地点有困难的时候,则可争取在两个或两个以上的地点装运。,目的港和目的地的选择应考虑以下问题: 1对目的港或目的地的规定,应力求明确具体,一般不要使用“欧洲主要港口”(European Main Ports E.M.P.)、“非洲主要港口”(African Main Ports A.M.P.)之类笼统的规定方法。 2凡以非集装箱的一般海上运输方式交运的交易,货物运往的目的港无直达班轮或航次较少的,合同中规定允许转运的条款。 3目的港必须是船舶可以安全停泊的港口。,4对内陆国家的出口交易,采用CFR或CIF条件通过海上运输货物时,应选择距离该国目的地最近的,我方能够安排船舶的港口为目的港。除非多式联运承运人能够接受全程运输,一般不接受以内陆城市为目的地。 5规定的目的港和目的地,如有重名,应明确国别与所处方位。 6 正确使用选择港。,第四节 分批装运和转运,一、分批装运(partial shipment) 分批装运又称分期装运(shipment by installments)是指一个合同项下的货物先后分若干期或若干批装运。,UCP600 Article 31 Partial Drawings or Shipments a. Partial drawings or shipments are allowed.,b. A presentation consisting of more than one set of transport documents evidencing shipment commencing on the same means of conveyance and for the same journey, provided they indicate the same destination, will not be regarded as covering a partial shipment, even if they indicate different dates of shipment or different ports of loading, places of taking in charge or dispatch. If the presentation consists of more than one set of transport documents, the latest date of shipment as evidenced on any of the sets of transport documents will be regarded as the date of shipment.,A presentation consisting of one or more sets of transport documents evidencing shipment on more than one means of conveyance within the same mode of transport will be regarded as covering a partial shipment, even if the means of conveyance leave on the same day for the same destination.,在进出口合同中规定分批装运的方法主要有以下两种: 1只原则规定允许分批装运,对于分批的具体时间、批次和数量均不作规定。 2在规定分批装运条款时,具体订明每批装运的时间和数量。,Shipment during March /June in four equal monthly lots,Article 32 分期支款或分期发运 如信用证规定在指定的时间段内分期支款或分期发运,如何一期
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