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Lets talk,black,Do you remember the colour? 你还记得这些颜色吗?,What colour is it? Its_.,Its blue.,Its blue and white.,What colour is it?Its_.,colorful,Whats this?,Its a panda.,Its a fat panda.,What colour is it?,Its black and white.,How nice!,-I have a bag.,new,-Look! Its pink.,-Really?,-I have a new computer.,-Look! Its yellow and black.,-Really?,-I have a new book.,-Look! Its white and black.,-Really?,Guess: Which animal is white and black?,Wow! Its a panda.,Wow,Its a panda.,fat,Wow! Its a fat pig.,Wow! Its a fat cat.,Wow! Its a fat panda.,Its a schoolbag.,Listen and find: Whats in the schoolbag?,Wow, its a _!,A: I have a _, B: What colour is it? A: Its _. B: How nice!,Pair Work,A:Hi,_Sunnie_. I have a _new schoolbag_. B:Really? What colour is it? A:Its _pink_. B:Wow! Its a _pig_. How nice! B:May I see it? A:Sure, here you are.,Make a new dialogue!,Whats in your hand?,Guess.,A pencil?,No.,A ruler?,No. Its an eraser.,Lets play a game?,Homework,1. 完成优p9 2. 听读p14,做好读书记录。 3. 背记p15的5个单词,准备明天堂上听写,See you!,
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