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Unit 4 Whats wrong with you?,Lesson 19,Whats wrong with him?,He is ill.,ill: 生病的,Just talk,1. Whats wrong with Kate?,She is ill.,2. Can she go to school today?,No, she cant.,3. Will she go to a doctor?,Yes, she will.,Just talk,Kate: May I speak to Miss Liu, please?,Miss Liu: This is Miss Liu speaking.,Kate: Good morning, Miss Liu. This is Kate. Im ill today. I have a headache.,Miss Liu: Oh dear! Do you have a cold?,ill,Im ill today.,have a headache,have a cold,have a bad cold,Kate: Yes, I have a bad cold. Im afraid I cant go to school today.,Miss Liu: Dont worry about lessons. You should go to a doctor.,Kate: Yes. My mum will take me to the doctor.,Just talk,Miss Liu: OK. Take good care of yourself.,Kate: Thank you.,Im afraid I cant go to school today.,Dont worry about your lessons.,worry,afraid,She has a _.,He has a _.,Theyre_.,headache,cold,ill,1. I have a bad cold. Im _ I cant go to school today.,2. Dont _ about your lessons.,worry,afraid,Act out!,May I speak to Miss Liu, please?,This is Miss Liu speaking.,Pair Work,Whats wrong with you?,Im ill.,Do you have a?,Yes, I have a,Summary,重点词汇:,ill,怎样表达你生病了?,Im ill today.,I have a cold/headache.,怎样询问对方怎么了?,Whats wrong with you?,afraid,worry,dear,
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