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1,中考作文辅导: 欢迎词可分三段写: 一.表示对客人的欢迎(间接明了,用一两句话 概况即可) 二.正文:包括活动的目的和活动内容 三.致谢语(一两句话),注意事项:1.人称:第一二人称 2.时态:一般现在时 和将来时 3.用正式和礼貌用语。,2,用于欢迎词的词句: 1.Itisapleasuretowelcomeyou,xxx, who has come here from 某地. 2.On be half of (代表),I would like to express our 3.我们很荣幸能邀请你来参加. It is our honor to invite you to attend ,翻译句子:我代表我们学校,向你表示热烈的 欢迎。我们很幸运能邀请你参加我们的英语周 活动。,3,句无定法,可以使用任何通畅和相似的表达法 1.It is a pleasure to welcome you , who has come here from America. Welcome all of you attend our English Week Activities. 2.On behalf of our school, I would like to e express our warm welcome to you. We are lucky to invite you to attend our English Week Activities.,4,Part 2:活动介绍,包括活动的目的,内容 时间和地点等 1.介绍目的最简单的一个句型是: In order to , we are going to . 其次还有: The purpose of this program is to ,5,Part 2:1.为了发展我们的英语学习兴趣和提高 我们的听力和口语,我们今天打算举行英语才 艺表演(English Talent Show) In order to develop our interest in English learning and improve our listening and speaking, we are having English Talent Show today. 2.某都有某物:There are 有以下活动:朗诵(recitation),唱歌,单词 拼写,讲故事等(注意此类要用名词) There are following activities: recitation, singing , word spelling, story telling and so on.,6,时间和地点: 3.今天下午两点钟,表演将会在在学生会堂举行。 The Show will begin at 2 oclock this afternoon at the Student Centre. 再次邀请词: 亲爱的客人,我们欢迎你参加我们的活动。我 希望我们可以从你们的出席中收益匪浅。 (benefit a lot from) Dear guests, you are welcome to take part in some activities.I hope we students will benefit a lot from your presence,7,Part 3:致谢词 我真诚地希望你和我们过得很愉快。谢谢 I sincerely wish you a pleasant time with us. Thank you.,Yours sincerely, Ye Ming,8,欢迎词 (Welcoming Speech) 的客套话: First of all, lets give our warm welcome to our honorable guest(s) Lets extend our warm welcome and sincere greetings to our distinguished guest who Now lets welcometo give us a lecture. Now let us invite to address us. Now lets greet with warm applause. We are very glad to meet Mr./Mrs./ Miss,9,Mr. Alexander 应邀来你校讲学,和学生座谈会,现由你主持座谈会,代表你校学生用英语致欢迎词。欢迎词应包括: . 对来访客人表示欢迎 2介绍Mr. Alexander (英国著名语言学家) 3.他的著作丰富,包括New Concept English, Follow Me等 4.此行目的,如何学习写作及中国学生学英语的情况。 5.请Mr. Alexander提建议,指导。6.请同学们提问题。 参考词汇:语言学家linguist 注意:1、要点要全,但不能逐条翻译。 2、叙述必须用第一人称。3、词数100左右。,10,1.审题:是一篇欢迎词使用第一人称 2.定要点 欢迎give our warm welcome to 介绍 be a world famous English linguist ; write lots of books 如何学习写作及中国学生学英语的情况 give a lecture on writing and about 请同学们向Mr. Alexander提问题 ask him for help 3.定时态: 一般现在时,11,If you have any question on English study, you are free to ask him for help. Now lets welcome Mr. Alexander to give us a lecture.,First of all, lets give our warm welcome to our honorable guest Mr. Alexander. Mr. Alexander is a world famous English linguist. He has written lots of books, including New Concept English,Follow Me and so on. All these are well known to us. Today Mr. Alexander is here to give us a lecture on writing and about English study in middle schools in China.,Dear friends,
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