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株洲市一中年上学期高一英语阶段测验试题9 / 9 作者: 日期:个人收集整理,勿做商业用途株洲市一中2005年上学期高一英语阶段考试试题(2)总分:100分 时量:90分钟 命题人 刘同胜 (1-55题涂在答题卡上,其他题答在第二卷答题卡上)第I卷I. 单项填空:(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 A.词语解释:(5分)1.Future agriculture should depend on high technology besides traditional methods. A. except B. as to C. but also D. otherwise2.comedies entertain the audience with word play. A. amuse B. cause C. make D. allow3.If you are fluent in foreign language, you can appreciate many foreign art forms .A. are well in B. are fond of C. are interested in D. are good at4.I had intended to come to see you, but I suddenly fell ill. A. allowed B. planned C. permitted D. promised5.The climate in china differs from north to south. A. varies B. offers C. suffers D. refers B. 选择填空:(15分)6. What do you think _ these changes? More healthy food needed.A. broke B. took C. happenedD. caused7.When all his money _,Marx _leave his house in London.A. had gone; had to B. went; had had to C. was used up; has to D. had spent; had to8.It is in the school _ he studied ten years ago _ he gave a wonderful speech.A. that; where B. where; that C. where; where D. that; that9.Do you really like the coat? Yes, Ill get it _ it costs.A. no matter howeverB. how much C. however muchD. no matter10.Which is right?A. Not only is he clever but also does he work hard.B. Not only he is clever but also he works hard.C. Not only he is clever but also does he work hard.D. Not only is he clever but also he works hard.11._ is a good form of exercise for both the old and the young.A. WalkB. To walk C. Walking D. The walk12.We should make _ much use of our spare time _ we can _ English welll.A. as, as, to learn B. so, that, to learn C. as, as, learning D. as, as, learning13.Nobody knows whats happening to Tom. So his wife as well as his parents _ very worried. A. areB. wereC. was D. is14. 11.I heard someone _my name ,but surprisingly nobody was in sight.A. callingB. called C. is calling D. calls15.It is _ the early 1990 _ we have been living here.A. from, that B. since, that C. in, whenD. since, when16.Well have an exam _physics _June.A. on; in the end of B. in; at the end of C. on; at the end of D. in; in the end of17.There are twenty passengers on the bus,_ a baby.A. includingB. included C. containing D. contained18.They used to make _to hold a party at the end of a month.A. a rule B. it rule C. it a rule D. that a rule19.I dont like _for helping others.A. to be praisedB .to praise C. praised D. of being praised20.Their friendship _ the childhood is really true.A. dates back toB. dated back to C. dating back to D. to date back toII. 完形填空(本题共15小题,计30分)Galileo believed that scientists should always make experiments. He said that they 21 only sit in universities and talk, they should do 22 .They should watch the 23 of their experiments, and describe them honestly. Then they could learn more about science.Many people of that time believed that the earth 24 moved. The other planets and the sun seemed to move round the 25 ,and they believed that the earth was the center of the 26 .But Galileo didnt believe it. He said that the earth was moving around the 27 ,and this made a lot of people angry. They believed that the earth was 28 .They said that it must be the center of the universe. Galileo got into 29 and he had to say that he was wrong, but he knew that he was 30 .Galileo made many experiments, and he 31 made some telescopes. When he observed the moon 32 one of the telescopes, he saw some hills there. He also saw some of the millions of the stars in the universe-more than anyone had ever seen.In 1637,Galileos eyes became 33 and then he could not see anything through his telescope .Five years later he 34 .The world then lost a great man, but in the same year 35 great scientist, Sir Newton, was born in England.21.A.shouldB. should notC. needD. had to22.A.something elseB. everything possible C nothing at all D. anything else23.A.answersB. questionsC. resultsD. beginning24.A.neverB. alwaysC. slowlyD. sometimes25.A.moonB. earthC. landD. world26.A.oceanB. sunC. universeD. sky27.A.sunB. moonC. planetD. universe28.A.too importantB. round C. bigger than the sunD. moving fast29.A.the universityB. ItalyC. troubleD. the universe30.A.wrongB. rightC. angryD. happy31.A.tooB. eitherC. alsoD. as well32.A.throughB.
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