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A Perfect Day,短语翻译 1be bored with _ 【答案】对感到厌烦 2switch over _ 【答案】转换频道,转变 3personal affairs _ 【答案】私事,4talk show _ 5be filled with _ 6向某人抱怨某事 _ 【答案】complain to sb.about sth. /make a complaint about sb./sth. 7把开关打开,接通 _ 【答案】switch on 8把关掉,关上 _ 9(爆竹、铃等)响 _ 10占据 _,现场访谈,充满着,switch off,go off,take up,What kind of lifestyle do you think the people have? 你认为人们有何种生活方式?,“疑问词do you think陈述句”结构是英语中常见的句式。这种句式常用来询问对方对某事的意见或想法。do you think在句中作插入语。 Who do you think will win the match? 你认为谁会赢得这场比赛? How much do you think the pen is? 你认为这支钢笔值多少钱?,Language Points,能用在该句式中的动词除了think外,还有believe,imagine,suppose,guess,suggest,feel等。 What do you think is the most difficult in learning English? 你认为学英语什么最困难? Where do you guess we shall go? 你认为我们应该去哪里? 另外,在陈述句中作插入语的有:I think,I hope,I am afraid,I believe,you know等,这些插入语通常用逗号与其他部分分开。 This diet,I think,will do good to your health. 我认为像这种饮食对你的健康有好处。,1.We havent heard from Jane for a long time. What do you suppose_to her? Awas happeningBto happen Chas happened Dhaving happened 【解析】do you suppose是插入语,整个句子应用陈述语序。 【答案】C,I think a shepherds life is peaceful and relaxingbut maybe its boring sometimes. 我觉得牧羊人的生活很平静、闲逸,但有时可能也会无聊。,relaxing adj.轻松的,放松的;boring adj.无聊的;令人讨厌的 Yesterday I saw _with my friends. 昨天我和朋友看了一部令人放松的电影。 The book is _I dont want to read it any more. 这本书太乏味了,我都不想再看了。,a relaxing movie,so boring that,relaxing与relaxed;boring与bored用法比较: relaxing,boring均是由动词的现在分词转化而成的形容词。此类形容词通常用来描述事物,强调事物给人的感受。 relaxed,bored均是由动词的过去分词转化而成的形容词。此类形容词通常用来描述人,强调人对事物的主观感受。 I dont think I will be bored in Ms Shens class! 我认为我从没对沈老师的课感到厌倦过。,2.用relaxing,relaxed,boring或bored填空 (1)I feel more_about my career than I used to. (2)I had a_drink after my work. (3)Im not interested in this_book. (4)After a while I got_and left. 【答案】(1)relaxed (2)relaxing (3)boring (4)bored,adjectives ending in -ing and ed.,amazing interesting boring embarrassing exciting surprising pleasing ,amazed interested bored embarrassed excited surprised pleased,He goes fishing in his free time.他业余时间去钓鱼。,in ones free /spare time 表示“在业余时间”,time 为不可数名词,作“时间”解。 What do you often do in your spare time? 业余时间你常干点什么?,与time 有关的常见短语: at one time (once) at times (sometimes) at all times (always) at a time (each time) at no time at the same time for a time in no time,从前,曾经,有时,间或,一直,随时,一次,每次,在任何时候都不,绝不,同时,一度、一段时间,相当于for some time,立刻、很快,3.Dont worry about your wounded son. Hell recover_. Afor a time Bat one time Cat the same time Din no time 【解析】根据题意,应用in no time很快。 【答案】D,I turn on the television and watch the childrens programmes and old movies until about halfpast ten. 我打开电视,看少儿节目和老影片,一直到十点半。,until可以和肯定句连用,表示一个动作“延续到为止”,动词必须是延续性动词;如果until与否定句连用,意为“直到才”,主句用终止性动词。 We were waiting for him until he came back. 我们一直等到他回来。 I didnt realize how different schools in the UK are from schools in China until I read your article. 直到看了你的文章我才知道英国学校与中国学校有多么不同。,为了表示强调,可把not 提到until前,构成not until.,如果not until.引导的状语或状语从句放在句首,则后面的句子或主句应用倒装结构。 Not until your work is finished can you leave. 在你的工作完成以前,你不能离开。 Not until Thursday can we go. 我们要到星期四才能去。 另外,till 与until 用法相同,但till不能放在句首。,6.Not until all the fish died in the river_how serious the pollution was. Adid the villagers realize Bthe villagers realized Cthe villagers did realize Ddidnt the villagers realize 【解析】not until放在句首时,句子要用倒装结构。因为这个句子是一般过去时,所以在主语前要加did,谓语动词用原形。 【答案】A,while作并列连词,意为“然而,但是,却”,表示对比关系。 Some are rich while others are poor. 有些人很有钱,有些人却很穷。 I drink black coffee while he prefers it with cream. 我爱喝清咖啡,而他喜欢加奶油的。 You like sports while I like reading. 你喜欢运动而我喜欢读书。,while 也可作从属连词,引导状语从句,常见用法: (1)while 表让步时意为“尽管、虽然”相当于although或though。 While I admit that the problems are difficult,I dont agree that they cannot be solved. 虽然我承认这些问题很难,我并不同意无法解决他们。 (2)while 表时间,意为“当的时候”,要求从句谓语动词延续 He fell asleep while he was doing his homework. 他做着功课时睡着了。,8.He has become a scientist_I am still a worker. Awhen Bwhile Cas D however 【解析】while连接并列句,表“对比”关系;若用however,两边要有逗号分开。 【答案】B,I normally wake up about five minutes before my alarm clock goes off. 正常情况下,我在闹钟响前约5分钟醒来。,go off 突然发出巨响,发出声音 The thieves ran away when the alarm went off. 警报器一响,盗贼立刻逃走了。 The signal pistol went off with a bang. 信号枪砰的一声响了。,观察下列句子,写出go off的汉语意思 She went off to get a drink. Suddenly the lights went off. If you touch it, it might go off. Fish soon goes off easily in such hot weather.,离开 熄灭 爆炸 变质,变坏,go against违背 go out 出去;(灯、火等)熄灭 go down 下降,下跌 go on 进行;发生 go over 仔细检查 go through 用完,遭受,经历,9.If you dont keep the meat in the refrigerator on such a hot day,it will_. Ago out Bgo away Cgo off Dgo down 【解析】go off(食物)变坏(质)。go out出去,(灯,火等)熄灭;go away走开;go down落下,下沉。 【答案】C,Meetings and phone calls take up a large part of the day.会议和电话占去了一天中的大半时间。,take up占据(时间、空间) This tab
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