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Lesson 1,Living in a Community Period 1,Objectives At the end of this lesson, you will know the types of conflicts; learn some words and expressions through pictures and contexts; be able to talk about the conflict in a community with the help of some useful expressions.,Beijing No. 19 Middle School,Beijing No. 19 Middle School,Community Conflicts,Beijing No. 19 Middle School,Do you like rock music?,Beijing No. 19 Middle School,Pre-reading: Prediction,Yang Ming makes rock music. He is a drummer. But he has met some problems.,Drummer hits the road.,What problems?,动身,走人,Task 1: Read the newspaper report “Drummer hits the road” and answer the following questions. 1. Does Yang Ming own any of his furniture? How do you know? 2. How did Yang Ming keep his neighbours up at night? 3. Why did a neighbour think Yang Ming was a bad influence on his son? 4. Do you think that Yang Ming has a lot of money? Why?,While-reading,Beijing No. 19 Middle School,1. Does Yang Ming own any of his furniture? How do you know? No. He was staying in a furnished apartment. 2. How did Yang Ming keep his neighbours up at night? By drumming and throwing parties.,While-reading,keep sb. up: to prevent from going to bed,throw a party: give a party,Beijing No. 19 Middle School,3. Why did a neighbour think Yang Ming was a bad influence on his son? He said Yang Ming drank too much. 4. Do you think that Yang Ming has a lot of money? Why? Yes. He is living in a suite in a hotel.,While-reading,was an alcoholic,Beijing No. 19 Middle School,While-reading,Task 2: Read the report again and fill in the blanks.,Beijing No. 19 Middle School,While-reading,held parties,drumming,Beijing No. 19 Middle School,While-reading,driven mad,he was a drummer,have moved in,the noise,full nights,read,relax,plugging their ears,alcoholic,bad influence,Beijing No. 19 Middle School,While-reading,goodbye,bid,packed his bags,bid (bade, bidden) or bid (bid, bid) bid sth./sb. goodbye (/good morning) Ten days later, they bade their home goodbye and headed for the city.,Beijing No. 19 Middle School,While-reading,his rights have been ignored,pleased,departure,Beijing No. 19 Middle School,While-reading,Task 3: Read the report the third time and find the words that can describe the following pictures.,adolescent,lounge,maid,laundry,chorus,Beijing No. 19 Middle School,a. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given.,Post-reading,bid sb. goodbye; a bad influence on ; take action; drive sb. mad; expose to .; classify as ,1. We _ Browns novels _ “Romance”. 2. The police had to _ firm _ to deal with the riots(骚乱). 3. I wish she wouldnt go around with that boy; hes such _ her. 4. His behavior has almost _ me _. 5. In the article his privacy _ the public. 6. He _ me _ as he left.,classify,as/under,take,action,a bad influence on,mad,driven,was exposed to,bid/bade,goodbye,Beijing No. 19 Middle School,b. Match the expressions with the Chinese.,Post-reading,hit the road throw parties drive mad bid goodbye take action classify as a bad influence on make bed do the laundry,铺床 动身,走人 向告别 对有坏的影响 洗衣 把逼疯 采取行动 把归为 举办聚会,c. Retell the story in groups of 5, with the help of the following words and expressions.,Post-reading,Beijing No. 19 Middle School,Beijing No. 19 Middle School,Homework,Think about a conflict that you havent resolved for a long time and prepare to describe it to your class.,
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