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Module 5 They were young. 同步练习 一、从下列选项中选出不同类的单词。 ( ) 1.A.clean B. shy C .picnic. ( ) 2 .A. learn B. take C. hair ( ) 3. short. B. tall C. Beijing. ( ) 4. A. beautiful B. famous C.so ( ) 5. A. was B.is C. were. 二、单项选择题。 ()1.Linglings grandparents _young then. A. was B. were ( ) 2.Lingling_cute and naughty then. A.is B. was. ( ) 3.Who_that little girl? A. are B.is ( ) 4. Linglings hair was _short. A.so B. bit. ( ) 5._ it tall? A. Was. B.Is. ( ) 6.It wasnt dirty. Its_. A. small. B. clean. ( ) 7._are they? -They are my brothers. A. What. B. Who ( ).She was fat then .Now she_thin. .was .is ( ).He _naughty now. A. isn t B .wasn t ( )10.who is that little boy? -It s _. A. me B .I 三选出与句子内容相符的图片。 ().They were young then ().Now they are old (). -Who is that little girl? -It s me. ().She wasnt tall then, she was short. 四、读句子看,选答案。 () Who isthat woman? A、 B、 C、 D、 ()2.Was it fat? ()3.Are you clever? ()4.Were they young? ()5.Where is he? 五、找出错误的一项,并把正确的答案写在横线上。 ()1、Lingling grandparents were young then. _ ()2、Amy s hair was long now. _ ()3、His brother werent tall then. _ ()4、Lingling were two then. _ ()5、They are old then . _ 六、请把下列的单词按顺序排列,并写在横线上。 1、are my They grandparents . 2、was I then two . _ 3、They old werent then . _ 4、 is He tall now. _ A .Yes, I am. B. No, they werent. C. She s my mother. D. Hes in Shanghai. E. Yes, it was.
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