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Unit 30,An international event,new words,International event race mile,国际的 比赛 赛跑 英里,event,n.事件,(尤指)特殊事件,重大事件大事; (社交聚会、体育比赛等有计划、有组织的)活动 经历; 结果; 运动项目(体育比赛等的)比赛项目 复数:events in the event of 如果发生;万一 This will reduce the chance of serious injury in the event of an accident. 如果发生意外事故,这会减少重伤的可能性。,in the event that 假若;倘若 In the event that an attack is launched, the defenders will have been significantly weakened by air attacks. 如果发动攻击,空中打击将使防卫者的防卫能力大大减弱。 in that event 如果是那样的话;在那种情况下 In that event, the US would incline toward a lifting of the arms embargo. 在那种情况下,美国可能会取消武器禁运。,race,n.种,种族; (速度)比赛; (事件等的)进行; 人种; vt. a race against time 和时间赛跑,抢时间 It was a race against time to reach shore before the dinghy sank. 小舢板必须抢在下沉之前到达岸边。,1. Is this an arms race? 这是一场军备竞赛吗 2. We are in a race between economic recovery and economic nationalism. 我们现处于经济复苏与经济民族主义赛跑的时期。 3. We chatted about the race. 我们聊了聊这次比赛。 4. Race plays a powerful role. 种族扮演了一个重要角色,new words,runner world Australia compete,赛跑选手 世界 澳大利亚 竞争,world,n.世界; 地球; 领域; 尘世; 1.world的基本意思是“世界,天下”,常与介词 in连用,其前面可加不定冠词a。world也可指 “天体,星球”,尤指可能有生物的星球,作这 两种意思解时,可用作可数名词,也可用作不可 数名词。,2.world可表示“范围,界”; 也可表示“全 世界的人,人类,公众,群众”,这时其前须加定 冠词the; 还可表示“人世生活,世面,眼界,世 俗”。作以上解时,常用作单数形式。World 还可作“大量,无数”解。 3.in the world作强势语时用于以下结构中: 最高级结构; 有only修饰的句子; 用来修 饰nothing。 4.world还可用于其他名词前作定语。,come into the world 出世,问世,诞生 lead the world in .在方面世界领先 travel around the world 环球旅行 lower world 地狱 real world 真实的世界 world peace 世界和平 world war 世界大战 for all the world 无论如何 in the world到底,究竟 all the world to对至关重要 My family means all the world to me. 对我来说,没有什么比我的家庭更重要。,compete,vi. 1.竞赛; 竞争 take part in a race, contest, examination, etc. vi. 2.比得上,媲美 match with sb pete的基本意思是“力图取胜”,指 在比赛、辩论等有竞争活动中为征服或取 胜而进行的努力,常暗示有奖赏刺激物。pete是不及物动词,后面加介词如:with,against,for,compete against表示“与对抗”, The firm is too small to compete against large international companies. 这个公司太小,不能与大跨国公司竞争。 compete in 在方面竞争,在方面胜任 compete in a contest 参加比赛 compete in ones field 胜任自己的专业 compete to the task 能胜任工作 compete with each other 竞相争夺 compete for sbs work 工作称职,compete with 同竞争 It is difficult for a small grocery store to compete with a supermarket.小商店很难与超市抗争。 compete for比赛夺取 Runners from many countries are competing for the international prize. 来自许多国家的赛跑运动员正在为获得这项国际奖而竞争。,new words,European impressive rank marathon,欧洲的 令人印象深刻的 等级 马拉松赛跑,impressive,给人印象深刻的,感人的; 难忘的; 令人敬畏的 having a strong effect on sb, especially through size or importance 反义词 unimpressive impressive ceremony 给人以深刻印象的典礼 impressive scene 难忘的场面 impressive sermon 感人的说教,impressive speech 感人的演说 This is an impressive book. 这是一本感人的书。 Your work is very impressive. 您的工作真了不起。 This cinema is so impressive that we cant help crying. 这部影片如此感人,以至于我们禁不住流下泪来。,rank,C U军衔,职衔 position in the army, navy S 地位,社会阶层 class; social position C 排,行列 row or line of people or things 1.rank作名词时可作“一排”“一行”解,多指士兵的列队,一般用复数形式ranks。2.rank也可指“地位”,一般用单数形式。 come up the ranks 行伍出身 earn a rank 赢得地位,form a rank 排队 sit by/in rank 坐成一排 give first rank to 把放在第一位 pull /use ones rank 仗势欺人 serve in the ranks 服兵役 join the ranks 参军 take rank among with 和并列 take rank of 在之上 first rank 第一流 in the rank of 是中的一员 in the front rank 显著的 above sb in rank 地位高于某人 below /under sb in rank 地位低于某人,new words,practice Moroccan Brazilian Canadian,练习 摩洛哥人 巴西人 加拿大人,practice,U 练习,实习 ;实践,实际 ;业务 ;惯例,常规 1.practice的基本意思是“练习,实习”,指为了求 得完善或达到熟练而有规则地反复地做某事,可 用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。practice作 “实践,实际”解时是不可数名词。 2.practice作“业务”解时,一般指医生或律师所从事的职业,是可数名词。3.practice还可作“惯例,常规”解,指对某件事情一向的看法,可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词。,practice in (doing )sth 练习做某事 practice in music 练习音乐 practice in speaking English 练习讲英语 do practice 进行练习 have practice 操练 begin practice 开始训练 bring into practice 使付诸实践 carry into practice 使付诸实践 carry on practice 继续训练 continue practice 继续训练,in practice1.在实践中,实际上 in factIt sounded like a good idea, but in practice it didnt work. 这听起来像是个好主意,但做起来却行不通。 2.在不断练习中; 熟练的 She can speak English fluently as she is always in practice. 她一直在练习,所以英语讲得很流利。 Taylor was in practice with two colleagues.泰勒医生与两位同事一起开业,out of practice,疏于练习 not having spent time doing practice She was out of practice at singing. 她对歌唱荒疏了。 I havent played tennis for years, so Im really out of practice. 我已经多年不打网球,技术已经完全生疏了。,put/carry into practice,实施,实行put/carry sth into practice We have discussed the plan continually for several weeks; Now the time has come to put it into practice. 我们已连续好几个星期讨论这计划了,现在到了付诸实施的时候了。,词语辨异,practice, exercise 这两个词都有“练习”“训练”“锻炼” 的意思。其区别是:exercise多指通过体力 上的锻炼而获得力量或活力,也指学校作业 练习; practice常指为了求得完善或达到熟 练而有规则地、反复地做某事。例如: If you dont take more exercise, you will get fat.如果不多锻炼身体,你就会发胖。 He is doing exercises in English. 他在做英语练习。,new words,German Chinese name New York country,德国人 中国人 命名 纽约 国家,name,vt. 1.给取名 give a name to vt. 2.说出的名字,提的名字; 列举 say what the name of (sb/sth) is vt. 3.决定; 任命; 提名 nominate for; appoint to a position 1.name用作动词时意思是“给取名”“说出的名字”,引申可指“提名,任命”,还可指“列举”。,2.name是及物动词,可接名词或代词作宾语 作“取名”解时,可接名词充当补足语的复合 宾语; 作“提名,任命”解时可接“(to be/as/for+)n.”充当补足语的复合宾语。 3.表示“以的名字起名”时,英式英语常说 name after,美式英语则用name f
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