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一年级英语下册期中测验卷听力部分一、听音,选出你所听到的字母组合,单词或句子,并把它圈起来。 1. A. FEM B. EFW 2. A. JGQ B. GQJ3. A. hxy B. xya 4. A. mwn B. wnm5. A. aunt B. uncle 6. A. bird B. blue7. A. make B. pick 8. A. postman B. policeman9. A. He is a milkman. B. Is he a milkman?10. A. I see a rabbit. B. I like the rabbits.二、听单词,根据所读的顺序编号。 1. draw write fold make pick see ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2. Follow me. Turn left. Turn right. How many kites? Colour the kites. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听单词,圈出你所听到的单词。 1blueredwhite2unclepostmanpolicemanyellowgreenpinkdrivergrandmotherfiremanbrownblackpurplebrothergrandfathermilkman四听录音,选择正确的句子,将字母编号写在相应的括号内。policeman( ) (A) I see six birds.postman ( ) (B) I have eight kites.driver ( ) (C) I am tall.teacher ( ) (D) I see ten bees. fireman ( ) (E) I can dance.五、听句子是否与下面的句子内容相同一致,一致用不一致用 ( ) 1 My uncle is Ben ( ) 2 Is that a rabbit ? ( ) 3 I see a bird ( ) 4 What clour is it? ( ) 5 He is a postman . ( ) 6. How many sweets? Ten. 六、听问句,选出最佳答语,将其字母编号填在括号里。( ) 1 A I am five B I am fine ( ) 2 A Its green B Yes, its green. ( ) 3 . A Happy new year. BThank you. ( ) 4 AI see two frogs. B I like the frogs( ) 5 A Yes, he is a milkman. BNo, he is a fireman. 笔试部分一 写邻居_K _L_ _ j_ _h_ _Q_ Z _s_ R_ _ N _ j_二、看图,把正确答句的编号写在相应问句的括号内。 1 Is it a bird ?( ) A No, he is policman 2 What colour is it? ( ) BI see a four ballons3. Is he a postman ? ( ) CNo,it is a bee 4. What do you see ? ( ) DTwo 5. How many birds? ( ) EIt is purple 三、圈出不同类的词1. aunt uncle driver father2. write fold draw sweets3. orange short purple blue4. policeman fireman grandmother teacher 5. rabbit bird frog doll四根据图片把单词补充完整。 gr_nd_ _ther r_ bb_t p_l_cem_n t_ _ l 五根据图片选择填空1. I see two _. A. bird B. birds2. I _ a rabbit. A. am B. is3. I have _. A. an apple. B. a apple 4. Is he a fireman? _. A. Yes, he is a fireman. B. No, he is postman.5. How many _? One_. A. kites, kites B. kites, kite6. Follow _.A. I B. me 六.从右边方框中选择正确的答案完成对话,把字母编号写在横线上。A. kite B. blueC. WhatD. NoE. How many _ do you see? I see a _. _kites? One . Is it _? _, it is red七、看图,在正确答案的括号内打勾1 2 + 3 = five ( ) three ( )2. My aunt is a driver.( ) My uncle is a driver.( )3. Its a green tree.( ) Its a green leaf. ( ) 4. Tom is short . ( ) Tim is short .( ) Tom Tim5 Turn left. ( ) Turn right.( ) 八、根据情景,选择正确的表达方式。 1 告诉别人你有个叔叔,应说:( ) A I am uncle . B I have an uncle.2 告诉妈妈“蝴蝶是黄色的”应说:( ) A Its a butterfly B Its yellow.3 想知道看到的东西是什么颜色,应问:( ) AWhat do you see? BWhat colour is it?4 想知道姐姐是不是司机,应问:( ) AIs he a driver? BIs she a driver?. 5 想知道有几只鸟,应问:( ) A How many birds? BI see eight birds. 6. 告诉别人你是个子高,应说: ( ) A. I am tall. B. He is tall.三思而后行。 论语公治长 谁穿上谦卑这件衣裳,谁就是最美最俊的人。 蒙哥马利 谦虚其心,宏大其量。 王守仁 一知半解的人,多不谦虚;见多识广有本领的人,一定谦虚。 谢觉哉 看不见河底就不要涉水而过。 英国谚语 真正有学识、有涵养的人,是不会刻意炫耀自己的。 大卫汉生 一种美德的幼芽、蓓蕾,这是最宝贵的美德,是一切道德之母,这就是谦逊;有了这种美德,我们会其乐无穷。 加尔多斯 自满者,人损之;自谦者,人益之。 魏征如 愚蠢和傲慢是一树之果。 谚语 人们要发展自己首先要虚心向别人请教。 -武者小路 人因为博学才谦逊,因为勇于牺牲才力量无比。 吉卜林 一个真认识自己的人,就没法不谦虚。 佚名 谦虚使人的心缩小,象一个小石卵,虽然小,而极结实。结实才能诚实。 老舍 在人生道路上谦让三分,就能天宽地阔。 卡内基 【君子养心莫善于诚。】-荀子.修身 【真者,精诚之至也,不精不诚,不能动人。】-庄子.渔父 【两心不可以得一人,一心可得百人。】-淮南子.缪称训 【至诚则金石为开。】-西京杂记 【锄一恶,长十善。】-宋史.毕士安传 【诚无不动者,修身则身正,治事则事理。】-(宋)杨时 【世间好看事尽有,好听话极多,惟求一真字难得。】-(清)申居郧 【真诚才是人生最高的美德。】-(英)乔叟 【世上的言语,本无所谓奇警与平凡。一句话所以成为奇警或成为平凡,视其与真实的内容相符与否而定。】-徐懋庸
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