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浙江省宁波市2014届高三十校联考自选模块试题本卷共18题,满分60分,考试时间90分钟注意事项: 1将选定的题号按规定要求写在答题卡的题号内; 2考生可任选6题作答,所答试题应与题号一致;多答视作无效。语 文题号:01 “中国古代诗歌散文欣赏”模块(1 0分)阅读下面一首宋词,然后回答问题。岁朝清供汪曾祺 “岁朝清供”是中国画家爱画的画题。明清以后画这个题目的尤其多,任伯年就画过不少幅。画里画的、实际生活里供的,无非是这几样:天竹果、腊梅花、水仙。有时为了填补空白,画里加两个香橼。“橼”谐音圆,取其吉利。水仙、腊梅、天竹,是取其颜色鲜丽。隆冬风厉,百卉凋残,晴窗坐对,眼目增明,是岁朝乐事。 我家旧园有腊梅四株,主干如汤碗,近春节时,繁花满树。这几棵腊梅磐口檀心,本来是名贵的,但是我们那里重白心而轻檀心,称白者为“冰心”,而给檀心的起一个不好听的名字“狗心”。我觉得狗心腊梅也很好看。初一一早,我就爬上树去,选择一大枝要枝子好看,花蕾多的,拗折下来。腊梅枝脆,极易折,插在大胆瓶里。这枝腊梅高可三尺,很壮观。天竹我们家也有一棵,在园西墙角。不知道为什么总是长不大,细弱伶仃,结果也少。我不忍心多折,只是剪两三穗,插进胆瓶,为腊梅增色而已。 我走过很多地方,像我们家那样粗壮的腊梅还没有见过。 在安徽黟县参观古民居,几乎家家都有两三丛天竹。有一家有一棵天竹,结了那么多果子,简直是岂有此理!而且颜色是正红一般天竹果都偏一点紫。我驻足看了半天,已经走出门了,又回去看了一会儿。大概黟县土壤、气候特宜天竹。 在杭州茶叶博物馆,看见一个山坡上种了一大片天竹。我去时不是结果的时候,不能断定果子是什么颜色的,但看梗干枝叶都作深紫色,料想果子也是偏紫的b 任伯年画天竹,果极繁密。齐白石画天竹,果较疏;粒大,而色近朱红;叶亦不作羽状。或云此别是一种,湖南人谓之草天竹,未知是否。 养水仙得会“刻”,否则叶子长得很高,花弱而小,甚至花未放蕾即枯瘪。但是画水仙都还是画完整的球茎,极少画刻过的,即福建画家郑乃珧就不画刻过的水仙。刻过的水仙花美,而形态不入画。 北京人家春节供腊梅、天竹者少,因不易得。富贵人家常在大厅里摆两盆梅花(北京谓之“干枝梅”,很不好听),在泥盆外加开光风彩或景泰蓝套盆,很俗气。 穷家过年,也要有一点颜色。很多人家养一盆青蒜。这也算代替了水仙了吧。或用大萝卜一个,削去尾,挖去肉,空壳内种蒜,铁丝为箍,以线挂在朝阳的窗下,蒜叶碧绿,萝卜皮通红,萝卜缨翻卷上来,也颇悦目。 广州春节有花市,四时鲜花皆有。曾见刘旦宅画“广州春节花市所见”,画的是一个少妇的背影,背兜里背着一个娃娃。少妇著白上衣,银灰色长裤,身材很苗条,穿浅黄色拖鞋。轻轻两笔,勾出小巧的脚跟,很美。这幅画最动人之处,正在脚跟两笔。 这样鲜艳的繁花,很难说是“清供”了。 曾见一幅旧画:一间茅屋,一个老者手捧一个瓦罐,内插梅花一枝,正要放到案上,题目:“山家除夕无他事,插了梅花便过年。”这才是“岁朝清供”! 一九九二年十二月三十一日1试举例分析本文的语言风格。(4分) 2从“岁朝”之“供”入手,探究本文所表现出的民族风俗与人文精神。(6分) 题号:02“中国现代诗歌散文欣赏,”模块(10分)阅读下面的诗歌,然后回答问题。星 废名满天的星,颗颗说是永远的春花。东墙上海棠花影,簇簇说是永远的秋月。清晨醒来是冬夜梦中的事了。昨夜夜半的星,清洁真如明丽的网,疏而不失,春花秋月也都是的,子非鱼安知鱼。1这首诗表达了作者怎样的一种情怀?试结合诗句作分析。 (6分) 2本诗是如何化典故于诗的?(4分) 数 学题号:03“数学史与不等式选讲”模块(10分)(I)若存在实数x,使|x+a|+|x2|4成立,求实数a的取值范围;(II)已知x,y,z,且求的最大值。题号:04“矩阵与变换和坐标系与参数方程”模块(10分)在极坐标系Ox中,已知曲线Cl:cos,。设C1与C2交于点M(I)求点M的极坐标;(II)若动直线l过点M,且与曲线C3交于两个不同的点A,B,求最小值英 语题号:05阅读理解(分两节,共5小题;每小题2分,共10分) 阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。 Humans are rather clever animals Weve managed to teach ourselves how to express ideas through written words, as well as emotions through art and music Think about that for a minute Through our art and music, the emotion felt by an artist may be encoded through color, shadow and harmony to be decoded and experienced by an observer or listener And yet, despite the apparent ease with which artists or musicians can create a work that unlocks emotions in the audience, we have no idea how it does such an amazing thingWe do know that emotions may be expressed in art, and that humans can readily recognize themOne study, conducted in Germany, found that local Mafa people from Cameroon were able to reliably identify the emotions of happiness, sadness and fear in Western-style music. The famous psychologist and linguist Steven Pinker famously called music 66hearing cheesecake, indicating that music is an example of humans learning to exploit our emotions just as cheesecake is the result of our exploitation of our taste buds In other words, theres no mystery to how art and music create emotions; theyre designed to do so by attacking the audiences basic communicative instincts (本能) Psychologist Mark Changzi suggests that music creates emotion in the listener because we associate the sound with human movement Since were able to infer emotion from the expressions and movements of others and to influencethose people through our own emotions, then if we associate music with human movement, this explains how music can create emotion. Its an intermediary, a stand-in for real human movement If you carry out an image search online for the keywords “musical notes, points out Changzi, youll find a lot of images of musical notes that represent them in motionHumans associated music with movementMusic moves us because we picture movement in itEven the terms we used to describe music that it moves us, or a piece of a larger composition is called a “movement certify Changzis idea第一节根据短文内容,从A、 B、 C、D和E中选出最适合填入短文空白处的选项,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。选项中有一项是多余选项。AOur visual interpretations of music being played indicate this unconscious associationBHow music and art create emotion is another matter entirelyone that we have yet to understandCThat is reasonably on
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