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金牌奥赛天天练小学英语三年级超级试卷(三十)姓名 班级 第五十五天 阅读理解(I)【知识备忘】A. 了解阅读理解题型:先给出一段对话或短文,然后根据对话或短文的内容做判断题、选择题或者回答问题等。首先接触有关对话的阅读理解题。B. 掌握阅读理解题的做题技巧:首先通读全文,了解大意,把握文中重点如时间、地点、人物等;阅读时遇见生词是难免的,此时应略过那些不影响理解文段意思的词,若该词是关键词,可通过观察上下文来猜出词义。然后阅读分析文后考题,确定正确答案;对于考察文章细节的题目,可根据每题内容,在文中找到相关信息;在回答分析判断类题目时,要仔细分析文中要点,领会文中所含逻辑关系,理解文章的含义及作者的意图。【能力聚焦】例1 阅读对话选择正确答案。Li Dong:Excuse me,Han Mei. Is this your pencil?Han Mei:No, it isnt. My pencil is redIts on my desk. Maybe its Toms. Toms pencil is black.Li Dong:Hi, TomIs this your pencil? Tom:OhyesThank you very much.Li Dong:Thats OK.( )1. This pencil is_. A. Li DongsB. Han MeisC. Toms( )2. _pencil is red. A. Li DongsB. Han MeisC. Toms( )3. Han Meis pencil is _. A. on the desk B. on the book C. on the bag( )4. Toms pencil is _. A. red B. blue C. black解答 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C题型透视 这道阅读理解题考查同学们对主要事实和细节的了解程度。高分方略 通读全文后了解到,这段对话涉及到三个人:Li Dong, Han Mei和Tom以及一支铅笔。Li Dong问铅笔是不是Han Meis,又问是不是Toms;文中信息提供是Toms,并且是黑色的;Han Meis有其它信息:在课桌上,是红色的。阅读过对话后做选择题,一一对应即可选到正确答案。例2 阅读理解Li Lei:Come here. Lin TaoLook! Im short and fat now.Lin Tao:Ha,ha! Im short and fat,too.Li Lei:We look small. How old are you,Lin Tao?Lin Tao:Im eightWhat about you?Li Lei:Im ten. We look like twins now!根据对话,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。( ) 1. Li Lei and Lin Tao are twins.( ) 2. Li Lei is short and fat now( ) 3. Li Lei is eight.( ) 4. Lin Tao is small.( ) 5. Lin Tao is eight,too.解答 1. F 2. F 3. T 4.T 5.F题型透视 这道阅读理解题考查同学们就所给信息进行推理和判断的能力。高分方略 首先通读全文了解到Li Lei和Lin Tao两人一定是在照哈哈镜,可以从这些关键词Come here(过来)、Look(瞧)、look small(看起来小)、look like(看起来像)等推断出。那么镜子里照出来的形象就不是真的,也就是说,根据镜子里的形象来描述的句子就是错的,如l、2说他们是双胞胎、现在又矮又胖。但4句子中加进否定词not就相当于负负得正,对了。3是说年龄,跟镜子里的形象无关,与对话提供的信息一致,所以是正确的,5与信息提供的内容不一致,所以是错误的。【触类旁通】仿做1Miss Li:Come here,boys and girls.Students:All right Kate:Whats this?Miss Li:Its a panda. Its my favorite animal. Jack:Whats that in the cage(笼子)? Miss Li:Its a tiger. Its brown. Its very big. Kate:Is that a bird in the sky(天空)?Miss Li:No,it isnt. Its a nice kite. This is bird in the tree.根据短文,选择正确答案。( )1. A panda is _. A. in the tree B. in the cage C. in the sky( )2. Miss Lis favorite animal is_ . A. a panda B. a tiger C. a bird( )3. _ is in the sky. A. A panda B. A bird C. A kite( )4. The panda is _. A. brown B. not big C. nice( )5. The bird is _. A. in the sky B. nice C. in the tree仿做2 Wang:Good morning, Mr. Zhang.Mr. Zhang:Good morningWhats your name, girl? Wang:My name is Wang YingHow are you, Mr. Zhang?Mr. Zhang:Im fine,thanks. Wang:Excuse me,Mr. ZhangAre you my Chinese teacher?Mr. Zhang:No,Im your English teacher Wang:Whats this in English?Mr. Zhang:Its a windowWang:Can you spell it,please?Mr. Zhang:YesW-I-N-D-O-W, window. Wang: Is that a window,too?Mr. Zhang:No, it isnt. Its a doorIts in the wall. Wang:Thank youMr. ZhangGoodbyeMr. Zhang:GoodbyeWang Ying根据短文,判断下列句子正()误()。( ) 1. Wang Ying is a girl.( ) 2. Mr. Zhang is a Chinese teacher.( ) 3. Mr. Zhang is very well.( ) 4. Wang Ying can spell “window”now( ) 5. The door is on the wall【天天精练】习题1 阅读下列对话,然后选择正确答案。Min min:Good evening, MumMum:Good eveningMin min. Guesswhats in your room?Min min: Is it a toy car?Mum:No. Its a new bikeAnd a little cat,too. Theyre for you.Min min:For me? Why?Mum:Happy birthday to youMin min!( ) 1. Its _. A. morningB. afternoon C. evening( ) 2.Its _ birthday A. Mums B. Min mins C. cats( ) 3.Theres _ in the room. A. a toy car B. a new bike C. a new bike and a little cat( ) 4.The new bike is for _. A. Min min B. Mum C. the cat( ) 5.The cat is _. A. new B. old C. little习题2 阅读下列对话,选择正确答案。A:Stand up!B:Goodbye,boys and girls.S:Goodbye. Mr. Zhang.A:Time to clean the classroom.S:OK.A:Tom, clean the door,please.C:All right.A:Helenclean the desk,please.D:All right.A:Lets clean the window, Li LeiE:OK( )1. A is a _. A. teacherB. boyC. girl( )2. Its time to _the classroom. A. seeB. cleanC. color( )3. _ cleans the door A. Mr. Zhang B. Li LeiC. Tom( )4. _ cleans the desk. A. Helen B. Boy C. Girl( )5. _ clean the window. A. Boys and GirlsB. Mr. Zhang and Helen C. Li Lei and A习题3 阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。Han Mel: Li Lei. Li Lei: Yes? Im here,in Row Five.Han Mei
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