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第 1 页 六年级下学期期末教学质量监测 英语试卷 考试时间: 40 分钟试题满分: 100 分 听力部分(20 分) 一听录音,选出正确的答案,将序号写在题前括号内。(5 分) ()1. I stayed _and enjoyed Spring Festival. A.in a hotel B.at home C. on the farm ()2. Excuse me,how can I get to the . A. the library B. supermarket C. toy shop ()3. We re going to visit _ tomorrow. A.the Tower Bridge B. Big Ben C.the CN Tower ()4.We are very interested in _ A. maths B. English C. Chinese ()5.There are many _around the bank of the lake . A.buildings B. trees C. flowers 二听录音,选出你所听到的句子,将序号写在题前括号内。(5分) ()6.A.I went to the beach . B.I went to Sanya. ()7.A.There is a park near my home . B.There is a bank near my home . ()8.A. The bookshop is on the left . B.The bookshop is on the right . ( ) 9.A.Im from Beijing . B.I m from China . ()10.A.Were going to Hangzhou by plane.B.Were going there by boat. 三听录音选择正确的答语,将其序号写在前面括号内。(5 分) ()11.A.Yes,we do. B. We went to Sanya. C.We like playing football . ()12.A.Yes ,there is. B.You can go there by bus . C.I go to school on foot . ()13.A. I went to the CN Tower . B.Yes,of course. C.Yes, there is . ( ) 14.A. Were going there by subway . B.Tomorrow morning .C. Four. ()15. A.Im interested in English . B.I enjoyed the moon.C. No, I dont. 四听对话,选择正确的答案,将其序号写在前面括号内。(5 分) 第 2 页 ( )16.Kate s family got to Sanya by _ A.ship B.plane C.train ( )17.Kate has lunch _ A.at hospital B.at school C.at home ( )18.Bill goes to bed _ A.early B.late C.toy bus ( )19.Bob _has meals in his office . A.often B.usually C.sometimes ( )20.Lisa is interested in _ A. collecting B.Chinese C.English 笔试部分(80 分) 五选择正确的一组字母补全单词(10分) ( )21. s _n A. e B. u C. a ( )22. min_ te A.u B. i C. o ( )23. w_ _d A. ou B. oa C. or ( )24. bla_ _ board A. ck B. cc C. kk ( )25. h_ _lthy A. ee B. ea C. oa ( )26.p_ _no A.ai B.ia C.oi ( )27.n_ _r A.ea B.ae C.oe ( )28.to _ _rrow A.ou B.om C.mo ( )29.kn_ _ A.ow B.ou C.uo ( )30.pl_ _e A.ac B.ca C.ea 六为下列短语选择正确的翻译。(8 分) ( )31. stay at home A. 在马路对面 ( )32. talk in English B. 沿着这条街走 ( )33. across the road C. 互相学习 ( )34. go down this street D. 用英语交谈 ( )35. turn right E. 待在家里 ( )36. the Ming Tombs F. 明十三陵 ( )37. learn from each other G. 半小时 ( )38. half an hour H. 右转 七根据句意,选择正确的单词填空。(6 分) 39.Excuse me,how can I _(A.get, B.got)to the City Library? 40.We learned about some interesting _(A.animal, B.animals) . 41.Mike is_(A.play, B.playing) football. 42._(A.Do, B.Did) you often help to do some homework at home? 43.The boys are _(A.play, B.playing) badmiton. 第 3 页 44. _(A.What, B.Where) did you do during your holidays? 八选择恰当的词填空,使句子语法正确,意思通顺,将其序号写在前面括号 内。( 6 分) A. hear B. to take C. has D. moved E. stars F.are ()45. The man is interested in enjoying the moon and _ at night. ()46.Mr Zhang likes _photos very much. ()47. I _ the Great Wall is very famous in the world. ()48. I _to this community last week. ()49. Peter and I _good friends.We often play together. ()50. Jim s father always _ lunch in his office. 九从 A.B.C 中选出正确答案,将序号填写在题前括号内。(10 分) ( )51.She _ Sanya last month A. will visit B.visited C. visits D.visit ( )52. We learned a lot by _ tasks in school. A. do B.did C.does D.doing ( )53. My father goes to Shanghai _ train. A. in B.by C.on D.with ( )54. _! Where s the post office? A. Excuse m B.You are welcome C. That s all right D.Sorry ( )55. Tony is one of_ in our class. A. taller boy B. tallest boy C. the tallest boys D. taller boys ( )56. We did tasks _groups and learned _each other. A. in, from B. from, in C. in, to D. of, for ( )57. Please_. The students are listening to English tapes. A. quietly B. quickly C. be quiet D. quick ( )58. Would you like to have breakfast? _ A. Yes, Im not hungry. B. Yes, I am C. No. please. D. Yes, Id love to. ( )59.Our teachers taught us _ learn to know. A. how to B.to what C. what D.how ( )60. We are talking about the topics _ hobbies and sports. A. like B.likes C.is like D. liked 十请给问句选出正确的答语,将序号写在题前括号内。(14 分) ( )61. How did you go to Shanghai? A. Its Disneyland. ( )62. How did you learn English? B. Were going to the City Library. ( )63. Where is the bank? C. I listened ,spoke and wrote. ( )64. Wheres that ? D. Not too far. ( )65. Where are you going today? E. It s near my home. 第 4 页 ( )66. Is the Great Wall far from here? F. I d like the blue one. ( )67. Which one would you like? G. I went there by train. 十一阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(10 分) It is Sunday today. It s a fine day. Mike and his mother are going to the West Lake with their friends for the first time. Peter and his parents come from England. Bill and his sister come from America. They all hear the West Lake is very beautiful. Some boats are on the lake. They get on a boat and row to the middle of the lake. Its like a cartoon show with music. The West Lake is really a good place to visit. Mike and his friends want to visit it again. ( )68. Today is_. It s a fine day. A.Monday B.Tuesday C.Sunday D.Friday (
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