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Unit 4Body language.单词拼写1Can I_(减轻)your burden?2His_(面部的)expression looked very serious.3The films are suitable for_(成年人)only.4I guess you probably_(误解)me.5Her_(主要的)interest is painting.6Are the following s_true or false?7Everyones opinion is bound to be s_.8The lions a_drove away all the small animals.9What language is s_in that country?10The d_was sentenced to three years in prison.答案:1.ease2.facial3.adults4.misunderstood5.major6statements7.subjective8.approach9.spoken10defendant.完成句子1_ _ _ _(夏天的到来)brings a lot of rain.(approach)2He worked out the maths problem_ _(容易地)(ease)3Potatoes_ _ _(引进)Europe from South America.(introduce)4_ _(总的来说),his writtenwork is very good, but his oral English is really unacceptable.(general)5She is_ _ _(很可能)win the game.(likely)6He_ _ _ _(背对)the wall.(turn)7She had to_ _ _(防卫)the guard dog.(defend)8Are you_ _(好奇)the origin of mankind?(curious)答案:1.The approach of summer2.with ease3.were introduced into4.In general5.very likely to6.turned his back to7.defend herself against8.curious about.单项填空1It was_by the railway board that the cost of rail fares would be increased by ten percent.AnoticedBstatedCsuggested Dnoted答案:Bstate在此处意为“宣布,通告,声明(口头的或书面的)”。suggest“建议”,从句中要用虚拟语气;note(notice)“注意到”。2The children were warned of not being too_about things they were not supposed to know.Astrange BcuriousCamused Dworn答案:B句意:孩子们被警告不要对他们不应该知道的事太好奇。be curious about“对好奇”。3The peace talk broke down with no agreement_.Areaching Bto reachCreached Dto be reached答案:C句意:和谈破裂了,没有达成任何协议。在with复合结构中,reach与agreement为动宾关系,故用过去分词,表示被动意义。4Sichuan Province, _in southwest China and_an area of 485,000 square kilometers with the largest population in China, is one of the largest and most inaccessible provinces in China.Alocated; coveredBlocating; coveringClocated; coveringDlocating; covered答案:C考查非谓语动词。句意:四川省位于中国西南,占地四十八万五千平方公里,人口最多,是中国最大最闭塞的省份。第一空be located in“位于”,locate与Sichuan Province构成逻辑上的动宾关系,所以用过去分词;第二空Sichuan Province与cover构成逻辑上的主谓关系,所以用v.ing形式。5According to a UN report, one third of the world population have no_to clean drinking water and health care.Ameans BapproachCmethod Dway答案:Bapproach常和介词to搭配。means手段,强调行动,常和介词of搭配;method常和介词of搭配,一般多指比较系统、理论性较强的方法;way“方式,方法”,最普通的词汇,常和介词of搭配或与不定式符号to连用。6The newcomer is from Tibet, which I can tell from his_.Aappearance BimpressionCtemper Dtalent答案:A句意:从他的外表我可以判断,这位新来者来自西藏。appearance是名词,意思是“外貌,外表”。7Maria was thoroughly embarrassed,_her parents treated her like a child.Aand BforCbut Dor答案:B句意:玛丽亚很是尴尬,因为她父母把她当作小孩来看待。前后是因果关系,用连词for,表示原因。8Shes so_that shell believe anything you tell her.Aordinary BeasyCsmart Dsimple答案:Dsimple“单纯的,天真的”。句意:她是如此单纯以至于你跟她说什么她都会相信。ordinary“普通的”;easy“轻松的,简单的”;smart“聪明的”。9Nowadays, within a short walk along a busy street, you are_to find a chain store_a fastfood restaurant, a bakery, or a supermarket.Aprobable; some kinds Blikely; of some kindCpossible; some kind of Dunlikely; some kind of答案:B句意:现在在繁忙的街道上走不多远你可能就会发现某种连锁商店一家快餐店、一家面包店或一家超市。sb. be likely to do sth.意思是“某人有可能做某事”。of some kind为后置定语,修饰a chain store。10We need to send a message to our parents_we love them.Ain which Bwith whomCthat Dwhich答案:C考查名词性从句。空格后的部分是一个同位语从句,解释说明message,中间被to our parents隔开了,连接词在从句中不作成分,只起连接作用,所以用that。11My best friends in a bad mood.How about_her some flowers?Agiving BgivenCto give Dgive答案:A句意:“我最好的朋友心情不好。”“给她送些花怎么样?”how about或what about后面要跟动名词。12Ive got a cough and my chest hurts._. Let me examine you.ATake it easy BNo, thanksCYes, please DGo ahead答案:A考查交际用语。当医生听到病人已介绍完病情后,在诊断前通常会安慰一下病人,所以用take it easy“别紧张”以对病人表示安慰。13How can you_your feelings when_with such a problem?Aexpress; facing Bexpress; facedCtell; facial Dtell; face答案:B句意:当面对这样的问题时,你是如何表达情感的?express ones feelings“表达某人的情感”;第二空处使用了省略结构,补充完整为:when you are faced with such a problem。如果空后没有介词with,则可考虑选择A。14I cant stand my wife spending so much time shopping. Yesterday, she bought a new dress which she actually doesnt need at all.Dont be angry._, almost all women like shopping for new clothes.AIn all BIn generalCIn particular DIn conclusion答案:Bin all“总计”;in general“通常;一般而言”;in particular“特别;尤其”;in conclusion“最后;总之”。答句句意:不要生气,一般而言,几乎所有的女性都喜欢逛商店买新衣服的。15He said youd be giving a lift._, its impossible.ANot likely BNot exactlyCNot nearly DNot really答案:B句意:“他说你将搭便车。”“不可能,确实不可能。”由its
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