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反义疑问句练习1Zhou Ming has few English magazines, _?A.does he B.doesnt he C.has he D.hasnt he2Cindy could hardly speak English three years ago, _?A. couldnt she? B. could she C. can she3Alice had a wonderful time yesterday, _?A. hadnt she B. wasnt she C. didnt she D. wouldnt she4She didnt come to schoolyesterday, did she?_, though she was not feeling well.A. No, she didnt B. Yes, she didntC. No, she did D. Yes, she did5-He hardly spent any time on his subjects, _?-_, so he does badly in his lessons.A .didnt he, Yes B. did he, Yes C. didnt he, No D. did he, No6Hes read this book before, ?A. hasnt he B. doesnt he C. isnt he D. wasnt he7 Lets go for a walk, _?- OK, Im coming . Dont forget to bring your camera, _?A. will you; will you B. will you; shall weC. shall we; shall we D. shall we; will you8John had a short walk after lunch, _?A. did he B. didnt he C. had he D. hadnt he9 Nancy hardly rings you up, _?A. doesnt she B. does she C. doesnt Nancy D. does Nancy10-Your brother often disagrees with you, _ he ?- _. We often have different opinions.A.does; Yes B. doesnt ;Yes C. does; No D. doesnt; No11Kates never late for school, ?A.isnt she B.hasnthe C.is sheD.has she12- Liu Tao has never read the book The Adventure of Tom Sawyer , _ he?- _. He told me its very interesting. Hed like to read it again.A. is; No, he isnt B. has; Yes, he hasC. isnt; Yes, he is D. hasnt; No, he hasnt13Hes never late for school, _?No, he isnt .He is always very early.A. is he B. isnt he C. hasnt he D. has he14Theres little meat left in the fridge, _?_. Ill get some on my way home.A. is there, YesB. isnt there, Yes C. is there, No D. isnt there, No15Tom finished his homework, didnt he?_, though he was ill yesterday.A. No, he didnt B. Yes, he did C. Yes, he doesD. No, he doesnt16There is little water in the cup, ?A. is there B. isnt there C. isnt it D. is it17. Hes still not understood by his close friend although he has said sorry to him, _?A. hasnt he B. has he C. isnt he D. is he18 You have never visited the place before, you?A. did B. didnt C. have D. havent19 Dont keep poison in the kitchen, _?A. do you B. shall weC. will you D. dont you20 There are no museums in our city, _?A. arent thereB. are thereC. is there D. isnt there21Your father is playing the piano very well, he?A.is B.isnt C.does D.doesnt22 Its her birthday tomorrow, _ ? Yes, lets have a surprise party for her.A. isnt itB. isnt sheC. doesnt itD. doesnt she23- Hes never stolen anything before, _ he?- _. Its his third time to be taken to the police station.A. hasnt; Yes B. has; No C. has; Yes D. is; No24 Its her birthday tomorrow, _ ? Yes, lets have a surprise party for her.A. isnt itB. isnt sheC. doesnt itD. doesnt she25-Your father never watched the drama series on TV, _?-_. He thinks theses drama series are boring and dull.A.does he; Yes, he does. B. does he; No, he doesntC. doesnt he ; Yes, he does. D. doesnt he ; No, he doesnt .26 Tom is an honest boy, _ he?Yes. We trust him all the time.A. isntB. isC. doesD. doesnt27Good, youve done it well! You need no more help from us, _.?A. do you B. need youC. dont youD. neednt you28His father had an important meeting just now, _?A. did he B. had he C. didnt he D. hadnt he29 - You used to be short, didnt you?- _. I was the shortest in my class.A. Yes, I did. B. No, I didnt.C. Yes, I was. D. No, I wasnt.30The farmer is working now. Hes fed the horse and the sheep, _?A. doesnt he B. isnt he C. wasnt he D. hasnt he参考答案1A【解析】试题分析:句意为:周明几乎没有英语杂志对吗?这是一个反义疑问句,反义疑问句的结构遵循前肯定后否定或者前否定后肯定,前后人称、时态一致的原则。结合语境可知,few有否定意义,故应选A。考点:考查反义疑问句。2B【解析】试题分析:hardly意为“几乎不”,是一个否定意义的副词,反意疑问句要遵循“前肯后否,前否后肯”的原则,句意:Cindy三年前几乎不能讲英语,不是吗?故选B。考点:考查反意疑问句的用法。3C【解析】试题分析:句意:爱丽丝昨天过得很愉快,对吗?所以选C。考点:考查反意疑问句。【答案】D【解析】试题分析: 句意:昨天她没有来学校是吗?不,尽管她感觉不舒服,但是她还是来了。此题考查反意疑问句,根据句意,故选D。考点:考查反意疑问句的答语。5D【解析】试题分析:句意:他几乎不在功课上花费时间,是吗?是,所以他功课很差。前面有hardly表否定,所以反义疑问句用肯定的,排除A、C,根据后面的答句说他课程学得很差,表示他几乎不学习,所以选No,表示不学习的意思。考点: 考查反意疑问句。6A【解析】试题分析:句意:以前他已经读过这本书了,不是吗?因为前面的缩写代表的是has,反意疑问句,前肯定,后否定,选A。考点:考查反意疑问句.7D【解析】试题分析:句意:咱们去散散步,好吗?好吧,我就来。别忘了带上你的相机,好吗?反意
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