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华 东 政 法 大 学 政 治 学 研 究 院 P o l i t i c a l S c i e n c e I n s t i t u t e , E C U P L The Fundamental Dimensions of National Governance: China Perspective 2016 National Governance Index Report 国家治理的基础之维 国家治理指数报告 2016 华东政法大学政治学研究院 1 2 目 录 Table of Contents VI. Acknowledgements 致谢 I. Foreword 前言:国家治理的基础之维 II. About NGI 指标体系和方法论 III. NGI 2016 Global Survey 2016国家治理指数得分及排名分析 IV. Scores and Rankings 各国得分及排名表 V. The Future of National Governance: China Perspective 中国方案与国家治理的未来 Project Team 3 Project Manager Qiqi Gao 高奇琦 Professor, Director, Political Science Institute, East China University of Political Science and Law; PhD in Politics Executive Project Director Tengfei You 游腾飞 Assistant Professor, Political Science Institute, East China University of Political Science and Law; PhD in Politics Team Member Tianshu Que 阙天舒 Yuan Zhang 章远 Shikai Wang 汪仕凯 Jinliang Wang 王金良 Lei Ji 吉磊 Jian Zhu 朱剑 Huan Du 杜欢 Xingjian Yan 严行健 Associate Professor, Deputy Director, Political Science Institute, East China University of Political Science and Law; PhD in Politics Associate Professor, Political Science Institute, East China University of Political Science and Law; PhD in Politics Associate Professor, Political Science Institute, East China University of Political Science and Law; PhD in Politics Associate Professor, Political Science Institute, East China University of Political Science and Law; PhD in Politics Assistant Professor, Political Science Institute, East China University of Political Science and Law; PhD in Politics Assistant Professor, Political Science Institute, East China University of Political Science and Law; PhD in Politics Assistant Professor, Political Science Institute, East China University of Political Science and Law; PhD in Politics Assistant Professor, Political Science Institute, East China University of Political Science and Law; PhD in Politics Data Mining Qiaoying Hao 郝巧英 Haiyan Ren 任海燕 Ruidan Zhang 张瑞丹 Song Li 李松 Yang Li 李阳 Xiumei Liu 刘秀梅 Bianxia Zhou 周变霞 Huan Li 李欢 Yule Zong 宗玉乐 Xin Cai 蔡鑫 Wenwen Xu 许雯雯 Layout Design 4 FOREWORD THE FUNDAMENTAL DIMENSIONS OF NATIONAL GOVERNANCE 前言:国家治理的基础之维 FOREWORD: THE FUNDAMENTAL DIMENSIONS OF NATIONAL GOVERNANCE As a “new concept, new category and new expression” in the Chinese academic circles, national governance has become a focus of research. National governance, mainly referring to governance within a country, is a comprehen- sive analysis framework. National governance index system attaches great importance to such fundamental values as infrastructure and order. The national gover- nance index developed by Chinese scholars will inevitably draw inspirations and support from the practice in China. However, Western governance indexes generally lay no stress on this point. Western scholars tend to take infrastructure for granted, thus taking no account of it. The reason behind it is that there are high levels of economic development in devel- oped Western countries, so infrastructure is longer a prob- lem. For developing countries, infrastructure, however, apparently is one of the most important fundamental conditions. The same goes for order. Therefore, when designing indicators, the research team took full account of these factors. Among the fundamental indicators proposed by the team, infrastructure is of primary impor- tance as it ensures people-people and people-items prox- imity and accessibility. Order can ensure people and infra- structure function well, and services refer to the public product that can improve the quality of life. Without such conditions, national governance would be like a tree with- out roots. The indicator of “infrastructure” includes four evaluation criteria, namely, transport infrastructure, communications infrastructure, water conservancy infrastructure and liveli- 前 言 国家治理更多是指国家范围 内的治理,是一种综合性的分 析框架。从政治发展理论的演 进来看,国家治理是对民主化 理论的反思,同时也是对现代 化理论的回归与超越。民主化 理论窄化了政治发展理论的议 题,而国家治理则重新回到系 统性的理论框架。 国家治理指标体系认为设施 和秩序等基础性价值十分重 要。中国学者所构建的国家治 理指数不可避免地会从中国经 验中寻找灵感和支撑。西方的 治理指标一般不强调这一点。 西方学者往往把设施当作是 当然的、不加考虑的内容。之 所以出现这一情况,是因为西 方发达国家的经济水平比较 高,设施从来都不是问题。然 而,对于发展中国家而言,设 施显然是最重要的基础性条件 之一。秩序也是类似。 我们在设计指标时,就充分 考虑了这些因素。在课题组提 出的基础性指标中,设施是第 一位的,设施保证了人与人、 人与物之间的一种临近性和便 利性。秩序可以保障人和设施 的良好运行,而服务则是能够 提升生活质量的基本公共产 品。缺乏了这些条件,国家治 理犹如无本之木。 5 hood infrastructure. Based on Chinas practice in national development, the team holds the view that construction of basic transport infrastructure, building of communications networks, connection of agriculture, forestry and water conservancy projects and protection of peoples basic livelihood are the basic elements for maintaining the fundamental gover- nance modality of a country, just as a doctor examines an adults most basic indicators, including skeletal development, circulation of the blood and organs functioning, to deter- mine whether he or she is healthy. The indicator of “order” includes three evaluation criteria, namely,
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