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近三年考研英语翻译真题全面解析大 中 小2005 年:(47) In Europe, as elsewhere multi-media groups have been increasingly successful groups which bring together television, radio newspapers, magazines and publishing houses that work in relation to one another.评析: 这句话最难的地方在于几个小词的处理,我们的翻译标准不要求做到“信、达、雅”,但是起码要像人话,如果翻完自己都觉得很不通顺,那就不可以将就。如果句子中有不熟悉的词不要把英语抄在译文中,那样老师会理直气壮地扣分。我们要尽量结合上下文,把句子翻得通顺。难点: television, radio newspapers, magazines and publishing houses 是并列关系,要翻成“电视台,电台,报社,杂志社和出版社”,因为最后一个词是出版社,其他的几个虽然是媒体,但是和后面的出版社为并列关系,所以必须翻译成机构。重点: 并列关系,并列各项1.词类相同;2.作者态度相同;3.语法结构相同;4.意思接近。全句译文: 在欧洲,就像其它地方一样,各传媒集团越来越成功,整合了电视台,电台,报社,杂志社和出版社,并使之相互合作。(48) This alone demonstrates that the television business is not an easy world to survive in a fact underlined by statistics that show that out of eighty European television networks no less than 50% took a loss in 1989.评析: 这句话难点在于 in a fact underlined by statistics that show that,写得非常不通顺和啰嗦,如果直译,会非常艰涩,必须去掉一些废话,以适应汉语表达习惯。难点: 翻译的三字诀是,长句要“拆” ,省略上文避免重复的内容要“添”,前后用词重复意思累赘要“减”。重点: 本句用“减”字诀。翻译: 仅仅这一切就足以证实,电视行业绝非容易生存的地方,统计数据表明,欧洲 80个电视网络中,在 1989年有不少于 50%遭受了亏损。(49) Creating a “European identity” that respects the different cultures and traditions which go to make up the connecting fabric of the old continent is no easy task and demands a strategic choice - that of producing programs in Europe for Europe.评析: 这句话最难处理的就是两个词: that 和 which难点: 长从句必拆,短从句直接放在所修饰的名词前面。长短的尺度自己把握,关键是通顺。 重点:1. the different cultures and traditions 在两个从句中都作句子成份,但是其作用不同,在 that从句中是宾语,在 which从句中是主语,所以必须拆分到全句的开头,而促使 creating这个主语和后面的 is紧密结合成为主句。2. 定语从句很长,如何断句呢? 从 which开始之后,句子肯定有谓语动词,那么请记住,从句在第二个谓语之后结束,比如,这句话 which的谓语是 go,此后第二个谓语是 is,则 is是主句动词,is之前就是主句的从句了。翻译:不同的文化和传统将要建立起连接旧大陆的架构,创造尊重这些文化和传统的欧洲身份绝非易事,也需要战略上的决策,也就是在欧洲为了欧洲区制作节目。(50) In dealing with a challenge on such a scale, it is no exaggeration to say “United we stand, divided we fall” and if I had to choose a slogan it would be “Unity in our diversity.”评析:此句结构不难,难在成语的翻译。难点:成语翻译要照顾中文习惯,一般以四字为多。重点:形式主语直接忽略,翻译真实主语。翻译:在这一层面上去应付挑战,说“团结则生,分裂则死”是毫不夸张的,而如果我必须选择一句标语,那将是“求同存异”。2006 年46) I shall define him as an individual who has elected as his primary duty and pleasure in life the activity of thinking in Socratic(苏格拉底) way about moral problems.评析: 本句最大的特色是谓语和宾语之间存在插入的介词短语成份,也就是在 elected 之后用了一个非常常考的 as,不解决这一层,这个句子会非常不好理解,下一句的考点也与本句类似。难点: as 一直管制到 in life,而 the activityof thinking 是真实的宾语。重点: as 在考研英语中有三个常考的意思:1. 像一样2.与同时3.因为翻译: 我将把他定义为这样的人,他把以苏格拉底的方式去思考道德问题作为人生首要的责任和乐趣。(47) His function is analogous to that of a judge, who must accept the obligation of revealing in as obvious a matter as possible the course of reasoning which led him to his decision. 评析: 这句的长定语从句不是很难理解,但是 revealing的宾语和 46句一样,都会使人难以识别,如果知道介词的宾语是 manner,此句问题就不大了。难点: in.manner 是“以的方式”的意思,一般放在动词的前面去翻译,状语要位于动词之前。重点:理清修饰 reveal的结构,使得整句比较清晰。翻译:他的功能和法官相似,必须接受以尽可能清晰的方式去说明使自己得出结论的推导过程的义务。如果觉得这个定语太长,也可以这样翻译:他的功能和法官的功能很相似,他们都必须接受一种义务,以尽可能清晰的方式去说明自己得出结论的推导过程。48) I have excluded him because, while his accomplishments may contribute to the solution of moral problems, he has not been charged with the task of approaching any but the factual aspects of those problems.评析: while 后面这句话要翻得清晰,he 后面这句话是一个否定强调结构,如果没处理好很难通顺。难点:contribute to the solution of moral problems 主要是修饰 solution。否定强调结构: not.any but, but 也可以等于 only。重点:理解强调结构的目的在于衬托后文的 factual aspescts。翻译:我将一般科学家排除在外是因为,虽则他的成就也许有助于道德问题的解决,但是他从未有义务去研究那些问题事实层面以外的任何东西。49) But his primary task is not to think about the moral code, which governs his activity, any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business.评析: 本句的考点还是否定结构,不过这次不是强调,而是否定类比结构。难点:否定类比:not.any more than重点:后半句还要注意不要把 is expected to dedicate his energies翻成欧式中文。翻译:但是他的主要任务不是去思考道德法则,就像商人无需殚精竭虑地去探索商业行为守则一样。(50) They may teach very well , and more than earn their salaries ,but most of them make little or no independent reflections on human problems which involve moral judgment.评析: but 后面的修饰关系围绕一个词:reflection,那么必须注意句子是否翻得通顺。难点:reflection 是“思考”的意思,很容易错翻为“反映”。重点:修饰关系的顺序必须先翻后面,再翻前面。 翻译:他们也许教得很好,也不仅仅是为了挣钱,但是他们中的大多数,很少或从未就涉及道德判断的人类问题作出独立思考。2007 年:(1)Traditionally, legal learning has been viewed in such institutions as the special preserve of lawyers, rather than a necessary part of the intellectual equipment of an educated person.评析: 从全句角度去把握意思,而非拘泥于某一个词,这是做翻译不容易达到的境界。本句中的 institutions和 preserve比较难翻。难点:词义的处理和上下文语境的统一。重点:rather than 表达取舍关系。翻译:传统上来说,法学知识一直被认为是律师们的专利,而非受过教育的人们必备的知识装备。(2) On the other, it links these concepts to everyday realities in a manner which is parallel to the links journalists forge on a daily basis as they cover and comment on the news.评析: 这句话的关键在于对 which作用的理解,其实是联系了前后的 links,并作出比较。难点:从句很长,要把修饰关系理清楚,links 同时也是 forge的宾语。重点:从句以及 cover,forge 的翻译。翻译:另一方面,法律以某种方式将这些概念(公正、民主和自由)同日常生活中的现实联系起来,这与记者们每天报道和评论新闻事件时建立的联系相类似。(3) But the idea that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen rests on an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the new media.评析: 表示因果关系的动词在考研考试中经常重复 ,有 li
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