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Unit 18 Men can cook,too! lesson 35,Challenge your eyes 挑战你的眼睛 (比比谁最快),Maths,take a photo,smile,useless,take,gymnastics,Music,try,as well,on ones knees,gymnastics,easy,gym,be good at,balance,Challenge your eyes 挑战你的眼睛 (比比谁最快),Westminster Bridge,believe,the River Thames,really,pass,London Eye,bridge,any,binoculars,believe,down there,bridge,some,binoculars,ship,Challenge your eyes 挑战你的眼睛 (比比谁最快),church,park,shop,classroom,pass,church,bridge,children,binoculars,believe,there,cinema,classroom,binoculars,cinema,2. 课文导入,Can you cook?,Can your father cook?,Who cooks in your family?,What do you need to cook a meal?,3 生词学习,cook dinner,help,rice,water,pan,chop,onion,spoon,get a fork,fork,drawer,hand,wet,You see,.,You see, I can chop a watermelon.,Key words and Expressions,1.spoon n.勺子(可数名词) some spoons,2.get v.拿来 得到,3.fork n.叉子(可数名词) some forks,4. drawer n. 抽屉(可数名词) some drawers,Key words and Expressions,5.hand n.手(可数名词) two hands,6.wet adj.湿的 Its wet.,7.you see 你看.,不可数名词:物质名词和抽象名词称为不可数名词。简单的说就是这个物质不管怎么样拆分,还是原来的物质。本质没有改变,例如:我们把面包中间来一刀,变成两块,那么切下的另一块还是面包,有如我们把水分出一部分,它还是水。并没有因分离而改变。我们就把这样的名词称为不可数名词。 不可数名词的口诀: 茶水米面雨肉奶,(tea,water,rice,bread,fish,meat,mlik) 果食钱饭雨雪纸 (fruit,food,money,三餐,rain,snow,paper) 光头时空作桔糖, (light,hair,time,air,homework,orange,suger),New words,1. 洋葱(n.) onion 2. 切开(v.) chop 3.晚餐(n.) dinner 4.帮助(v.) help,5. 大米(n.不可数名词) rice 6.煮,烹调(v.) cook 7. 水(n.不可数名词) water 8. 平底锅(n.) pan,Challenge your eyes 挑战你的眼睛 (比比谁最快),onion,chop,water,dinner,water,rice,pan,help,pan,water,pan,onion,cook,help,dinner,听力理解,1 Picture talking,Where are they? Is there any rice in that jar?,Is there a knife on the table? Whats Robert getting?,What are in Williams hands? Who chops two onions?,Can Robert chop an onion? Can he get a spoon and chop an onion?,Listen and fill in the blanks,William: Lets _ _, Robert. You can _ me. Give me some_, please. _ some rice in that_.,cook,dinner,help,rice,Theres,jar,William: Put some _ in the_, and pass me a_, please. Robert: _ one? William: That one on the_. Robert: OK, Dad._.,water,pan,knife,Which,table,Here it is.,William: _ two onions, please. Robert: OK, Dad. Chop _.,Chop,two onions,William: Is there a big spoon _? Robert: Yes, Dad. William: Pass me the big spoon, please. Robert: I cant _ a spoon and _,Dad!,特指那个大的勺子,over there,get,chop an onion,grammar,1. let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 2. give sb. sth. 给某人某物 3. help sb. (to) do sth. / help sb. with sth.(名词) 帮助某人做某事 4. There be 后接不可数名词, 如 water, rice等 be动词用is 5. Here it is. 给你 6. cook dinner 做晚饭,some any a an the 区别,1)some 与any是一些的意思,修饰可数名词和不可数名词。some用于肯定句,any用于疑问句和否定句。 2)a/ an 表示一个,修饰单数名词。a 用于以辅音开头的单词,an用于以元音开头的单词 3) the 表示特指;说话者都知道的人或物;上文提到过的人或物,世界独一无二的实物,专有名词等。,实际操练,用 is are 填空,There _ some milk in the bottle. There_ two jars on the floor. There_ an old man beside the door. There_some rice in the jar.,is,are,are,is,选词填空some any a an the,1. There is _ water in the glass. 2. Are there _ boys in the river? 3. There is_knife on the table. 4. Do you know _man in the kitchen? He is _ teacher of class1. 5. Here is _ eraser.,some,any,a,the,the,an,选择,1. A: Can you see _ coffee in the packet? A. some B. any c. one 2._ in the dish? Its nice. A. What is B. What are C. Where is 3.A:I cant see a bottle on the desk. B: No, there isnt _ A. some B. any c. one,B,A,B,巩固练习,汉译英,1. 桌子上有一把刀。 Theres a knife on the table. 2.请给我一些橙汁。 Give me some orange juice, please. 3.让我们来做饭吧。 Lets cook dinner.,汉译英,1.请你切两个洋葱。 Chop two onions, please. 2. 那边有一个大勺子吗? Is there a big spoon over there? 3.请你把那个大勺子传给我。 Pass me the big spoon, please. 4. 我不能又拿勺子又拿洋葱。 I cant get a spoon and chop an onion.,Goodbye,
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